Pennsylvania Right to Life Issues, Pro-Life Education and Resources, Abortion, Health Care, End of Life Issues, 2020 Elections. Covid19 related issues, Catholic Faith
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Operation Rescue® Names Pro-Life Person of the Year
"Wichita, KS — Operation Rescue announces that Lila Rose, a 20-year old UCLA student that has made national headlines exposing wrong-doing at abortion clinics, is the recipient of its 2008 Person of the Year Malachi Award." “Lila Rose exemplifies the new wave of pro-life activism and best reflects Operation Rescue’s own efforts to expose illegal conduct in our nation’s abortion mills,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “Her work has helped raise public awareness of the seedy underbelly of the abortion industry and has helped to launch criminal investigations that we pray will eventually hold out-of-control abortionists accountable for their criminal acts.” Visit: Operation Rescue®:
Deal W. Hudson : Change Is Coming to Our Nation's Abortion Laws
Change is Coming to Our Nation's Abortion Laws, written by Deal W. Hudson gives readers a glimpse of the direction the pro-abortion organizations who signed the doccument would like the Obama Administration to take:
"For example, notice the following four recommendations out of the many contained in the document:
· Provide $1 Billion for International Family Planning Programs
· Restore Funding to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
· Increase Funding for Title X Family Planning Program to $700 Million
· De-fund Abstinence-Only Programs
(Editor's note: Nothing like reaching across the asile to pro-lifers and knocking their teeth out!)
Taken together, the proposed policies would accomplish three things: 1) treat abortion as a health care right, 2) provide funding for abortions by insurance carriers or the government, and 3) put judges and political appointees in place who will protect the abortion and government-funding from future challenges." Visit:
Deal W. Hudson : Change Is Coming to Our Nation's Abortion Laws:
"For example, notice the following four recommendations out of the many contained in the document:
· Provide $1 Billion for International Family Planning Programs
· Restore Funding to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
· Increase Funding for Title X Family Planning Program to $700 Million
· De-fund Abstinence-Only Programs
(Editor's note: Nothing like reaching across the asile to pro-lifers and knocking their teeth out!)
Taken together, the proposed policies would accomplish three things: 1) treat abortion as a health care right, 2) provide funding for abortions by insurance carriers or the government, and 3) put judges and political appointees in place who will protect the abortion and government-funding from future challenges." Visit:
Deal W. Hudson : Change Is Coming to Our Nation's Abortion Laws:
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Did the Star of Bethlehem Really Exist? EWTN Christmas Specials
Did the Star of Bethlehem Really Exist?
“The Passion of the Christ” Producer Stephen McEveety created a documentary that proves the existence of the Star of Bethlehem. The star's existence has been debated for centuries. “Either they believe the Star is true or they think it was made up by the early Church,” says Texas A&”M Professor Rick Larson. “I took a different approach in my research and treated the Star as a mystery or puzzle, looking at the Bible and comparing the facts of Scripture with facts from science and history.” (The EWTN Christmas special will be aired Dec. 25, 8 p.m. Dec. 27, 3 a.m. Dec. 28, 5:30 p.m. Dec. 29, 10:30 a.m. Dec. 31) For information on this and other Christmas specials visit
EWTN's Christmas Specials To Include Documentary from 'Passion of the Christ' Producer - Catholic Online: "EWTN's Christmas Specials To Include Documentary from 'Passion of the Christ' Producer"
“The Passion of the Christ” Producer Stephen McEveety created a documentary that proves the existence of the Star of Bethlehem. The star's existence has been debated for centuries. “Either they believe the Star is true or they think it was made up by the early Church,” says Texas A&”M Professor Rick Larson. “I took a different approach in my research and treated the Star as a mystery or puzzle, looking at the Bible and comparing the facts of Scripture with facts from science and history.” (The EWTN Christmas special will be aired Dec. 25, 8 p.m. Dec. 27, 3 a.m. Dec. 28, 5:30 p.m. Dec. 29, 10:30 a.m. Dec. 31) For information on this and other Christmas specials visit
EWTN's Christmas Specials To Include Documentary from 'Passion of the Christ' Producer - Catholic Online: "EWTN's Christmas Specials To Include Documentary from 'Passion of the Christ' Producer"
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Is Captialism Ruining Christmas?

"Catholics are seriously annoyed at the way the holiday season is changing. If you are among them, you are probably already annoyed at this article, because I didn't say Christmas season. It is Christmas, for goodness sake, so why can't we just say that? I received an e-mail the other day from headlined, 'The 12 Days of Holiday,' and the official greeting we get from store clerks is 'Happy Holidays.' In fact, there are cases in which corporate higher-ups have ordered employees not to say 'Merry Christmas.'
All of this represents a shift in the culture, no question about it. But who or what is at fault?" - Is Capitalism Ruining Christmas?:
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Anti-Religion Sign Set Up Next To Christmas Crib in Washington State Capitol Building
A sign which reads, 'There are no gods, no devils, no angels, no heaven or hell. There is only our natural world. Religion is but myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds' has been allowed to be placed beside a traditional Nativity scene and a 25 foot Christmas tree, now called a 'holiday tree,' inside the Washington state capitol building by state governor Christine Gregoire.
The sign was sponsored and set up by the atheistic Freedom from Religion Foundation and approved by Gregoire and Attorney General Rob McKenna, who defended their decision by saying that free-speech rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution's First Amendment justified allowing the sign to be erected." Visit:
Anti-Religion Sign Set Up Next To Christmas Crib in Washington State Capitol Building:
The sign was sponsored and set up by the atheistic Freedom from Religion Foundation and approved by Gregoire and Attorney General Rob McKenna, who defended their decision by saying that free-speech rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution's First Amendment justified allowing the sign to be erected." Visit:
Anti-Religion Sign Set Up Next To Christmas Crib in Washington State Capitol Building:
Explore | Abortion Changes You
"My boyfriend drove me [to another town] to have the procedure done. When I went into the clinic, I remember thinking how very cold, dark and dank it was. That was also how I felt, a cold person for having this procedure done. I was scared and alone. We walked into the office and the nurse called me back to the room. They did not explain the procedure me and only told me that the situation—and I—would be all right after it was over. The nurse gave me a sedative for the pain, yet I cried throughout the entire ordeal, not from just the pain, from the life of the baby being sucked so brutally from my body." Visit:
Explore | Abortion Changes You:
Explore | Abortion Changes You:
Euthanasia in Kenya - Secondhand Smoke: Your 24/7 Seminar on Bioethics and the Importance of Being Human
"Mr John Hurst, a British investor and the managing director of Dignity International, is the man behind the plans to introduce the Doctor Assisted Suicide (DAS) in Kenya. He says the logic behind assisted-suicide is that since the terminally ill patient will eventually die, it would be better to hasten their death to save the patient from pain and the family from the financial burden that may arise after prolonged treatment." Visit
Secondhand Smoke: Your 24/7 Seminar on Bioethics and the Importance of Being Human:
Secondhand Smoke: Your 24/7 Seminar on Bioethics and the Importance of Being Human:
Advent: Preparing Ourselves for the Coming of Christ: A Homily by Father Peter West

Fr. West's Catholic Blog: November 2005: "The first part which begins on the First Sunday of Advent and lasts until December 16 emphasizes the preparation for the second coming of Christ. Advent should be a joyful time. A large part of the joy of Christmas is the waiting in joyful expectation for it. If we prepare in the right spirit for Christmas we will not only enjoy our Christmas morning but the time of preparation as well.
Advent should be a time when we renew our Christian commitment. We should seek during this time to deepen our relationship with Christ so that when we appear before him as judge, we won’t hear those awful words 'I never knew you. Depart from me into the everlasting flame prepared for the devil and his angels.' (Matthew 7, 23)"
Monday, December 22, 2008
Pro-Abortion Med Student Shrinks away from Practice after "Disturbingly Brutal" Procedure
"Though she had practiced the procedure as a student at the University of Maryland School of Medicine by scraping out a piece of fruit with razor-sharp abortion instruments, Lesley Wojcik learned that her training could never have prepared her for a real abortion.
What caught her off-guard, says the second-year med student, was the brutality of a procedure that subjects women to extreme pain.
In a Washington Post article detailing her journey to become an abortionist, Wojcik describes how during her first witnessed abortion, she recoiled in horror as the mother began letting out blood-curdling screams. The woman, who was 'in obvious pain,' had been only partially sedated, and the ordeal was so disturbing that Wojcik says she nearly vomited."Pro-Abortion Med Student Shrinks away from Practice after "Disturbingly Brutal" Procedure:
What caught her off-guard, says the second-year med student, was the brutality of a procedure that subjects women to extreme pain.
In a Washington Post article detailing her journey to become an abortionist, Wojcik describes how during her first witnessed abortion, she recoiled in horror as the mother began letting out blood-curdling screams. The woman, who was 'in obvious pain,' had been only partially sedated, and the ordeal was so disturbing that Wojcik says she nearly vomited."Pro-Abortion Med Student Shrinks away from Practice after "Disturbingly Brutal" Procedure:
Secondhand Smoke: Your 24/7 Seminar on Bioethics and the Importance of Being Human: The Washington State Assisted Suicide Campaign
Editor's note: Wesley Smith writes: "There isn't space in a blog to fully describe the piece (from the New York Times magazine published prior to the election on assisted suicide.) So, let's just focus on two things. First, this is an 'I-I,' 'me-me' agenda of the elites and Establishment-types like Gardner. Here Governor Gardner describes his reasons for promoting assisted suicide: As he (Gardner) states in the piece:
'Why do this?' he asked, turning from the other tables toward me. 'I want to be involved in public life. I was looking for an issue, and this one fell in my lap. One advantage I have in this thing is that people like me. 'The other'--his leprechaun eyes lost their glint; his fleshy cheeks seemed to harden, his lips to thin, his face to reshape itself almost into a square--'is that my logic is impeccable. My life, my death, my control.'" (Editor's Note: Nothing like self delusion!) To continue with the Wesley Smith blog post visit:
Secondhand Smoke: Your 24/7 Seminar on Bioethics and the Importance of Being Human: The Washington State Assisted Suicide Campaign Begins:
Sue Cirba writes: Why focus on assisted suicide now? Everyone expects the Obama administration to concentrate on promoting abortion wherever they can, but not as many are aware that Obama will just as vehemently promote assisted suicide. Billionaire George Soros who has heavily contributed to the Democrats, will now expect to be repaid. Remember it is Soros who bankrolls the extremists at so a network is in place to reach the grassroots liberals, exert political pressure and continue to raise money.
'Why do this?' he asked, turning from the other tables toward me. 'I want to be involved in public life. I was looking for an issue, and this one fell in my lap. One advantage I have in this thing is that people like me. 'The other'--his leprechaun eyes lost their glint; his fleshy cheeks seemed to harden, his lips to thin, his face to reshape itself almost into a square--'is that my logic is impeccable. My life, my death, my control.'" (Editor's Note: Nothing like self delusion!) To continue with the Wesley Smith blog post visit:
Secondhand Smoke: Your 24/7 Seminar on Bioethics and the Importance of Being Human: The Washington State Assisted Suicide Campaign Begins:
Sue Cirba writes: Why focus on assisted suicide now? Everyone expects the Obama administration to concentrate on promoting abortion wherever they can, but not as many are aware that Obama will just as vehemently promote assisted suicide. Billionaire George Soros who has heavily contributed to the Democrats, will now expect to be repaid. Remember it is Soros who bankrolls the extremists at so a network is in place to reach the grassroots liberals, exert political pressure and continue to raise money.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
The New Atlantis » Ten Years of "Death with Dignity"
"The Oregon Death with Dignity Act (ODDA), which permits physicians to write a prescription for lethal drugs to qualified terminally ill patients, has been in effect for a little over a decade. It has, from October 1997 to the present, been the only such statute in the United States permitting what is variously called “physician-assisted suicide,” “physician aid in dying,” or “death with dignity” (the statute refers to the procedure as the ending of life in a “humane and dignified manner”). However, in the November 2008 election, citizens in the state of Washington will have an opportunity to vote on ballot initiative I-1000, a measure that is essentially the same as the Oregon statute. The advocacy group promoting I-1000 has drawn on features of the Oregon experience to indicate that the Oregon law is “very safe and effective” and that “aid in dying is working.” To weigh the claims made by supporters and opponents of the proposed Washington state initiative, we ought to carefully examine the first decade of Oregon’s experience with physician-assisted suicide." oip
The New Atlantis » Ten Years of "Death with Dignity":
The New Atlantis » Ten Years of "Death with Dignity":
Physician Assisted Suicide: The New Atlantis » Rita Marker on I-1000
"In this interview, Rita L. Marker, executive director of the International Task Force on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide, discusses I-1000, the physician-assisted-suicide initiative on the ballot in Washington state in the 2008 elections, as well as the history of physician-assisted suicide over the past decade in the neighboring state of Oregon. (For more on this subject, see Courtney S. Campbell’s essay “Ten Years of ‛Death with Dignity’” in the Fall 2008 New Atlantis.) [October 22, 2008]" For this 15 minute recorded interview visit:
The New Atlantis » Rita Marker on I-1000:
The New Atlantis » Rita Marker on I-1000:
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Catholic Pro-Abortion Politicians Receive Significant Funding From Abortion Lobby
"Lisa Correnti is a San Diego mother of seven children. But like many other Catholic mothers, she has engaged in politics in order to defend the basic values of her faith. For several years she has quietly built her Web site,, into a goldmine of up-to-date information on the performance of Catholic politicians." Correnti found that a number of the 162 Catholics currently in Congress have taken money from pro-abortion groups. Visit:
Catholic Pro-Abortion Politicians Receive Significant Funding From Abortion Lobby:
Catholic Pro-Abortion Politicians Receive Significant Funding From Abortion Lobby:
Monday, December 15, 2008
40 Days for Life Reports Results of Fall 2008 Campaign
For the results of the 40 Days for Life Fall 2008 Campaign read this blog post:
"Amazing things happened during this fall's 40 Days for Life effort:
More than 76,000 believers joined together in an historic display of Christian unity, praying and fasting for an end to abortion, and conducting peaceful 40-day prayer vigils outside Planned Parenthood centers and abortion facilities
Reports from around the country documented 614 lives spared from abortion -- and those are just the ones we know about" But even more amazing is the more recent post showing 40 days for life volunteers in California standing before an abortion clinic with a real estate sign in front it. The abortion mill closed on day 39 of the Fall campaign. You can also listen to teatimony from local campaigns. Visit: 40 Days for Life:
"Amazing things happened during this fall's 40 Days for Life effort:
More than 76,000 believers joined together in an historic display of Christian unity, praying and fasting for an end to abortion, and conducting peaceful 40-day prayer vigils outside Planned Parenthood centers and abortion facilities
Reports from around the country documented 614 lives spared from abortion -- and those are just the ones we know about" But even more amazing is the more recent post showing 40 days for life volunteers in California standing before an abortion clinic with a real estate sign in front it. The abortion mill closed on day 39 of the Fall campaign. You can also listen to teatimony from local campaigns. Visit: 40 Days for Life:
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Join Those Praying to End Abortion - December 13th in Allentown
Subject: Praying at abortion clinic on Saturday: December 13th, 2008
Date: Mon, 8 Dec 2008 11:57:32 -0500
To: Pro-lifers,
Hello fellow Pro-lifers,
I will be going to the Allentown's Women Center this Saturday: December 13th to pray for an end to abortion. Fr. Ed Buchheit from St. Ann's in Scranton will also be joining us. We can meet at St.Ann's in Scranton at 7:00 am or any other place. Please let me know if you can make it. The rosary begins at 9:00 am & ends at 10:00 approx. We are back home prior to noon.
Sponsored by: Helpers of God's Precious Infants -held every second Saturday of the month at the Allentown Women's Center.
Thank you.
Ada Magni
Interested persons can contact Ada by e-mail at:
Note: If you are not able to join the group in person, please pray to end abortion between 9 am and 10 am this Saturday.
Date: Mon, 8 Dec 2008 11:57:32 -0500
To: Pro-lifers,
Hello fellow Pro-lifers,
I will be going to the Allentown's Women Center this Saturday: December 13th to pray for an end to abortion. Fr. Ed Buchheit from St. Ann's in Scranton will also be joining us. We can meet at St.Ann's in Scranton at 7:00 am or any other place. Please let me know if you can make it. The rosary begins at 9:00 am & ends at 10:00 approx. We are back home prior to noon.
Sponsored by: Helpers of God's Precious Infants -held every second Saturday of the month at the Allentown Women's Center.
Thank you.
Ada Magni
Interested persons can contact Ada by e-mail at:
Note: If you are not able to join the group in person, please pray to end abortion between 9 am and 10 am this Saturday.
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Phill Kline Wins Planned Parenthood Abortion Case that Media Reported he Lost
"December 8, 2008 ( – While the mainstream media has widely, indeed almost exclusively, reported that Kansas’ pro-life Johnson County District Attorney Phill Kline lost a major case before the state Supreme Court last week, the court decision reveals that, far from losing, Kline in fact came out victorious against Planned Parenthood on every major point.
The case was brought against Kline by Planned Parenthood (PP) of Kansas, which sought to have Kline return to the attorney general’s office all the PP patient records that he had obtained during his term as AG. While serving as Attorney General, Kline had initiated an investigation against PP, bringing 107 criminal charges against the organization for violations including performing illegal late-term abortions and falsifying documents." Visit:
Phill Kline Wins Planned Parenthood Abortion Case that Media Reported he Lost:
The case was brought against Kline by Planned Parenthood (PP) of Kansas, which sought to have Kline return to the attorney general’s office all the PP patient records that he had obtained during his term as AG. While serving as Attorney General, Kline had initiated an investigation against PP, bringing 107 criminal charges against the organization for violations including performing illegal late-term abortions and falsifying documents." Visit:
Phill Kline Wins Planned Parenthood Abortion Case that Media Reported he Lost:
MyFox Chicago | Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich Arrested by FBI
Fox News Chicago reports Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich was arrested by the FBI. "The governor was arrested at his home this morning on charges he conspired to sell or trade President-elect Barack Obama's vacant Senate seat to the highest bidder." Visit:
MyFox Chicago | Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich Arrested by FBI:
MyFox Chicago | Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich Arrested by FBI:
Saturday, December 06, 2008
The List So Far - Anti-Life Appointments in the Obama Administration (Updated)
"Following is a list of Obama appointments so far who have a track record of opposing the pro-life movement and actively promoting the anti-life cause.
Chief of Staff: Rahm Emanuel - The Clinton veteran... earned a 100% NARAL pro-choice rating and a pro-homosexuality track record during his years as an Illinois congressman. Commerce Secretary: Bill Richardson - ...the Democrat has worked against true marriage and pushes so vehemently for unrestricted 'reproductive rights' he was named a 'Champion of Choice' by NARAL in January of 2007. Also,Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS): Tom Daschle - Daschle gained notoriety for his consistently pro-abortion voting record in his years as Democratic Senate majority leader. Visit: The List So Far - Anti-Life Appointments in the Obama Administration (Updated):
Chief of Staff: Rahm Emanuel - The Clinton veteran... earned a 100% NARAL pro-choice rating and a pro-homosexuality track record during his years as an Illinois congressman. Commerce Secretary: Bill Richardson - ...the Democrat has worked against true marriage and pushes so vehemently for unrestricted 'reproductive rights' he was named a 'Champion of Choice' by NARAL in January of 2007. Also,Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS): Tom Daschle - Daschle gained notoriety for his consistently pro-abortion voting record in his years as Democratic Senate majority leader. Visit: The List So Far - Anti-Life Appointments in the Obama Administration (Updated):
Grandmother's Account of Traumatizing Experience with Abortion Moves Jamaican Parliamentarians to Tears
"Anne Arthur, a grief counselor, told the parliament she has never fully recovered from having bullied her daughter into killing her unborn child. 'I drove my daughter to the abortion clinic like a lamb to the slaughterhouse, against her will,' Arthur told her audience.
'I pressed my views on her and convinced her that she would be unable to care for the child while studying and an abortion would be the best thing to do, offering her no other solution or help … While my 12-week-old grand-daughter was ripped apart from my daughter's womb, I knew with brutal clarity that I had made the greatest mistake of my life,' said Arthur." Visit:
Grandmother's Account of Traumatizing Experience with Abortion Moves Jamaican Parliamentarians to Tears:
'I pressed my views on her and convinced her that she would be unable to care for the child while studying and an abortion would be the best thing to do, offering her no other solution or help … While my 12-week-old grand-daughter was ripped apart from my daughter's womb, I knew with brutal clarity that I had made the greatest mistake of my life,' said Arthur." Visit:
Grandmother's Account of Traumatizing Experience with Abortion Moves Jamaican Parliamentarians to Tears:
Terri-Schiavo-Like Disabled Woman Allowed to Live after Parents Reconcile
A disabled woman's mother has reconciled with her ex-husband after having fought to remove her daughter's feeding tube, and after state legislation rescued the woman from death by dehydration. The woman’s mother now confesses that her daughter should be able to live.
Lauren Richardson suffered severe brain damage following a 2006 heroin overdose. Richardson, who was pregnant at the time, was able to deliver a healthy baby girl in February 2007 while on life support." A disabled woman's mother has reconciled with her ex-husband after having fought to remove her daughter's feeding tube, and after state legislation rescued the woman from death by dehydration. The woman’s mother now confesses that her daughter should be able to live.
Terri-Schiavo-Like Disabled Woman Allowed to Live after Parents Reconcile: "DOVER, Delaware, November 20, 2008 ( -
Lauren Richardson suffered severe brain damage following a 2006 heroin overdose. Richardson, who was pregnant at the time, was able to deliver a healthy baby girl in February 2007 while on life support." A disabled woman's mother has reconciled with her ex-husband after having fought to remove her daughter's feeding tube, and after state legislation rescued the woman from death by dehydration. The woman’s mother now confesses that her daughter should be able to live.
Terri-Schiavo-Like Disabled Woman Allowed to Live after Parents Reconcile: "DOVER, Delaware, November 20, 2008 ( -
Friday, December 05, 2008
Film Review: Volition - A Film that Demands a Radical Choice
Tim and Matthew Morgan have somehow produced a first-class short film that masterfully deals with the taboo issue of abortion despite working with a budget that would pay for approximately thirty seconds of a Hollywood blockbuster. 'Volition,' first created for a short film competition, is as yet unknown, but will soon, I predict, become very well known indeed, as it very well should.
Indeed, Volition is an astonishing achievement. The film itself is not made any greater by the fact that Tim Morgan, who directed it, is only 23-years-old, and that his brother, who composed all of the music, is only 20-years-old, but the ages of the brothers does help put the scope of their accomplishment into even greater relief." Visit: Film Review: Volition - A Film that Demands a Radical Choice: "November 25, 2008 ( -
Indeed, Volition is an astonishing achievement. The film itself is not made any greater by the fact that Tim Morgan, who directed it, is only 23-years-old, and that his brother, who composed all of the music, is only 20-years-old, but the ages of the brothers does help put the scope of their accomplishment into even greater relief." Visit: Film Review: Volition - A Film that Demands a Radical Choice: "November 25, 2008 ( -
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Bishop takes his place on the national stage with his staunch anti-abortion stance | News | - The Times-Tribune
"Bishop Joseph F. Martino arrived unannounced at a Honesdale forum on faith and politics in October and insisted that abortion must be the primary voting issue for Catholics.
“No social issue has caused the death of 50 million people,” he told the audience at St. John’s Catholic Church. Before he made his hasty exit, he added, “This is madness, people.” Bishop Martino has emphasized that he is the “one teacher” in the Diocese of Scranton, but in recent months, word of the passion of his lessons has traveled far beyond the 11 counties where he has spiritual authority." Visit:
Bishop takes his place on the national stage with his staunch anti-abortion stance | News | - The Times-Tribune: One wonders about the purpose of this article. SKC
“No social issue has caused the death of 50 million people,” he told the audience at St. John’s Catholic Church. Before he made his hasty exit, he added, “This is madness, people.” Bishop Martino has emphasized that he is the “one teacher” in the Diocese of Scranton, but in recent months, word of the passion of his lessons has traveled far beyond the 11 counties where he has spiritual authority." Visit:
Bishop takes his place on the national stage with his staunch anti-abortion stance | News | - The Times-Tribune: One wonders about the purpose of this article. SKC
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Georgia Voters Pick Pro-Life Chambliss Over Pro-Abortion Martin for Senate
"Voters in Georgia went to the polls on Tuesday, Dec. 2 and decided to return their pro-life Sen. Saxby Chambliss to the Senate over pro-abortion opponent Jim Martin. The runoff election was important because it gives pro-life advocates another vote to help stop the pro-abortion policies and judges of Barack Obama.
Chambliss won a second term easily over Martin and, with 92 percent of the precincts counted, Chambliss led Martin by 58 percent to 42 percent." Visit:
Georgia Voters Pick Pro-Life Chambliss Over Pro-Abortion Martin for Senate:
Chambliss won a second term easily over Martin and, with 92 percent of the precincts counted, Chambliss led Martin by 58 percent to 42 percent." Visit:
Georgia Voters Pick Pro-Life Chambliss Over Pro-Abortion Martin for Senate:
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Vatican Cardinal: "A New World Order is Gaining Ground"
Cardinal Stanislaw Rylko, warned, "The idea of creating a 'new man' completely detached from the Judeo-Christian tradition, a new 'world order,' a new 'global ethic,' is gaining ground." and "Speaking of Christians today he said, 'Our true problem is not being a minority, but rather having voluntarily become marginal, irrelevant, because of our lack of courage, so that we will be left alone, because of our mediocrity.' 'For Christians,' Cardinal Rylko added, 'the moment has arrived to free themselves from a false inferiority complex … to be valiant witnesses of Christ.'" Amen to that! To read the full article visit:
Vatican Cardinal: "A New World Order is Gaining Ground":
Vatican Cardinal: "A New World Order is Gaining Ground":
Monday, December 01, 2008
Report Reveals Students Lack Awareness of Resources Needed by Pregnant and Parenting College Students: Perception is Reality - Feminists for Life of America
"Feminists for Life of America has released Perception is Reality, a study of FFL's first nationwide Pregnancy Resources SurveyTM. FFL's Pregnancy Resources Survey was created to discover students' awareness of resources and support for pregnant and parenting students on college and university campuses. This report, the first of its kind, highlights the perceptions that students have about resource availability on their campuses.
According to FFL's report, responses to the survey reveal that either most surveyed campuses lack resources or that students - including student activists most interested in the provision of resources - are ignorant of the resources available. For pregnant and parenting students on those campuses, the perception that they have no resources or support is their reality." Visit:
Press Release - New Report Reveals Students Lack Awareness of Resources Needed by Pregnant and Parenting College Students: Perception is Reality - Feminists for Life of America: What pregnancy support resources are available to college students in your city?
According to FFL's report, responses to the survey reveal that either most surveyed campuses lack resources or that students - including student activists most interested in the provision of resources - are ignorant of the resources available. For pregnant and parenting students on those campuses, the perception that they have no resources or support is their reality." Visit:
Press Release - New Report Reveals Students Lack Awareness of Resources Needed by Pregnant and Parenting College Students: Perception is Reality - Feminists for Life of America: What pregnancy support resources are available to college students in your city?
Pope Gregory the Great - Spirituality for Busy People | Christian History
I thought readers might enjoy this article on Pope Gregory the Great.
"For those who think administrators are no more than 'empty suits,' with nothing to teach us spiritually, the early medieval Pope Gregory I ('the Great') is the great counter-example. Gregory (ca. 540-604) was a contemplative mystic at heart who struggled all of his days with the conflict between busyness and intimacy with Christ. And this struggle gave him great pastoral sympathy for a group of people who had become 'second-class citizens' in Christendom: married layfolk. His meditations on the busy life—the life he associated both with Jesus' friend Martha and Jacob's wife Leah—led him to formulate a spiritual theology that blasted monastic elitism and freed busy laypeople to enjoy the contemplative life." Visit: Spirituality for Busy People | Christian History:
"For those who think administrators are no more than 'empty suits,' with nothing to teach us spiritually, the early medieval Pope Gregory I ('the Great') is the great counter-example. Gregory (ca. 540-604) was a contemplative mystic at heart who struggled all of his days with the conflict between busyness and intimacy with Christ. And this struggle gave him great pastoral sympathy for a group of people who had become 'second-class citizens' in Christendom: married layfolk. His meditations on the busy life—the life he associated both with Jesus' friend Martha and Jacob's wife Leah—led him to formulate a spiritual theology that blasted monastic elitism and freed busy laypeople to enjoy the contemplative life." Visit: Spirituality for Busy People | Christian History:
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