It may not be too late to reverse the abortion pill (Mifeprex or RU-486) – call 1-877-558-0333

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Is Abortion Good for Women? Read About the Experience of Kay Painter

"I am thankful that I have no memory of the abortion, but the instant I heard my baby’s helpless body hit the garbage can, I KNEW! I had just killed my own flesh and blood, an innocent life. I was panic-stricken, the nurse callously told me to “calm down, in a few days all would be back to normal.”
Lucky? Normal? No one forewarned me of the repercussions of an abortion. It was a simple procedure of removing “tissue,” so why the pain, the sudden emptiness? I awoke night after night to the sound of screams, they were mine!" To read more visit:Kay Painter:

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