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Friday, March 03, 2006

Oppose "Morning -After Pill"

The Newsletter of the Pro-Life Union of Southeastern Pa. suggests that pro-life people to voice theis opposition to the morning after pill: " We ask all readers to check your pharmacy about this lethal chemical. Do they dispense or force their employees to dispense? It harms the woman and if pregnant, it will kill her child, which is its purpose. PP is attempting to compel Target to force their employees to dispense. Walgreens has fired four employees for not dispensing. One of the four, Rich Quayle gave up a $100,000 year job, “I’m not here to kill anybody and I won’t do it.” We all use drug stores. Let walk with these courageous pro-lifers and speak out at our local pharmacies. That’s a minimum. A poll of 859 pharmacists showed that 69% felt they should be free not to dispense the “morning after pill.”"

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