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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Clinton Legacy - RU-486 -An Open Letter From the Parents of Holly Patterson - Death by RU-486

During the Clinton Adminsitration, the French Abortion Pill RU-486 was rushed through trials so that it could quickly be approved by the FDA. There have been twelve deaths associated with RU-486, one of them Holly Patterson. The following is a letter written by her parents.
An Open Letter From the Parents of Holly Patterson - Death by RU-486: "As parents, we cannot allow our beautiful Holly's horrible death to be in vain. RU-486 has caused serious injury and has been implicated in the deaths of other young women. Now it has killed our daughter. We have learned that the initial trials were rushed and the drug was lumped in and approved with drugs designed for life threatening illnesses such as cancer and AIDS. Pregnancy is a natural process that a woman's body is designed to support and has never been classified as a life threatening illness. We need help to develop a website and provide a place for teenagers and women to report their stories and testimonials of their experience on the serious and adverse affects using RU-486." Visit:
An Open Letter From the Parents of Holly Patterson - Death by RU-486:

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