It may not be too late to reverse the abortion pill (Mifeprex or RU-486) – call 1-877-558-0333

Thursday, December 31, 2009

National Right to Life Committee Does Not Support Casey Compromise Language in the Health Care Bill

"NRLC Legislative Director Douglas Johnson and Senior Legislative Counsel Susan T. Muskett wrote, in part:

We believe that your proposed language in no way improves the highly objectionable provisions of the Reid bill that authorize subsidies for health plans that cover elective abortion, and that authorize federal mandates for private health plans to cover elective abortion.

...The Reid bill, as modified by your proposal, would effectively enshrine in federal law the doctrine that elective abortion is routine health care, and then deign to allow individual citizens to declare themselves to be conscientious objectors. This is a political fig leaf for a pro-abortion policy – and a cellophane fig leaf, at that."

Silent No More Awareness Campaign

On January 22, 2010,Members of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign meet during the
37th Annual March for Life in Washington D.C. To share their testimonies on the steps of the Supreme Court. The March for Life begins with a Rally at 11:00 am at the Washington Mall and at 1:00 pm the March begins. Silent No More members will share their testimonies on the steps of the Supreme Court immediately following the March. Members must be pre-registered to share their testimony. Contact Georgette Forney at georgette@silentnomoreawarreness.org

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Man walks again after MS stem cell treatment - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

"An Australian man appears to have made a remarkable recovery from multiple sclerosis after receiving new stem cell treatment.
Ben Leahy, 20, was diagnosed with the disease in 2008 and ended up in intensive care at one point with respiratory failure after his condition deteriorated rapidly."
Man walks again after MS stem cell treatment - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation):

Monday, December 21, 2009

Public Doesn't Like Healthcare Bill, So Democrats Must Buy Votes - Mary Kate Cary (usnews.com)

On Good Morning America this morning, Sen. John McCain was asked why Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid was trading so much money for so few votes: "Because they [Senate Democrats] haven't got the American public ... 60 percent of the American people are against this. They want it stopped and they certainly—as they find out more about this unsavory process we've been through, the Cornhusker Kickback, the Louisiana Purchase, the Florida FlimFlam and all of the other kinds of dealing that went on—they'll find it very distasteful. Visit:Public Doesn't Like Healthcare Bill, So Democrats Must Buy Votes - Mary Kate Cary (usnews.com)

Catholic Television of the Diocese of Scranton's Christmas Specials

SAN JUAN CHILDREN'S CHOIR PRESENTS: SIEMPRE NAVIDAD: The San Juan Children’s Choir celebrates Christmas with music from around the world, a unique concert expressing the joyful spirit of the holidays in Puerto Rico. (60 min) Dec 24, 1:00 AM

SOLEMN MASS OF CHRISTMAS EVE WITH POPE BENEDICT XVI (LIVE) Solemnity of the Birth of Our Lord: Mass with the Holy Father from St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. (2 hr) Dec 24, 4:00 PM; Dec 25, 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM


URBI ET ORBI: BENEDICT XVI'S CHRISTMAS MESSAGE TO THE WORLD (LIVE) From St. Peter's Square, Rome. Join the Holy Father for his inspiring Christmas Day message to the world on the celebration of Christ’s birth. (30 min)
Dec 25, 6:00 AM, encores at 11:00 PM, and Dec 26, 1:30 AM and 6:00 PM.

The Catholic University of America presents their annual Christmas concert from the magnificent Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC. (60 min) Dec 27, 10:00 PM

“A CHRISTMAS CONCERT”; a FOCUS Special, (1 hour) Dec 29, 8:00 p.m.

“AN IRISH CHRISTMAS”; a FOCUS Special (1 hour) Dec 29, 9:00 a.m.

VESPERS OF THANKSGIVING (LIVE) The Holy Father will preside at the first vespers of thanksgiving at the year's end in St. Peter's Basilica. (90 min)
Dec 31, 12:00 PM and encore at 5:00 PM

Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God and 43rd World Day of Peace. Holy Father to preside at Mass in St. Peter's Basilica, Rome. (90 min)

Jan 01, 4:00 AM, encore 12:00 PM and 6:30 PM.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Fr. West's Catholic Blog

"What’s wrong with the health care bill from a Catholic perspective? In short, it funds abortion. It does not sufficiently protect the conscience rights of health care workers who refuse to have anything to do with abortion, euthanasia, human cloning or destructive embryonic stem cell research. It rations health care to the sick and the elderly, and the massive government takeover is a violation of a basic principle of Catholic social teaching - the principle of subsidiarity." visit:
Fr. West's Catholic Blog: "What’s wrong with the health care bill from a Catholic perspective?

Saturday, December 19, 2009

race42008.com » Blog Archive » Will Senator Nelson Cave On Killing The Unborn?

On Nelson caving the answer has alwaye been "OF COURSE!" It was only a matter of price.
Ben Nelson will support the final Senate bill being brought forth by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV). Nelson fought for an abortion compromise in the bill; unfortunately for his efforts, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has stated its opposition to the compromise.
Obviously, the USCCB has a limited impact on any bill; however, it does provide a framework from which to base one’s pro-life support on. If a compromise is not supported by the USCCB, that definitively shows the final bill will not be pro-life in nature. Good for the Church in standing for its principles, especially given how much of the nation’s medical care is provided by the Catholic Church: “615 Catholic hospitals account for 12.5% of community hospitals in the United States, and over 15.5% of all U.S. hospital admissions." Visit:
race42008.com » Blog Archive » Will Senator Nelson Cave On Killing The Unborn?: How will Catholic health care be affected by Obama's legislation? Please comment.

Steele: Dems Are 'Ramming This Government-Run Health Care Program Through Congress' | TPM LiveWire

"Today we learned that Harry Reid's backroom deals and closed-door meetings have led to a health care bill that will cost American taxpayers nearly a trillion dollars. And get this: Harry Reid and the Democrats are celebrating. While they claim victory, the American people will be faced with higher taxes, increased premiums and cuts to Medicare. They are ramming this government-run health care program through Congress - when Americans don't want it, and our country can't afford it." Visit:
Steele: Dems Are 'Ramming This Government-Run Health Care Program Through Congress' | TPM LiveWire:

Friday, December 18, 2009

Doctor and U.S. Senator Tom Coburn on Health Care

Who knowa more about health care? Physicians or politicians who don't even read the bills they vote for? Here are few facts from physician-Senator Tom Coburn. Did the senate listen to the facts bofore they voted in government controlled health care? Nope. Elitists know best. Doctor Coburn: “Many of the problems we face today in health care, such as cost and lack of choice and access to quality care, are the consequence of government interference. These problems will only get worse if Congress spends $2.5 trillion on legislation to put the government in charge of more of our health care decisions,” Dr. Coburn said.

Patients in government run health plans have fewer options and lower quality of care:

• Medicare denies medical claims at twice the rate of some of the largest private insurers.
• Nearly one in three (29 percent) Medicare beneficiaries who were looking for a primary care doctor had a problem finding one to treat them, according to a June 2008 Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) survey.
• Forty percent of physicians refuse to accept Medicaid patients. Visit:.: United States Senator Tom Coburn :: Press Room :.

Unconscionable Math « Taunter Media (Rescission)

This is an interesting article but the author seems to be drawing all the wrong conclusions. It gives readers an indication of how insurance companies work, but to conclude the socialist agenda that is driving health care would be more benevolent is a huge error. Government run Medicare denies a greater percentage of claims than the leading health insurance companies. (More on this later). And let's not forget the state run Oregon Health Plan that denies care yet offers to pay for assisted suicide. More on Oregon later.
This deals with rescission.
"If the top 5% is the absolute largest population for whom rescission would make sense, the probability of having your policy cancelled given that you have filed a claim is fully 10% (0.5% rescission/5.0% of the population). If you take the LA Times estimate that $300mm was saved by abrogating 20,000 policies in California ($15,000/policy), you are somewhere in the 15% zone.. If... rescission is targeted toward ...bankrupting cases..with over $35,000 of annual claims... then the probability of having your policy torn up given a massively expensive condition is pushing 50%." I get it, the author thinks insurance companies are evil.But will the government health care save us? Don't hold your breath. Visit: Unconscionable Math « Taunter Media:

Films for the Humanities and Sciences - The Genocide Factor

Recommended. Click on video clip button.
Films for the Humanities and Sciences - The Genocide Factor

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Ronald Reagan Speaks Out Against ObamaCare

Listen to Ronald Reagan speak out against socialized medicine and compulsory health insurance programs of his day. The truths are still applicable to our day. Visit: Ronald Reagan Speaks Out Against ObamaCare

Friday, December 11, 2009

Aetna will Terminate Medicare Advantage Plans

"Health insurance plans that for years offered enhanced Medicare coverage for 11 million Americans age 65 and older are under some strain.
Aetna Inc. has advised 8,500 area customers that it will terminate two of its Medicare Advantage plans at the end of this year. Independence Blue Cross has given the same notices to 44,000 individual subscribers who depend on four plans it offers.
Other insurers in other markets are also making cuts.
Meanwhile, area offices for the aging are being swamped with calls as worried senior citizens try to figure out whether their plans are affected.
'People are calling in tears,' said Kim Andrews, director of a program with the Delaware County Office of Services for the Aging that helps the elderly sort out insurance options." Visit: ANATP:

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Does Santorum have his eye on the White House? from Laura Vecsey -TPP

"First it was an October trip to Iowa. Then there were stops in Michigan and North Carolina. And now former Pennsylvania U.S. Senator Rick Santorum is in South Carolina today stumping for a Republican gubernatorial candidate.
'I'm also looking forward to visiting with South Carolina families to discuss the issues that matter to them and the future of this country,'"
Visit: TPP:

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Breitbart.tv » McCain Urges Arizona Senior Citizens to Tear Up AARP Cards

Here John McCain criticizes AARP for doing what is in AARP's best interest, not senior citizens best interest.

Breitbart.tv » McCain Urges Arizona Senior Citizens to Tear Up AARP Cards
Senators voted 58-42 to reject an amendment by Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona that would have prevented more than $400 billion of Medicare funds from being raided to fund the health care bill. What did our two Senators do? Did they vote to eliminate the $400 billion cuts in Medicare? Not on your life! Our seniors should realize, it is their lives that are in jeopardy. Sure sounds like rationing of health care to me.

Special Report Shows ‘Handwriting On The Wall’ For Failing Abortion Industry

"“We now have an accurate listing of every open abortion clinic in the country,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “In 1991, it was estimated that there were nearly 2,200 abortion clinics in the country, today there are just 713. The pro-life movement has made significant strides exposing and closing abortion clinics and shifting public opinion toward the pro-life position. This has resulted in lower abortion rates.”
Operation Rescue has listed all abortion clinics along with a map showing their locations. The information shows a general relationship between access to abortion clinics and the abortion rate in each state. With few exceptions, the states with greater access to abortion clinics have higher abortion rates." Visit: Special Report Shows ‘Handwriting On The Wall’ For Failing Abortion Industry

Monday, December 07, 2009

Pray to End Abortion, Dec. 12, in Allentown, PA


SATURDAY: December 12 th, 2009 Join other Pro-lifers as we pray
the rosary at Allentown Women’s Center (1409 Union Blvd; rear
entrance) at 9:00 am till 10:00 am for an end to abortion.
***We meet at 7:00 am St. Ann’s Basilica in West Scranton.
Rides are available.*** Fr. Ed Buchheit from St. Ann's joins us each month.
For more info e-mail amagni@tedthorsen.com.

Friday, December 04, 2009

Silent No More Awareness Campaign

Read testimonies of women who regret their abortions. Visit:
Silent No More Awareness Campaign
Click on the first link at the far right of the page - Testimonies from Women and Men

Novena to Our Lady of Guadelupe begins today Dec. 4 to 12

"Novena Prayer for Life to Our Lady of Guadalupe

Oh Mary, Mother of Jesus and Mother of Life,
We honor you as Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Thank you for pointing us to Jesus your Son,
The only Savior and hope of the world.

Renew our hope in him,
That we all may have the courage to say Yes to life,
And to defend those children in danger of abortion.

Give us your compassion
To reach out to those tempted to abort,
And to those suffering from a past abortion.

Lead us to the day when abortion
Will be a sad, past chapter in our history.

Keep us close to Jesus, the Life of the World,
Who is Lord forever and ever. Amen."

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Huckabee's Political Aspirations Killed?l

"There is no need to tiptoe gingerly around this topic: Maurice Clemmons, who was shot and killed as authorities tried to apprehend him for the shooting deaths of four Washington police officers -- is former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee's Willie Horton.
Horton, you might recall, is the convicted killer who raped a woman while wrongly released as part of a prison furlough program supported by former Massachusetts Gov. Michael Dukakis -- thus helping to torpedo the 1988 Democratic presidential nominee's bid for the White House. The Clemmons story likewise should kill any chance of Huckabee winning, should he run in 2012." Comments anyone? Visit:ShareThis:

Mikulski Healthcare Amendment with Abortion Loophole Passes 61-39 - Jill Stanek

"Mikulski healthcare amendment with abortion loophole passes 61-39
UDPATE, 12:23: Specifics on the Mikulski abortion loophole from a DC source:
Pro-life leaders opposed the amendment because it provides authority that could be used to mandate abortion coverage in private insurance plans. It specifies that anything classified as preventive care or screenings for women by the Health Resource and Services Administration would become a mandated covered service. Therefore, if HRSA recommended abortion as a preventive care, insurance plans would have to cover abortion.
Pro-life organizations advocated for simple language to ensure abortion would not be mandated, but no clarifying language was added." Visit: ShareThis: "Mikulski healthcare amendment with abortion loophole passes 61-39

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Yaz and Yasmine Birth Control Pills Serious Side Effects Including Deaths

Lately I've seen numerous law firms advertize "Have you been hurt by Yaz or Yazmine?" I decided to look into it and found as one lawfirm website reported, "From the first quarter of 2004 through the third quarter of 2008, well over 50 reports of death among users of Yasmin and Yaz have been filed with FDA. These include numerous deaths with reported cardiac arrhythmia, cardiac arrest, intracardiac thrombus (blood clots in the heart), pulmonary embolism (blood clot in the lungs), and stroke in women under 50 years of age. In fact, some of the deaths occurred in women as young as 17 years old. Significantly, reports of elevated potassium levels are frequently included among the symptoms of those suffering fatalities while using Yasmin or Yaz." This seems shockingly high compared to death rates from RU486. Reported death rates for RU486 worldwide in the first few years were about a dozen. How can 50 deaths in only 4 years be considered acceptable? One Canadian law firm has a class action suit in the works. The following link contains useful information about Yaz and Yazmine. It is to the website of a lawfirm. Inclulding this link does not imply that I endorse this lawfirm in any way. I merely want others to learn more about the problems associated with Yaz and Yasmine. Wendt Goss, P.C. -Attorneys at Law:

Rationing in the Reid Senate Health Care Bill - Robert Powell Center for Medical Ethics

The Robert Powell Center for Medical Ethics has an article about rationing in the Senate health care bill. Concerning price controls (Medicare)the Powell Center is concerned that, "The Reid bill includes the House provision that would effectively allow the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) to bar senior citizens from adding their own money, if they choose, to the government contribution to get private-fee-for-service Medicare Advantage (MA) plans less likely to ration life-saving treatment."
S.K.C.-Can anyone tell me what the purpose of such legislation is except to insure that the maximum number of senior citizens die from lack of treatment. This is the United States of America. Senior citizens just like anyone else should be allowed to spend their money as they wish. And if some are prudent enough to purchase supplemental health insurance so they will receive the care they need whether or not government programs provide it, more power to them. The Reid health care bill is undemocratic. For an excellent explaination of how the Reid Bill promotes rationing read the Robert Powell Center for Medical Ethics blog Visit:
Robert Powell Center for Medical Ethics

Finally, an Honest Con Game - Center for Vision and Values

"“This is not funny, this is serious stuff!” intones a flock of furrow-browed politicos about that well-dressed couple who conned their way into a White House shindig. Yes and no, in that order, because some of us think this incident is more than a little funny and really not all that serious. “They could have smuggled a toxic substance in the guise of a perfume, or even an explosive!” someone exclaimed on MSN-Please-Take-Me-Seriously-BC. Well, okay, I suppose so; that might have happened in an “NCIS” episode; or was it “Loaded Weapon” or “The Naked Gun?” Can’t remember. At all events, my guess is that most Americans are more amused than upset."
Finally, an Honest Con Game:

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Cardinal O'Connor Conference :: Welcome!

Cardinal O’Connor Conference on Life
Georgetown University Right to Life, the Georgetown University Knights of Columbus, and University Faculty for Life Present the 11th Annual Cardinal O'Connor Conference - January 21, 2010. Pro-life students are encouraged to register as soon as possible as the conference is very popular. Held the day before the March for Life in Washington D.C. many students who attend participate in both events. Speakers include Margaret Colin, whose extensive acting credits in studio movies and independent features include "Independence Day," "Three Men and a Baby" and "The Devil's Own", television "Chicago Hope," "Now and Again," "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" and "Law & Order: Criminal Intent", and theatre Jackie: An American Life. In the made-for-television movie "Swing Vote" she portrayed the pro-life wife of a Supreme Court Justice. Other speakers include Serrin Foster President of Feminists for Life who has led FFL of America since 1994. Under her leadership, FFL has advocated the Violence Against Women Act, enhanced child support enforcement and health care for pregnant women. She is the creator of the Women Deserve Better® campaign. Another speaker is Professor George is the McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence and Director, James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions at Princeton University. He is a member of the President's Council on Bioethics. For additional information visit:
Cardinal O'Connor Conference :: Welcome!

Christian Fatherhood | Fathers for Good on EWTN

If you are looking for tools to support your desire to be a better husband and father, then don’t miss this week’s “Life on the Rock” at 8 p.m. ET, Thursday, Dec. 3on EWTN. Brian Caulfield, founder of Fathers for Good (www.fathersforgood.com), will talk about this initiative, the brainchild of Knights of Columbus’ Supreme Knight Carl Anderson. Tired of the lack of positive role models for fathers in the mainstream media and the denigration of manhood in many popular forums, Anderson wanted a way to showcase the deeper meaning of fatherhood in the life of the family and the Church. Did he succeed? Visit:
Christian Fatherhood | Fathers for Good

Tax-Funded Abortions in Texas

"Austin, TX (LifeNews.com) -- Travis County officials in Austin, Texas are set to discuss, at a December 10 meeting, whether or not they will spend $450,000 to directly pay for abortions. The county has paid for abortions in prior budgets and the Texas Alliance for Life pro-life organization hopes to stop officials this time around

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Omaha World-Herald to Sen. Nelson: "Just say 'no' to Reid plan"

"Sixty votes will be needed to send Sen. Harry Reid's health care proposal to the Senate floor for debate. Sen. Ben Nelson, one of the most closely watched swing votes, should vote no.
Why? Because Reid’s proposal, like that approved in the U.S. House, would place immense burdens on small and medium-sized rural hospitals in the Midlands. It would not prevent further steep increases in health care costs." Visit:
Omaha World-Herald to Sen. Nelson: "Just say 'no' to Reid plan":

Friday, November 20, 2009

Pennsylvanians Call Your U. S. Senators Regarding Health Care Bill

From Ted Meehan:
Call your US Senators and tell them to vote "NO" on cloture on Saturday night.
If the Senate brings this process to a vote, and passes it, they will have betrayed the US Constitution, common sense and your civil rights. Several senators are still on the fence. Some believe Bob Casey's pro-life views will motivate him to oppose the bill. The bill, in its present form, would provide federal tax funding for abortion, and would usurp your right to purchase private health care insurance, by imposing a Public Option on America. In the short run, employers would be discouraged from providing health care for their employees - by a short term financial incentive. Once you are dropped from coverage by your employer, you will be required to enter the Public Option. As fewer policy holders keep their coverage, the Insurance companies will be forced out of the marketplace. Then, the Government Takeover of Healthcare will be complete. Bureaucrats, like the ones who recently advocated cutting back on mamograms and Pap smears, will be in charge of overseeing all of your healthcare decisions.

Your Senators can still keep this from happening. But you need them to vote "No" on Cloture. You should let them know that you will consider any vote FOR cloture as a vote for Socialized Medicine and Taxpayer Funding of Abortion.

1. Call Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA): (202) 224-6324 or Congressional Switchboard: (202) 224-3121.

2. Then call Sen. Arlen Specter (D-PA): (202) 225-4254 or Congressional switchboard: (202) 224-3121.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Health Care Commentary from the Susan B. Anthony List

Operation Rescue - Woman Charges Abortionist With Forced Abortion

"Flint, MI – A recently filed lawsuit against troubled abortionist Abraham Alberto Hodari alleging a horrific forced abortion may explain his recent efforts to sell off his abortion clinics.
On June 17, 2009, Caitlin Bruce filed a suit against Hodari and his assistant, “Victor”, over an incident that took place at Hodari’s Flint, Michigan, abortion clinic in April, 2008. In that suit, Ms. Bruce alleges that she went to Hodari’s clinic seeking an abortion, but before the procedure began, she changed her mind and decided against it. She notified Hodari that she no longer wanted the abortion.
However, Hodari and his assistant, Victor, forcibly restrained Ms. Bruce, holding her down. Ms. Bruce screamed “Stop, stop, I don’t want this,” but her mouth was covered to muffle her pleas while Hodari forced the abortion upon her." Visit:Operation Rescue:

Monday, November 16, 2009

TONY PHYRILLAS: Seniors advocacy group targeting Pelosi bill supporters

TONY PHYRILLAS: Seniors advocacy group targeting Pelosi bill supporters

National toll free pregnancy help hotlines

National toll free pregnancy help hotlines
Care Net: 1-800-395-HELP
Bethany Christian Services: 1-800-BETHANY
America's Crisis Pregnancy Helpline: 1-800-672-2296
Birthright: 1-800-550-4900
Liberty Godparent Home: 1-800-542-4453
National Life Center: 1-800-848-5683

Star Parker: Abortion, Health Care and Socialism

"According to Johnson, '....Planned Parenthood really tries to instill in their employees and the women coming in for abortions that this is not a baby, that this is just a mass of cells. You know, don't say 'baby' in the clinic. Don't say 'baby' to the women coming in for an abortion. And so you begin to believe that. You begin to believe that it's not a life.'"AddThis utility frame:

Sunday, November 15, 2009

What would Obama's Health Care Plan mean for children with chronic diseases? Students for Life of America

"Gunner James Hawkins was born on January 30, 2009. On March 17, Gunner was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis (CF). The diagnosis came as a complete shock to our family since none of our relatives have ever been diagnosed with this genetic disease."

During the 2008 presidential election, the issue of reforming U.S. healthcare was highly debated. Since the election, the current Presidential Administration and Congress have moved rapidly to change healthcare in the United States. After Gunner’s diagnosis in March, we started researching what a nationalized healthcare plan would mean for Gunner and his CF treatment. What we found was alarming and it’s is the reason for the creation of this website.
No one is focusing on what nationalized healthcare would mean for individuals with chronic, life-threatening diseases. It’s time we change the debate.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Pennsylvania Legislature Poised to Side Against Abstinence Education?

The following is the text of HB1162 which frames abstinence education in a dirparaging light. How about drafting a law that warns parents of the failure of Planned Parenthood style sex education? Someone should tell the legislators listed below that it is not the abstinent students who get pregnant or contract sexually transmitted diseases. It is the teens who come out of Planned Parenthood with their paper bag full of condoms, or prescriptions for birth control pills. Birth control fails. The Pennsylvania Legislature has no business promoting Planned Parenthood's self serving agenda. Sue Cirba

No. 1162 Session of
Providing for parental notification concerning abstinence-onlyuntil-
marriage programs or instruction in public school
curricula in grades 6 through 12.
The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
hereby enacts as follows:
Section 1. Short title.
This act shall be known and may be cited as the Notice Home
Section 2. Definitions.
The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
context clearly indicates otherwise:
"Abstinence-only-until-marriage programs." Instruction that
emphasizes abstinence from sex to the exclusion of all other
types of sexual and reproductive health education, particularly
regarding safe sex through the use of contraception and condoms

for the prevention of sexually transmitted infections and
unintended pregnancy. This type of instruction promotes sexual
abstinence until marriage and either avoids any discussion about
the use of contraceptives and condoms or only reveals failure
rates associated with such use.
"Medically accurate." Information supported by the weight of
research conducted in compliance with accepted scientific
methods and recognized as accurate and objective by leading
professional organizations and agencies with relevant expertise
in the field.
"Parental opt-out." The form sent along with a notice to a
parent or guardian alerting them to abstinence-only-untilmarriage
programs or instruction given to his or her child.
Section 3. Findings.
(a) Findings.--The General Assembly finds and declares as
(1) According to "Parent-Child Communication: Promoting
Sexually Healthy Youth" by Nicholas Lagina (2002), numerous
research studies have shown that parental involvement in a
child's education and positive communication between parents
and children have a positive impact on sound decision-making
and healthy relationships.
(2) According to the National Campaign to Prevent Teen
Pregnancy, teen childbearing costs taxpayers $9,100,000,000
nationally and $389,000,000 in this Commonwealth in 2004.
(3) According to a 2008 Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention study, one in four teenage girls today is infected
with a sexually transmitted infection.
(4) According to Peter D. Hart Research Associates, Inc.
(2007), 76% of voters strongly favor legislation to require

20090HB1162PN1712 - 2 -
public schools to inform parents about whether or not their
children are being taught the risks and benefits of
contraception and how to prevent diseases such as acquired
immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and human immunodeficiency
virus (HIV).
(b) Intent.--It is therefore the intent of the General
Assembly to establish this act, which will: require schools to
send information to parents about the content of specific public
school curricula for grades 6 through 12 as they pertain to
abstinence-only-until-marriage programs or instruction, and
methods of preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted
infections; allow parents and guardians to excuse their children
from abstinence-only-until-marriage instruction; inform them of
their right to be involved in their children's education; and
provide an enforcement mechanism.
Section 4. Parental notification.
The principal of any public school that receives abstinenceonly-
until-marriage program funding or elects to teach
abstinence-only-until-marriage programs in any grade 6 through
12 shall, at the beginning of each school year, or, for a pupil
who enrolls in a school after the beginning of the school year,
at the time of that pupil's enrollment, send a notice home along
with a parental opt-out form to the parents or guardians of
affected students stating the following:
(1) Your child will be participating in abstinence-onlyuntil-
marriage instruction.
(2) Abstinence-only-until-marriage programs do not teach
students how to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted
infections other than by remaining abstinent.
(3) Your child is not receiving the following

20090HB1162PN1712 - 3 -
(i) Methods, other than abstinence, for preventing
pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, including,
but not limited to, acquired immune deficiency syndrome
(AIDS) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
(ii) Medically accurate instruction on the correct
use, risks and benefits, including safety and efficacy,
of Food and Drug Administration-approved methods for:
(A) Reducing the risk of contracting sexually
transmitted infections, including AIDS and HIV.
(B) Preventing pregnancy.
(iii) Medically accurate instruction that provides
all students with the necessary skills for making and
implementing responsible decisions about relationships
and sexuality, including the use of all effective methods
to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections,
including AIDS and HIV.
(4) Parents and guardians have the right to review
abstinence-only-until-marriage curricula in their entirety.
Written and audio visual educational materials used in
abstinence-only-until-marriage programs, including those
delivered by outside speakers, shall be made reasonably
accessible for inspection.
(5) Parents and guardians have the right to excuse their
children from all or parts of abstinence-only-until-marriage
Section 5. Opt-out.
(a) Option.--At the request of a parent or guardian, a pupil
shall be excused from all or parts of abstinence-only-untilmarriage
instruction. The principal shall notify all parents or

20090HB1162PN1712 - 4 -
guardians of their ability to withdraw their children from the
instruction by returning a signed opt-out form, which will be
sent along with the notice.
(b) Prohibition.--A pupil may not be subject to disciplinary
action, academic penalty or other sanction if the pupil's parent
or guardian declines to permit the student to receive
abstinence-only-until-marriage instruction.
Section 6. Curriculum review.
The school shall inform parents or guardians of affected
students of the opportunity for commenting on curriculum via the
local school board or an alternative process either by including
information about this process or in a separate notice to be
mailed at the beginning of each year, or, for a pupil who
enrolls in a school after the beginning of the school year, at
the time of that pupil's enrollment.
Section 7. Enforcement.
(a) Complaint.--Any parent or guardian who believes that he
or she failed to receive a notice in conformity with the
requirements of section 4 may file a complaint with the district
superintendent of schools. Within 30 days of receiving a
complaint, the district superintendent shall take any warranted
corrective action and notify the complainant and the principal
what, if any, corrective action was taken.
(b) Appeal.--If the district superintendent takes no
corrective action, or if a parent or guardian is not satisfied
with the action taken, the parent or guardian may appeal to the
local school board. Upon receipt of notice from the district
superintendent, as required in subsection (a) or 30 days after
filing a complaint with the district superintendent, the parent
or guardian may take their complaint to the local school board

20090HB1162PN1712 - 5 -
for review. The local school board has 30 days to take any
warranted corrective action and notify the complainant and the
district superintendent what, if any, corrective action was
(c) Further appeal.--Any parent or guardian may appeal to
the Secretary of Education. Upon receipt of notice from the
local school board, as required in subsection (b) or 30 days
after filing a complaint with the local school board, the parent
or guardian may appeal to the secretary. The secretary shall
investigate the claim and make a finding regarding compliance
with this act. If the secretary makes a finding of substantial
noncompliance, the secretary shall take corrective action,
including prohibiting the district from accepting Federal and
State abstinence-only-until-marriage funding for a period of at
least one calendar year.
Section 8. Effective date.
This act shall take effect in 90 days.

20090HB1162PN1712 - 6 -

Monday, November 09, 2009

Million Med March - November 21, 2009 - Noon to 3 pm - Capitol Building in Harrisburg

Calling all doctors, nurses, health care professionals and patients:

My name is Edward Chastka and I am a psychiatrist practicing in the Reading, Pennsylvania area for the last 19 years. During that time I've seen the practice of medicine, which I love, destroyed, first by the actions of the insurance industry and now by the threat of government takeover of medicine.Do not fool yourself! The government insurance option means government takeover of medicine because no private insurer will be able to compete with the federal government for long.

There are reforms that can improve the practice of medicine and bring down the cost without higher taxes or a government takeover. We at Physicians 4 Patient Care are sponsoring the "Million Med March", a series of rallies all across the country to inform doctors, nurses, health care professionals and patients of these alternatives.

Please join us for the "Million Med March-Pennsylvania"on the steps of the state capitol building in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, on November 21, 2009, noon to 3 PM.

For further details please visit: www.millionmedmarch.com

Pelosi's Health Care Means Rationing Politics - WSJ.com

The Wall Street Journal has an excellent editorial called The Lords of Entitlement, an excerpt follows: "The bill is instead a breathtaking display of illiberal ambition, intended to make the middle class more dependent on government through the umbilical cord of 'universal health care.' It creates a vast new entitlement, financed by European levels of taxation on business and individuals. The 20% corner of Medicare open to private competition is slashed, while fiscally strapped states are saddled with new Medicaid burdens. The insurance industry will have to vet every policy with Washington, which will regulate who it must cover, what it can offer, and how much it can charge." Visit: Pelosi's Health Care Means Rationing Politics - WSJ.com:

Tony Phryillas' Comments on the House Health Care Vote

"In case you're wondering which Pennsylvania members of Congress supported the Pelosi Health Care Bill, which will raise taxes and put your family's current health care coverage at risk, see the list below.

If you see any of the names on a ballot next May or November, vote for the other person:

Robert Brady (D-PA-1)
Chaka Fattah (D-PA-2)
Kathy Dahlkemper (D-PA-3)
Joe Sestak (D-PA-7)
Patrick Murphy (D-PA-8)
Christopher Carney (D-PA-10)
John Murtha (D-PA-12)
Paul Kanjorski (D-PA-11)
Allyson Schwartz (D-PA-13)
Mike Doyle (D-PA-14)
Posted by TONY PHYRILLAS at 9:15 AM"

Helpers of God's Precious Infants to Pray at Abortion Center

SATURDAY: November 14th, 2009, Join other young adults as we pray
the rosary at Allentown Women’s Center (1409 Union Blvd; rear entrance)
at 9:00 am till 10:00 am for an end to abortion.
***We meet at 7:00 am St. Ann’s Basilica in West Scranton. Rides are available.
*** Fr. Ed Buchheit from St. Ann's joins us each month.
For more info e-mail amagni@tedthorsen.com.

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Obama's Frightening Insensitivity Following Shooting | NBC Chicago

Obama's Frightening Insensitivity Following Shooting | NBC Chicago: "But instead of a somber chief executive offering reassuring words and expressions of sympathy and compassion, viewers saw a wildly disconnected and inappropriately light president making introductory remarks. At the event, a Tribal Nations Conference hosted by the Department of Interior's Bureau of Indian affairs, the president thanked various staffers and offered a 'shout-out' to 'Dr. Joe Medicine Crow -- that Congressional Medal of Honor winner.' Three minutes in, the president spoke about the shooting, in measured and appropriate terms. Who is advising him?"

The mother who brought down the Fort Hood killer - Times Online

"A police officer and mother of one was hailed a heroine yesterday after it emerged that she almost single handedly ended the massacre at America’s biggest military base" Visit:
The mother who brought down the Fort Hood killer - Times Online:

My Way News - Landmark health bill passes House on close vote

"WASHINGTON (AP) - The Democratic-controlled House has narrowly passed landmark health care reform legislation, handing President Barack Obama a hard won victory on his signature domestic priority."Republicans were nearly unanimous in opposing the plan that would expand coverage to tens of millions of Americans who lack it and place tough new restrictions on the insurance industry. The vote was 220-215. Visit:
My Way News - Landmark health bill passes House on close vote:

Friday, November 06, 2009

Republican Leader John Boehner | Speaker Pelosi’s Government-Run Health Plan Will Require a Monthly Abortion Premium

The Republican leader writes: "Health care reform should not be used as an opportunity to use federal funds to pay for elective abortions. Health reform should be an opportunity to protect human life - not end it. Unfortunately, Speaker Pelosi’s 2,032-page government takeover of health care does just that."
What of all these supposedly pro-life Democrats who have been telling their constituents the Hyde Amendment would keep abortion out of the health care bill? Pelosi's bill has a section titled: “Abortions for which Public Funding is Allowed”. That's on line 17, p. 110, section 222. The Health and Human Services Secretary is given the authority to determine when abortion is allowed under the government-run plan. Yeah, that's right, Kathleen Sebelius, the Health and Human Services Secretary who as Governor of Kansas took thousands of dollars of campaign contributions from an abortionist. The speaker’s plan also requires that at least one insurance plan offered in the Exchange covers abortions. Even more alarming is the monthly abortion premium that will be charged of all enrollees in the government-run plan. To learn more visit:Republican Leader John Boehner | Speaker Pelosi’s Government-Run Health Plan Will Require a Monthly Abortion Premium:

Planned Parenthood Director Leaves, Has Change of Heart

The forty days for live prayer vigil participants in Bryan/College Station Texas had been praying outside the Planned Parenthood for five years. They prayed not only for the babies and the women going into the clinics, but for the conversion of the employees. Abbey Johnson was Planned Parenthood Director for the past two years, but is not anymore. Johnson joined the pro-life side this past October after witnessing an ultrasound of an abortion. From the article,Johnson said, "the non-profit was struggling under the weight of a tough economy, and changing it's business model from one that pushed prevention, to one that focused on abortion.
'It seemed like maybe that's not what a lot of people were believing any more because that's not where the money was. The money wasn't in family planning, the money wasn't in prevention, the money was in abortion and so I had a problem with that,' said Johnson." Visit: Planned Parenthood Director Leaves, Has Change of Heart:

Ellsworth angers abortion foes | POLL » Evansville Courier & Press

"Pitted against the Ellsworth amendment are the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, the National Right to Life Committee, Indiana Right to Life and Vanderburgh County Right to Life.
'It was a bayonet in the back from someone who said he was on our side,' said Doug Johnson, Washington, D.C.-based legislative director for the National Right to Life Committee" The story continues:
Ellsworth angers abortion foes | POLL » Evansville Courier & Press:

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Who is Maj. Malik Nadal Hasan?

"WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Associated Press is reporting that a source has told them the shooting suspect in Thursday's attacks on the Fort Hood Army Post in Texas is Maj. Malik Nadal Hasan, an Army mental health professional." The story continues, "The AP said that officials are trying to determine if Hasan was his birth name, or if he converted to the Islamic faith at some point in his life." Visit: Who is Maj. Malik Nadal Hasan?:

U.S. Officials Identifies Gunman at Fort Hood - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

"A shooting rampage Thursday afternoon at the Army's Fort Hood in Texas killed 11 and wounded 31 before the gunman was killed and two suspects taken into custody.
All three of the people believed to have carried out the shooting were soldiers, Lt. General Bob Cone told reporters Thursday evening, though the motive remains unclear." Visit: U.S. Officials Identifies Gunman at Fort Hood - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com:

A Legislative Alert from New Jersey Right to Life on the HR 3962 Health Care

Health Care Bill may be voted on Saturday, November 7, 2009. Take Action Now!

Contact Member of Congress - H.R. 3962 includes abortion funding Take Action!

Urge No Vote on the Rule and H.R. 3962

The House is expected to take up a vote on H.R. 3962, the Health Care Bill this Saturday, November 7. A manager's amendment to H.R. 3962 has been released and does not include any new language on abortion funding. As it stands right now, H.R. 3962 authorizes federal funding for abortion in the public option and subsidies for private insurance that includes abortion through affordability credits. The House will vote on the Rule before it votes on final passage of the bill. Pro-life citizens are urged to to encourage a No vote on the Rule and H.R. 3962 because it is expected to include a phony compromise amendment by by Rep. Brad Ellsworth (IN) which will still allow abortion funding by the federal government.

Please call and email your member of Congress immediately.Tell them to Vote No on the Rule and H.R. 3962 because it includes funding for abortion. You can reach your Member of Congress by calling the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121. You can also email your Member of Congress with a prewritten message by going to the "Take Action Now" Section of this Alert and following the simiple instructions.

The phony compromise is being offered in an attempt to get some pro-life Democrats to support the bill. Pro-Life Democrat Congressman Bart Stupak who has been an unwaivering pro-life supporter said he would oppose the Ellsworth amendment and would continue urging his colleagues to oppose bringing the bill to the floor until there is satisfactory languge added to the bill that prevents abortion funding.

Mark Levin speaks at the Nov. 5th Health Care Protest in Washington D.C.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Pro-Life Judges Win in PA See Election Returns: Commonwealth of PA - Elections Information

The Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation PAC endorsed Joan Orie Melvin for PA Supreme Court and she won. Judy Olson and Sallie Mundy were the top vote getters for PA Superior Court. Temp Smith fell short by a small margin. Patricia McCullough and Kevin Brobson, also pro-life, won for PA Commonwealth Court.
Commonwealth of PA - Elections Information

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

New Jersey Governor Corzine Concedes Defeat

Democrat Governor Corzine of New Jersey concedes defeat to Republican Chris Christie as reported by Fox News at 11:00 p.m. election night Nov. 3, 2009.

YouTube - Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC): Government Option Will Not Work

Rep. Joe Wilson on Government run health care. Visit:YouTube - Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC): Government Option Will Not Work: "

Monday, November 02, 2009


Visit StoptheAbortionMandate.com to see what you can do to keep abortion out of health care legislation. This is crucial at this time. From their web site: "VOID the Abortion Mandate Help prevent U.S. government money from funding abortions through health care reform: 1.) Help keep abortion OUT of health care. Tell Congress to “Void the Abortion Mandate”" Visit:StopTheAbortionMandate.com: Home:

Friday, October 30, 2009

Secondhand Smoke | A First Things Blog

"U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced a new health care reform bill, backed by most House Democrats, that she said will boost competition by including a public option. The 1,990-page bill, expected to go to the full House for action in early November," Visit:
Secondhand Smoke | A First Things Blog:

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pennsylvania General Election November 3, 2009 Pro-Life PAC Recommends Judicial Candidates

The Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation Political Action Committee has recommended Joan Orie Melvin for the Pennsylvania Supreme Court in the Tuesday, November 3, General Election. Only three candidates, Judy Olson, Sallie Mundy and Temp Smith are recommended by the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation PAC for the Pennsylvania Superior Court. The PAC notes that its "information is based on data acquired in a manner consistent with Canon 7 of the Pennsylvania Judicial Conduct Code."

Catholic Television - Scranton -Schedule for Our Faith...Our Diocese

“OUR FAITH…OUR DIOCESE” - This episode features a segment on this year’s Diocesan Annual Appeal with a look at Catholic Schools and parish based religious education; an interview with Teresa Tomeo, nationally syndicated radio talk show host heard locally on JMJ Catholic radio, who was a speaker at the PA Pro Life Convention on October 24 in Scranton.
And we see how some area Thanksgiving projects are once again helping the needy, including discussions with Mary Lou Burne of Family to Family; Sr. Mary Alice Jacquinot, IHM, of Friends of the Poor, and Mike Hanley from the United Neighborhood Services.
“OUR FAITH…OUR DIOCESE” -#39 November, 2009
(length: 1 hour) AIR TIMES
1. Sunday, November 8, 8:00 pm Premier
2. Tuesday, November 10, 9:00 am
3. Friday, November 13, 2:00 pm
4. Tuesday, November 17, 8:00 pm
5. Wednesday, November 18, 10:00 am
6. Monday, November 23, 4:00 pm

Bishops respond to Rep. Kennedy's criticism | National Catholic Reporter

"In an interview with Cybercast News Service Oct. 22, Kennedy said the bishops were fanning 'the flames of dissent and discord' by insisting that health reform not include abortion funding.
'I can't understand for the life of me how the Catholic church could be against the biggest social justice issue of our time, where the very dignity of the human person is being respected by the fact that we're caring and giving health care' to the millions of people who are currently uninsured, Kennedy said in the CNSNews.com interview." Visit:Bishops respond to Rep. Kennedy's criticism | National Catholic Reporter:

Monday, October 26, 2009

Clueless Republicans - (Newt Gingrich Supports Margaret Sanger Award Winner, DeDe Scozzafava in New York Special Election?) (OneNewsNow.com)

"In a primarily conservative district, Republican John McHugh has resigned his seat to serve as secretary of the Army. One of the candidates vying to take that position in the special election is Dede Scozzafava, a radical liberal who has won the Margaret Sanger award for her commitment to destroying life in the womb. She favors gay marriage, supports the freedom-destroying 'card check' bill that would deprive workers of the right to a secret ballot, and has a penchant for supporting big-government budgets. She's been endorsed by ACORN, public-employee unions, Markos Moulitsas (the founder of the far-left blog, Daily Kos)...and has received two other recent endorsements: the National Republican Campaign Committee and alleged conservative leader Newt Gingrich!" Visit: Clueless Republicans (OneNewsNow.com):

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pittsburgh Tea Party November 1, 2009

There will be a tea Party on November 1, 2009, 2:00 Flagstaff Hill, in Schenley Park 3898 Blvd of the Allies Pittsburgh, PA 15213. It is billed as the "Pittsburgh Pink Slip Tea Party" meaning participants will be telling officials they have one year to clean up their act or voters will be issuing them real Pink Slips in November of 2010 Scott Baker from Breibart TV will be the keynote speaker among others. Organizers suggest participants "Bring your chairs as Flagstaff Hill (the same location as our July 4th Tea Party)..... Pray for no rain and a warm day. The Tea Party is rain or shine. Nov 1 is Daylight Savings Time day so make sure you have fallen back to the new time. Also, Steelers have a bye that day so gentlemen (and ladies) you have no excuses not to stand up for America and Pennsylvania!"

Commentary From John Francis Borra- Veritatis: The Cartoon

Hypocrisy That Would Make Even Obama Blush

By now, who hasn't seen US Rep. Alan Grayson's (D-FL) reality-twisting rant on the House floor, during which he claims a Republican version of health care would have Americans "die quickly"? When asked to apologize, he apologized instead to the "44,789 Americans [who] die every year because they have no health insurance," adding that this "holocaust" is "more than ten times the number of Americans who've died in the war in Iraq; it's more than ten times the number of Americans who died on 9-11." Later, one of Grayson's aides, replying to an outraged constituent via email, explained that Democrats "feel failure to act is similar to murdering the uninsured."

It should go without saying that efforts to arrive at such a figure are highly subjective, resulting in little more than political fodder, as Grayson demonstrates. But even if true, 44,789 is just 1/30th-- yes, one in thirty-- the number of persons aborted every year in our country.

What's remarkable about all this is that Grayson, as an anti-life lawmaker, is a collaborator in history's greatest genocide. His political party not only defends and promotes the abortion of well over a million healthy Americans every year, it funds hundreds of thousands of these murders with our tax dollars, through such proxies as Planned Parenthood. And they intend to expand this slaughter as "reform" of our health care system.

This brings to mind the above cartoon, published last year to highlight Barack Obama's efforts in Illinois to institutionalize euthanasia, which Compassion & Choices (the euthanasia lobby formerly known as The Hemlock Society) gleefully admits is an integral part of the Democrats' health care proposals. By the way, did you catch Grayson's jab at pro-life advocates at the close of his diatribe? "Let's remember that we should care about people even after they're born." Evidently, for Grayson and like-minded lawmakers, nothing says "care" more than killing, whether in a womb or in a hospice.

Once again, unabashed anti-life Democrats have taken hypocrisy to a whole new level, underscoring the truth of Rep. Joe Wilson's (R-SC) outburst before Obama and Congress: "You lie!"
Posted by John Francis Borra, sfo at 9:16 AM Friday, October 2, 2009

White House boasts: We 'control' news media

"TEL AVIV – President Obama's presidential campaign focused on 'making' the news media cover certain issues while rarely communicating anything to the press unless it was 'controlled,' White House Communications Director Anita Dunn disclosed to the Dominican government at a videotaped conference" Visit: White House boasts: We 'control' news media:

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Maximum Hope Foundation is a non-profit organization designed to help families dealing with the financial hurdles that often accompany caring for a terminally ill child.

"Maximum Hope Foundation is a non-profit organization designed to help families dealing with the financial hurdles that often accompany caring for a terminally ill child.
With the rising costs of medical care, necessities like groceries, clothing, car payments, utilities, rent, counseling and 'special wishes' can seem insurmountable.
Our goal is to alleviate some of those every day expenses, and supply a 'boost' to families who have too much at hand to worry about unexpected financial challenges.
Maximum Hope Foundation... spreading hope through compassionate, practical, assistance."Maximum Hope Foundation is a non-profit organization designed to help families dealing with the financial hurdles that often accompany caring for a terminally ill child.:

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Pope Benedict XVI paves way for thousands of disaffected Anglicans to join Catholic Church Rome Anglicans | Mail Online

"The Pope paved the way for tens of thousands of disaffected Anglican worshippers to join the Roman Catholic Church while maintaining parts of their Protestant heritage." Visit:Pope Benedict XVI paves way for thousands of disaffected Anglicans to join Catholic Church Rome Anglicans | Mail Online:

Maximum Hope Foundation

Please share this resource with families and professionals. They were extremely helpful with our neighbors. THANKS.

Kurt Kondrich M.Ed
SICC Chair
Director of Community/Family Outreach
Early Intervention Specialists

Maximum Hope Foundation is a non-profit organization designed to help families dealing with the financial hurdles that often accompany caring for a terminally ill child.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Pro-Life Democrats Could Walk Out?

The leading pro-life Democrat in the House has again renewed his pledge to stop the pro-abortion health care bills if House Speaker Nancy Pelosi won't allow an amendment to revoke abortion funding. Rep. Bart Stupak of Michigan has repeatedly said as many as 40 pro-life and moderate Democrats could walk." Visit:AddThis utility frame:

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Pope Elects 5 New Saints Including Father Damien and Jeanne Jugan - FOXNews.com

"VATICAN CITY — Pope Benedict XVI canonized five new saints Sunday, including a 19th century priest who worked with leprosy patients on an isolated Hawaiian island, praising them as models of perfection for sacrificing themselves for others." Visit:
Pope Elects 5 New Saints - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News - FOXNews.com:

ZENIT - Humility Made Sister Jugan a Saint

ZENIT - Humility Made Sister Jugan a Saint -"VATICAN CITY, OCT. 8, 2009 (Zenit.org).- Blessed Marie de la Croix Jugan never sought worldly recognition, not even to be known as the founder of the Congregation of the Little Sisters of the Poor.
On Sunday however, she will be recognized worldwide as a saint in a canonization ceremony celebrated in Rome by Benedict XVI." Visit:
ZENIT - Humility Made Sister Jugan a Saint:

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Vikings Blog- Oct. 9 -Farve Wins Award

"The NFL announced today that QB Brett Favre has been named the FedEx NFL Air Player of the Week for games played on October 4-5. Favre completed 24 of 31 passes against the Packers on Monday night for 271 yards and 3 TDs." Visit:
Vikings Blog

Friday, October 09, 2009

Pennsylvania Pro-Life Conference Coming to Scranton, Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation State Conference is coming to Scranton's Hilton on October 24th, 2009. It's not too late to register just viisit www.prolifescranton.org for links.
Visit: Pennsylvania Pro-Life Conference: Also, see the list of speakers below:
Charlene Bashore, Esq. is the Legislative/ PAC Director of the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation. Prior to joining the Federation, Charlene was on the staff of the Republican Legal Staff in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. In addition, Charlene has served as an adjunct instructor at Messiah College. She also clerked for the late R. Dixon Herman of the United States District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania. Charlene is a summa cum laude graduate of Grove City College where she majored in Business Administration and History and received her J.D. from the Dickinson School of Law. www.paprolife.org

Cartoonist Gary Cangemi is the creator of the pro-life comic strip Umbert the Unborn, which now appears in more than 120 publications with more than 700,000 readers in the U.S. and abroad. Cangemi is Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Scranton chapter of Pennsylvanians for Human Life, a chapter of the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation. His first book, Umbert the Unborn, a Womb With a View, was released in 2003 by Circle Press. www.umberttheunborn.com

Emily Parke Chase, MA, has served as Coordinator of Educational Services at the Capital Area Pregnancy Centers of Camp Hill, PA, for more than 20 years. She developed the 'Waiting-the Smart Choice!' abstinence education curriculum and speaks hundreds of times each year to teens and adults about relationship issues. Her curricular materials are used across the country and also in Africa, Europe, Canada, and Central America. Chase is the author of Why Say No When My Hormones Say Go? (Christian Publications, 2003), among other books. www.emilychase.com

Michael Ciccocioppo has served as executive director of the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation since 2002. He energizes pro-lifers at the grassroots to work for a society that respects human life from conception to natural death. Prior to joining the Federation, he spent 31 years in hospital administration in the U.S. Air Force and Catholic health care. He earned a Master of Health Administration degree from Baylor University. He and his wife, Peggy, have been married for over 35 years and have four grown children. www.paprolife.org

Carol Franz is a testament to the success of adult stem cells. She survived two bouts of myeloma cancer, thanks to adult stem cell transplants. Franz is an avid supporter of the use of adult stem cells and continues to lobby the government and educate the public about the benefits of adult stem cell treatments. She was on the dais with President Bush when he vetoed legislation that would have provided for taxpayer funding of embryonic stem cell research. www.carolfranz.com

Phill Kline, Esq., former Attorney General of Kansas, is known as the prosecutor who took on Planned Parenthood. Kline served as both a district attorney in Johnson County, Kansas, and as Kansas' 41st Attorney General. He was known for his efforts to protect society's most vulnerable citizens, including children, the elderly, and people with disabilities. A former member of the Kansas House of Representatives, Kline now serves as a law professor at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia. www.phillkline.org

Dr. David A. Prentice currently serves as Senior Fellow for Life Sciences at the Family Research Council. Prior to that, he devoted nearly 20 years to teaching and research as Professor of Life Sciences at Indiana State University and Adjunct Professor of Medical and Molecular Genetics at the Indiana University School of Medicine. He is a founding member of Do No Harm: The Coalition of Americans for Research Ethics. www.frc.org

Bobby Schindler is the executive director of the Terri Schindler Schiavo Foundation Center for Health Care Ethics which works to protect the lives of the medically vulnerable and disabled from the threat of euthanasia. After his sister Terri's tragic death by euthanasia, Schindler gave up his job as a high school teacher to become a fulltime prolife and disability rights advocate. He has appeared on such programs as The Today Show and Good Morning America to discuss endoflife issues. www.terrisfight.org

Teresa Tomeo is an author, syndicated Catholic talk show host, and motivational speaker with nearly 28 years of experience in TV, radio, and newspaper. Tomeo's daily morning radio program, "Catholic Connection," is heard on more than 120 Catholic stations nationwide. She appears frequently on EWTN Catholic Television and has been featured on The O'Reilly Factor and Fox News. Tomeo has written several books, including Noise-How Our Media Saturated Culture Dominates Lives and Dismantles Families. www.teresatomeo.com

Maria Vitale is Education Director for the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation and a columnist for LifeNews.com. Prior to her work in the pro-life movement, Vitale was an awardwinning reporter in public broadcasting. Vitale also has experience as a television producer and served as an adjunct faculty member in journalism at Ohio State University. www.paprolife.org

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Toomey Campaign Raises over $1.5 Million in Third Quarter « NewsTalkPA

"Allentown, PA – U.S. Senate candidate Pat Toomey announced today that his campaign has raised over $1.5 million for the third quarter of 2009. To date, the campaign has raised over $3.1 million from over 20,000 contributors since Mr. Toomey announced his Senate candidacy five and a half months ago. Toomey already has 33 percent more contributors than the total number of donors amassed during the entirety of his 2004 Senate run." Visit: Toomey Campaign Raises over $1.5 Million in Third Quarter « NewsTalkPA:

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

HELPERS OF GOD’S PRECIOUS INFANTS Pray to End Abortion Saturday, October 10th Allentown


Join other young adults as we pray the rosary at Allentown Women’s
Center (1409 Union Blvd; rear entrance) at 9:00 am till 10:00 am

***We meet at 7:00 am St. Ann’s Basilica in West Scranton.
Rides are available.*** Fr. Ed Buchheit from St. Ann's joins us each month.
For more info e-mail amagni@tedthorsen.com. Thank You.
Ada Magni

Embezzlement at ACORN

"NEW ORLEANS -- Louisiana's attorney general said Tuesday he has stepped up an investigation into embezzlement at ACORN nearly a decade ago, but the prosecutor and community activist group clashed over how much money was taken.
Louisiana Attorney General Buddy Caldwell claimed the figure was $5 million," Visit:ANATP:

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A Legislative Alert from the Susan B. Anthony List Blog

A Legislative Alert from the Susan B. Anthony List Blog Visit:Home-Susan B. Anthony List : This week the Senate Finance Committee began its “mark-up” or amendment-offering process for Senator Baucus proposed health care legislation. Since its release last week, Sen. Baucus’ plan has gone through many changes. Of the 564 amendments proposed by members of the Senate Finance Committee, several are pro-life amendments and were offered up by Senators Enzi (R-Wyoming) and Hatch (R-Utah). Many of their amendments are designed to explicitly ban federal dollars from going to abortion procedures, prohibit public and private insurance plans that would mandate abortion, protect state laws prohibiting abortion, as well as ensure conscience protections for pro-life doctors and nurses.

Today, after intense debate, the Senate Finance Committee adjourned without voting on any of the proposed pro-life amendments. Voting has instead been postponed for the weekend and will resume this upcoming Tuesday, September 29, 2009. In the meantime, pro-life legislators like Enzi and Hatch are expected to devote all of their efforts towards raising support for their amendments amongst committee members.

The offering and acceptance of pro-life amendments to Senator Baucus’ health care bill is the first step toward ensuring that federal tax dollars do not go to the largest expansion of abortion since Roe v. Wade. Please contact your senators and tell them to stand with Senator’s Enzi and Hatch. Abortion is not health care!

If your Senator is a member of the Senate Finance Committee, call the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (202)224-3121 and ask for your senators' office. Tell them to support the amendments of Enzi and Hatch today, Monday, and Tuesday!

North Dakota: KENT CONRAD
Massachusetts: JOHN F. KERRY
Arizona: JON KYL
Wyoming: MIKE ENZI

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

49 of 50 states never saw certification of eligibility?

"A commentator at Canada Free Press who earlier exposed the Democratic National Committee used two separate forms to affirm Barack Obama's constitutional eligibility to be president has heard back from readers and research – and now reports Democrats failed to certify their candidate's eligibility in 49 of the 50 states." Visit:
49 of 50 states never saw certification of eligibility?:

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Concert Broadcast on Catholic TV of the Diocese of Scranton

Saint Paul Speaks in Word and Song, a sacred concert performed for the benefit of St. Peter’s Cathedral in Scranton, will be broadcast on CTV: Catholic Television of the Diocese of Scranton, on Tuesday, September 29, at 8:00 p.m., and on Wednesday, September 30, at 10:00 a.m. (90min) James Brennan,CTV Manager,Diocese of Scranton

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Friday, September 25, 2009

Benjamin Netanyahu UN Speech Full Text Transcript, Sep 24, 2009 | NowPublic News Coverage

un speeck of Benjamin Netanyahu:"Last month, I went to a villa in a suburb of Berlin called Wannsee. There, on January 20, 1942, after a hearty meal, senior Nazi officials met and decided how to exterminate the Jewish people. The detailed minutes of that meeting have been preserved by successive German governments."
Benjamin Netanyahu UN Speech Full Text Transcript, Sep 24, 2009 | NowPublic News Coverage:

Saturday, September 19, 2009


CATHOLICS DEFENDING LIFE Prayer Team, Scranton announces 40 Day Prayer Vigil
AND OPENING MASS: SEPTEMBER 23,2009 7:00 p.m.in St. Peter's Cathedral, Scranton.
The Catholics Defending Life prayer team, Scranton will be conducting a 40 day prayer vigil at the Planned Parenthood at 316 Penn Ave, Scranton, from September 23 to November 1st. We will be praying to end abortion and for respect of human life from conception to natural death. The hours we are trying to fill are as follows: Mon., Wed., and Fri. From 10 A.M. to 5 P.M., Tues., and Thurs. From 10 A.M. to 7P.M...... Saturdays to be announced. We would appreciate any time you would be able to participate. This is a peaceful, prayerful, presence that has as it's purpose to change hearts. An opening Mass will be held on Wednesday, September 23, at 7 P.M. at St. Peter's Cathedral, 315 Wyoming Ave., Scranton, Pa. Fr. Ed Buchheit, C.P. will be the celebrant. To schedule a time convenient for you to join us for prayer or for more information, call: Donna: 570-348-5011, Theresa: 570-687-5329 or Mary Ann: 570: 570-346-5094

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Premature Baby Denied Treatment in UK, Dies Two Hours Later -All American Blogger

Recently a twenty-three year old young woman gave birth prematurely to her son. The baby, who was born at 22 weeks gestation was denied any treatment under England's system of universal health care guidelines which routinely deny treatment to babies born before 23 weeks. "Miss Capewell reported doctors refused to even see her son Jayden, who lived for almost two hours without any medical support." The baby was breathing and had a strong heartbeat but medics refused to send him to a special care baby unit" ..."the medical guidelines for Health Service hospitals state that babies should not be given intensive care if they are born at less than 23 weeks.
The guidance, drawn up by the Nuffield Council, is not compulsory but advises doctors that medical intervention for very premature children is not in the best interests of the baby, and is not ’standard practice’." I guess "universal" health care really doesn't care for everyone. Visit:All American Blogger » Premature Baby Denied Treatment in UK, Dies Two Hours Later:

ACORN's Prostitution Scandal Tape

ACORN: Prostitution Scandal Tape:

This is the reason the Senate voted Monday to block HUD from giving grants to ACORN.
Where was Senator Casey? On the wrong side of the issue.

Rachel's Vineyard Retreats in Pennsylvania

"Allentown, PA
Contact:Maryann Dunn M.S. 866-372-2435, mdunn@allentowndiocese.org
Retreat Dates:TBA

Clarks Summit/Scranton, PA
Contact:Denise Rowinski Mengak 570-822-7118, x307drowinski@csswb.org
Retreat Dates:Start-End 11/6/2009-11/8/2009

Doylestown, PA
Contact:Susan Fetta, 267-880-3631, sefetta@comcast.net
Retreat Dates:Start-End

Philadelphia Area, PA
Contact: Priscilla, 215-906-6337, oconnorp1@comcast.net
Contact: Geri Simboli, 610-399-0890, simboli2@earthlink.net

Retreat Dates: Start-End

Pittsburgh, PA
Contact: Toni Jester, 412-621-6953, toniafj1@comcast.net
Contact: Toni, 412-352-5348
Retreat Dates: TBA

Pittsburgh (Western PA), PA
Contact: Abigayle Koller, 412-977-9521, rachelsvineyard.westernpa@yahoo.com
Note: Interdenominational Retreat
Retreat Dates: Start-End
11/13/2009-11/15/2009 Interdenom

York County, PA
Contact: Joy, 717-788-4959, Rvpamd@gmail.com
Contact: Denise Douglas, 410-354-6900, projectrachel@archbalt.org

Note: PALLM - (Post Abortion Love & Life Mission)
A totally confidential support group
We meet the 4th Saturday of every month from 9 - 12 in York, PA.
Contact: Peggy Pritchard, 717-757-1773
or Vicki Crispo, 717-757-4295
Retreat Dates: Start-End
10/30/2009-11/1/2009, Sparks, MD
12/4/2009-12/6/2009, Carlisle

Visit: Rachel's Vineyard Retreats:

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Saturday Afternoon in Washington: Conservatism on the Ascendancy

Rush Limbaugh talks about the Tea Party in Washington D.C.
RUSH: What an event that was on Saturday. In fact, folks, there were more people at that event on Saturday, according to the British press, than there were people who showed up at Obama's immaculation back in January. You will not find that reported anywhere in the State-Controlled Media in this country, but in the UK press, the British press, it's all over the place."Saturday Afternoon in Washington: Conservatism on the Ascendancy:

Monday, September 14, 2009

Senate Votes to Block HUD from Giving Grants to ACORN

"The Senate voted Monday to block the Housing and Urban Development Department from giving grants to ACORN, a community organization under fire in several voter-registration fraud cases. The 83-7 vote would deny housing and community grant funding to ACORN, which stands for the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now" Visit:Click here to find out more!:

U-Tube Video of Rep. Brian Bilbray (R-CA) Interview on Health Care

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Up to two million march to US Capitol to protest against Obama's spending in 'tea-party' demonstration | Mail Online

Check out the awesome photo that accompanies this story.
Up to two million march to US Capitol to protest against Obama: "Up to two million people marched to the U.S. Capitol today, carrying signs with slogans such as 'Obamacare makes me sick' as they protested the president's health care plan and what they say is out-of-control spending.The line of protesters spread across Pennsylvania Avenue for blocks, all the way to the capitol, according to the Washington Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency.
People were chanting 'enough, enough' and 'We the People.' Others yelled"...Visit:
Tea Party

Friday, September 11, 2009

Tea Party Express Comes to Scranton, PA - Scranton and Lackawanna County | News - The Times-Tribune

Watch Scranton Times video of the Tea Party Express visit to Scranton. Visit:
Scranton and Lackawanna County | News - The Times-Tribune (also worth watching is the video titled Bishop Martino Comments on Abortion)

Photos from The Tea Party Express Stop in Scranton, PA on Sept. 10, 2009

Operation Rescue- Pro-Life Activist Gunned Down in Cold Blood

"Operation Rescue and the Christian Defense Coalition to hold a press conference in Washington, D.C. today to discuss the murder and other threats against pro-life leaders
Owosso, MI – A pro-life activist gunned down this morning as he peacefully held a picture of a baby with the word “Life” outside a high school in Owosso, Michigan. The victim is Jim Pouillon, a well known activist in the Owosso area and a friend of Operation Rescue.
A suspect was arrested about 45 minutes after the shooting and is now in police custody.
“We are stunned by Jim’s murder. We extend our condolences to the family and share in their grief over his loss. His life was characterized by his love and concern of the vulnerable, and he will be greatly missed,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman.
“We denounce this senseless act of violence in the strongest terms, and pray that this murderer will be swiftly brought to justice.”
This shooting comes in the wake of hundreds of death threats that have been received by Operation Rescue and other pro-life organizations over the past three months.
Operation Rescue and the Christian Defense Coalition will hold a press conference today in Washington DC to discuss this senseless murder and threats against the pro-life community."
Visit: Operation Rescue:

Thursday, September 10, 2009

How much will Obamacare Cost? Sept. 9th Speech Transcript

Obama (who has no idea whatsoever about the cost of nationalized health care) promised to reduce the cost of health care from $1.6 trillion to "only" $900 billion in his Sept. 9 whitewash. Of course the real cost of national health care can olny be determined once the sick begin to present themselves to hospitals and health care providers for care. Obama: "Add it all up, and the plan I’m proposing will cost around $900 billion over ten years ..... Most of these costs will be paid for with money already being spent – but spent badly – in the existing health care system." (So Obama does still intend to raid Medicare!)
And in another crystal ball prognostication Obama predicts: "The plan will not add to our deficit. The middle-class will realize greater security, not higher taxes. And if we are able to slow the growth of health care costs by just one-tenth of one percent each year, it will actually reduce the deficit by $4 trillion over the long term." For a transcript of the Obamacare speeck visit: Obamacare Speech

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Tea Party Express in Scranton, September 10th

WOW, we have the infamous Tea Party Express rolling into Scranton PA this Thursday, September 10th at Noon! As seen on TV, this is a fantastic opportunity to get involved and let you voice be heard, and also be seen. No doubt there will be network coverage of the stop in our traditionally blue collar Democrat county.

No matter party affiliation, we need to fight what is unwise and unconstitutional! The X Amendment (Tenth) reads: "Powers not given to the Federal Government are specifically reserved to the states!" It does not get much clearer than that!

Please forward to friends & family. Loading our children with debt, cutting seniors health care via rationing by half a trillion dollars while ten thousand baby boomers enter the system a week will be a disaster! Speak up this Thursday, 9/10/2009 at noon.

IF not us, who. If not now, when?

Frank Scavo

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Cardinal Rigali's Homily Defending Life at La Festa Italiana, Scranton, PA

The Diocese of Scranton Catholic Television will rebroadcasts the La Festa Italiana Mass – tonight Tuesday, September 8th at 8 p.m. and Wednesday, September 9th at 10 a.m. It is also available to view on the Scranton Diocesan website: www.dioceseofscranton.org Cardinal Rigali’s homily in reference to Thou Shall Not Kill starting with the child in the womb…and is a powerful defense of life.

Monday, September 07, 2009

Pro-Abortion Democrat, Scranton Mayor Chris Dougherty, to Run for Governor

In June, 2009 Mayor of Scranton Chris Dougherty announced his interest in a run for Governor. The Scranton Times recently published a story indicating Mayor Dougherty is pro-abortion. Dougherty stated "'I just believe it's a woman's right to choose,' Mr. Doherty said. 'It's a private matter what they want to do with their lives, and I don't think government or anybody else should interfere with that." The author, Mr. Borys Krawczeniuk, also interviewed Helen Gohsler, President of the Scranton Chapter of Pennsylvanians for Human Life who provided him with "a copy of a proclamation she said Mr. Doherty wrote and signed declaring Sept. 27, 2003, as "Pennsylvanians for Human Life Day" in Scranton "to honor those who fight for that most precious gift of our creator>" Visit: :
For a link to the article where Mayor of Scranton Chris Dougherty announced his interest in a run for Governor. Visit:Exclusive: Scranton Mayor Doherty eyes run for governor - News - The Times-Tribune

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Do you know what textbooks your children are reading?

Don't miss this Fox news special report Sunday at 3pm

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Pray to End Abortion - Allentown, PA


SATURDAY: September 12th, 2009
Join other young adults as we pray the rosary at Allentown Women’s
Center (1409 Union Blvd; rear entrance) at 9:00 am till 10:00 am
for an end to abortion.


***We meet at 7:00 am St. Ann’s Basilica in West Scranton.Rides are available.*** Fr. Ed Buchheit from St. Ann's joins us each month.
For more info e-mail amagni@tedthorsen.com.
Thank You.
Ada Magni

Senator Casey Townhall at ESU - PCN -TV

Senator Casey once again states that abortion is not in the health care bill. (More on this in a later post)and unbelieveably seems to try to convince the audience that Congress is trying to give us the same kind of health care program Congress enjoys.
Welcome to PCNTV.com

InsideCatholic.com - Ted Kennedy Praised by Cardinals, Martino Steps Down

Deal W. Hudson Writes: Ted Kennedy Praised by Cardinals, Martino Steps Down: "With two cardinals praising the pro-abort Kennedy and Bishop Martino of Scranton stepping down, millions of Catholics must be shaking their heads, just as I am this morning" Visit:
InsideCatholic.com - Ted Kennedy Praised by Cardinals, Martino Steps Down:

Bishop Martino Resigns - Times Leader Reports

Dear Readers: Every few months I drop everything else and write my articles for The Pro-Life Reporter. Almost without fail something big happens. In this case, the resignation og Bishop Joseph Martino of Scranton. Here is a link to the Times Leader article earlier this week. I also hope to be able to share some stories from the Pro-Life Reporter in the upcoming days. Sue Cirba
From the TImes Leader:
"Speaking at a press conference, Martino spoke of the stress he has been under as he made controversial decisions, including the closure of schools and churches – decisions he said have not been embraced by members of the clergy or parishioners.
Martino said the diocese now needs a bishop who is “physically vigorous” to lead it into the future" Visit:TPP:

Monday, August 31, 2009

Father of Terri Schindler Schiavo Dies - Memiorals Service in PA

"ST. PETERSBURG, FL, Aug. 29 /Christian Newswire/ -- Robert S. Schindler, Sr., of Gulfport, Florida, father of the late Terri Schindler Schiavo, passed away August 29, 2009 from heart failure at Northside Hospital in St. Petersburg, Florida.
Robert fought valiantly to save the life of his brain–injured daughter Terri" Visit: Welcome to Terri Schindler Schiavo Foundation:
A memorial service will be held in Southhampton, PA Sept. 4th. Visit:Welcome to Terri Schindler Schiavo Foundation: "Public Visitation & Funeral Mass"

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Abortion: Which Side Is Fabricating? | FactCheck.org

From Fact Check.org:
"But it’s equally true that House and Senate legislation would allow a new 'public' insurance plan to cover abortions, despite language added to the House bill that technically forbids using public funds to pay for them. Obama has said in the past that 'reproductive services' would be covered by his public plan, so it’s likely that any new federal insurance plan would cover abortion unless Congress expressly prohibits that." Visit: Abortion: Which Side Is Fabricating? | FactCheck.org:

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Compromise On Obamacare Public Option Unlikely - The Philadelphia Bulletin

"Though President Barack Obama’s endeavor to create a public health insurance plan has gone through some changes, opponents say whatever does come out of the current congressional health-care debates could unhelpfully supplant private insurance.

Years ago, when Mr. Obama was an Illinois legislator, doing away with private insurers was his explicit plan. He supported single-payer health care, which would involve all U.S. residents paying taxes to support nationwide government-provided insurance." Visit:
Compromise On Obamacare Public Option Unlikely - The Philadelphia Bulletin:

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Web extra: Congressman Herger calls Obama plan 'threat to democracy' - Mount Shasta, CA - Mount Shasta Herald

Republican Congressman Wally Herger held a health care town hall meeting Aug. 18 at Simpson University in Redding, California before a crowd of 2,000 people. "Herger did not hold back on his opinion of the health care plan and the administration’s appointment of “czars” to head various departments and task forces.
“Our democracy has never been threatened as much as it is today,” Herger said to a loud standing ovation." Visit: Web extra: Congressman Herger calls Obama plan 'threat to democracy' - Mount Shasta, CA - Mount Shasta Herald:

Friday, August 21, 2009

Cardinal Rigali on the Health Care and Abortion - The Catholic Standard & Times

Cardinal Justin Rigali:"I further summarized our case in this way: “About 80 percent of all hospitals do not generally provide abortions, and 85 percent of U.S. counties have no abortion provider. By what right, then, and by what precedent, would Congress make abortion coverage into a nationwide norm, or force Americans to subsidize it as a condition for participating in a public health program?”" Visit:The Catholic Standard & Times:

America's Health Care | Commonwealth Foundation

"Now Mr. Obama wishes to redistribute health care. This is not to be done by voluntary and civilized means, through the peaceful agreement of the market, but by coercion. Whatever the details of the final plan, it will be imposed by force. This is an offense against human dignity. Each of us is a center of free will and initiative of equal human worth to Mr. Obama. We have the ability to take measures for our own well-being just as he does, and to take the chance of succeeding or failing just as he does. The real redistribution will not be so much from those with health insurance to those without, but a redistribution of power from America's citizens to the government and its clumsy bureaucracy." Visit: America's Health Care | Commonwealth Foundation:

Health Care Tea Party in Scranton

Mary Ann Haas alerts participants to the fact that the Obama-appointed Health Benefits Advisory Committee will make recommendations regarding health care benefits, not our elected representatives,

A segment of the crowd at Scranton's August 15th Tea Party.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Bishop R. Walker Nickless Diocese of Sioux City On Health Care

"The current national debate about health care reform should concern all of us. There is much at stake in this political struggle, and also much confusion and inaccurate information being thrown around. My brother bishops have described some clear “goal-posts” to mark out what is acceptable reform, and what must be rejected. First and most important, the Church will not accept any legislation that mandates coverage, public or private, for abortion, euthanasia, or embryonic stem-cell research. We refuse to be made complicit in these evils, which frankly contradict what “health care” should mean. We refuse to allow our own parish, school, and diocesan health insurance plans to be forced to include these evils. As a corollary of this, we insist equally on adequate protection of individual rights of conscience for patients and health care providers not to be made complicit in these evils. A so-called reform that imposes these evils on us would be far worse than keeping the health care system we now have." Visit:
Diocese of Sioux City:

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Official Website of Brett Favre » News » Brett Favre Returns From Retirement, Reportedly To Start Against Chiefs Friday

Brett Favre Returns From Retirement, Reportedly To Start Against Chiefs Friday:
"Aug. 19, 2009

Brett Favre is coming back for more. The 39-year-old quarterback turned his back on retirement for the second time in as many years, agreeing Tuesday to play for the Vikings. ESPN analyst Cris Carter says that Vikings coach Brad Childress said Favre would start in Friday night's preseason game against the Kansas City Chiefs.

Favre took a morning flight on a team plane from Mississippi to Minnesota, arrived to cheering fans outside the team's practice facility and was in a helmet and pads less than 90 minutes later. His red practice jersey was the familiar No. 4, the same number he wore for years with the rival Green Bay Packers." Visit:
Official Website of Brett Favre » News » Brett Favre Returns From Retirement, Reportedly To Start Against Chiefs Friday:

IBDeditorials.com: Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- It's Not An Option

"Opponents of the public option plan have warned that if the government gets into the business of offering subsidized health insurance coverage, the private insurance market will wither. Drawn by a public option that will be 30% to 40% cheaper than their current premiums because taxpayers will be funding it, employers will gladly scrap their private plans and go with Washington's coverage.
The nonpartisan Lewin Group estimated in April that 120 million or more Americans could lose their group coverage at work and end up in such a program. Leaving private insurance to 'fizzle out altogether' according to John Sheils." Visit:
IBDeditorials.com: Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- It's Not An Option:

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Pro-Life Women's Group Targets Pro-Abortion Senate Leader Harry Reid

"Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- A national pro-life women's group is joining other organizations that are taking on pro-abortion Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, whom polls show may be the most vulnerable Democrat in the 2010 elections. Reid is one of the many pro-life Democrats who appear to have abandoned opposition to abortion."Pro-Life Women's Group Targets Pro-Abortion Senate Leader Harry Reid: