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Monday, April 13, 2009

Sick Canadian Newborn Whose Parents Want to Use as a Heart Donor Not "Terminal" Say Disability Rights Activists

"TORONTO, April 9, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) - A two month-old child at Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children, described in the media as 'dying,' has defied doctor's predictions and continued to live after the removal of a respirator. The respirator was removed in the expectation that the child would stop breathing, and that her heart could then be harvested for transplant. Her parents have expressed their disappointment that another child who is being cared for at the hospital will now not receive their daughter's heart." (Question: Has any attorney been appointed or lawsuit filed to represent the interests of the child?) Visit:
Sick Canadian Newborn Whose Parents Want to Use as a Heart Donor Not "Terminal" Say Disability Rights Activists:

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