It may not be too late to reverse the abortion pill (Mifeprex or RU-486) – call 1-877-558-0333

Thursday, February 28, 2008

40 Days for Life Story of a Life saved by 8-Year Old Boy

An eight-year-old boy went with his older sister to pray with a 40 days for life group Bakersfield, California and wound up saving a baby's life. A pregnant woman had been talking with sidewalk counselors for an hour. "Little Hugo stood nearby listening as Denisha explained her reasons for scheduling the abortion. She has two young children who were taken away by Child Protective Services. She expects to get her children back at an upcoming court date, but being pregnant again could complicate the situation. She was also afraid to tell her parents that she is pregnant." The boy listened and then spoke, to read more visit: 40 Days for Life:

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Clinton Legacy - RU-486 -An Open Letter From the Parents of Holly Patterson - Death by RU-486

During the Clinton Adminsitration, the French Abortion Pill RU-486 was rushed through trials so that it could quickly be approved by the FDA. There have been twelve deaths associated with RU-486, one of them Holly Patterson. The following is a letter written by her parents.
An Open Letter From the Parents of Holly Patterson - Death by RU-486: "As parents, we cannot allow our beautiful Holly's horrible death to be in vain. RU-486 has caused serious injury and has been implicated in the deaths of other young women. Now it has killed our daughter. We have learned that the initial trials were rushed and the drug was lumped in and approved with drugs designed for life threatening illnesses such as cancer and AIDS. Pregnancy is a natural process that a woman's body is designed to support and has never been classified as a life threatening illness. We need help to develop a website and provide a place for teenagers and women to report their stories and testimonials of their experience on the serious and adverse affects using RU-486." Visit:
An Open Letter From the Parents of Holly Patterson - Death by RU-486:

Monday, February 25, 2008

Husband's love and a rollicking save coma wife - Telegraph

Here is where socialized medicine gets you! A young British woman age 28, slipped into unconsciousness from severe blood poisoning moments after being told her baby had died. Her husband kept a round the clock vigil at her bedside for two weeks and then was told by doctors they they would remove her from life support. Two Weeks! Did you hear that? Doctors under England's system of socialized medicine gave this woman just two weeks to recoer before writing her off! Here is the story from the Telegraph:

Husband's love and a rollicking save coma wife - Telegraph: "But when doctors told him they could have to switch off her life support machine, Mr Sullivan took drastic action - by giving his wife a firm telling-off."

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Jill Stanek - There is none so blind as he who will not see

Just another incident which proves there's no such thing as an unwanted child. Even when a mother rejects her child, there is someone with enough love in their hearts to care for even a child with special needs.

"Rome, February 8, Zenit.org: A 15-month-old girl whose parents tried to abort her because she is blind, but survived the procedure, has been adopted by a John XXIII Community household in Rome." Visit:
Jill Stanek - There is none so blind as he who will not see:

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

An Open Letter From the Parents of Holly Patterson - Death by RU-486

An Open Letter From the Parents of Holly Patterson - Death by RU-486: "As parents, we cannot allow our beautiful Holly's horrible death to be in vain. RU-486 has caused serious injury and has been implicated in the deaths of other young women. Now it has killed our daughter. We have learned that the initial trials were rushed and the drug was lumped in and approved with drugs designed for life threatening illnesses such as cancer and AIDS. Pregnancy is a natural process that a woman's body is designed to support and has never been classified as a life threatening illness. We need help to develop a website and provide a place for teenagers and women to report their stories and testimonials of their experience on the serious and adverse affects using RU-486."

Human Life International -- Condom Exposé

If you look at any state's abortion statistics, you will probably find that three quarters of abortions are to unmarried women. Since the 1970's the Government has poured billions of dollars into promoting contraception through organizations like Planned Parenthood. With so much money being spent to supposedly prevent teen pregnancy, why then do abortion numbers to unmarried teens and women soar? Human Life International's Condom Expose helps one understand the underlyilng problem.

"The Underlying Problem. It is common knowledge among health professionals that sexually‑transmitted diseases (STDs), some of which are incurable and/or fatal, have found fertile ground to multiply in societies that permit and even celebrate all forms of permissive sex. Unfortunately, most people, for fear of appearing “backwards” or “repressive,” treat this glaringly obvious fact like a basilisk -- they dare not look at it or even speak about it." Human Life International's Condom Expose follows and contains shocking information about the conditions under which condoms are stored which make their supposed "effectiveness" at preventing sexually transmitted diseases, much lower than claimed. The Condom Expose continues:
Human Life International -- Condom Exposé:

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Operation Rescue » Blog Archive » Healthy Baby Narrowly Escapes Late-Abortion At Tiller’s Clinic

Wichita, Kansas -Healthy Baby Narrowly Escapes Late-Abortion At Tiller’s Clinic: "Last September, a 22-year old woman and her mother arrived at George Tiller’s Women’s Health Care Services in Wichita, Kansas, for an abortion. The pregnant woman had been sent to Tiller’s abortion mill by a doctor in Reno, Nevada, who had told her that her baby suffered from dwarfism, water on the brain, and a number of other fetal abnormalities. He also told her that if she attempted to deliver the baby at term, she could die. Fearful for her life, the woman made the trip to Wichita, KS"

At the abortion clinic gate, sidewalk counselor Judi Weldy offered literature to the women, who stopped to talk. They explained that they were Christians who would not have considered abortion, but they felt like there was no choice since it was a medical necessity.

Judi referred the women to Choices Medical Clinic, a pro-life clinic directly next door to WHCS that provides free 4-D ultrasounds. That clinic also has one of the only peri-natal hospice programs in the nation, and is uniquely equipped to properly counsel women facing pregnancies complicated by fetal anomalies.

The women agreed to go for the ultrasound. They called WHCS to cancel their appointment, but Tiller's receptionist told the women they would keep their appointment open so they could come back in the afternoon, if they wanted.

The ultrasound showed that the baby might indeed have dwarfism, but had none of the other conditions the woman had been told. The baby was clearly a little boy! The physician on duty at Choices Medical Center examined the woman and told her he saw no medical reason why she could not have a normal, safe delivery. To read more visit:
Operation Rescue » Blog Archive »

Friday, February 08, 2008

Townhall.com::Quo Vadis, Conservatives?::By Michelle Malkin

On Super Tuesday, John McCain essentially took the nomination for the Republican ticket. Later in the week when Mitt Romney dropped out of the race, McCain as the Republican nominee became a certainty. I've never been a fan of John McCain. Many Conservatives may be considering staying home on election day, but think again. Michelle Malkin wrote recently to put the 2008 election into perspective: Townhall.com::Quo Vadis, Conservatives?::By Michelle Malkin: "Some on the right advise their readers and listeners to vote Democrat or sit home. My advice is exactly the opposite: Get off the couch and walk the walk for conservative candidates and officeholders who need all the help they can get defending free markets, free minds and secure borders -- no matter who takes the White House in November" - Her advice is to get out and vote for the sake of conservatives running for Congress. Malkin's article continues here:
Townhall.com::Quo Vadis, Conservatives?::By Michelle Malkin: