It may not be too late to reverse the abortion pill (Mifeprex or RU-486) – call 1-877-558-0333

Friday, January 20, 2012

From Planned Parenthood to the Church | News | NCRegister.com

"The room in the back of the clinic was quiet, but Catherine’s mind was screaming: There was a baby in a jar. Arms. Legs. Fingers! There was a baby in a jar! She knew she had to get out of there. Fast. She couldn’t look at it one moment longer.


Catherine Adair had spent the previous year working at Planned Parenthood convincing women that, despite what they thought, that wasn’t a baby growing in their womb. It was a … an … it. And it required a “procedure,” as she called it back then. Visit: From Planned Parenthood to the Church | News | NCRegister.com:

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