It may not be too late to reverse the abortion pill (Mifeprex or RU-486) – call 1-877-558-0333

Friday, September 26, 2014

Tennessee high school senior student decimates Common Core

PA Author Brings Inspirational Message on Returning Order to America Meet John Horvat, II on September 28, 2014 in Scranton, PA

 PA Author Brings Inspirational Message on Returning Order to America
Meet John Horvat, II on September 28, 2014     St Mary’s Center, 320 Mifflin Ave.,  Scranton, Pa.    3:00pm to 5:00pm 
Don't miss this very important and timely message by Award Winning Author , JOHN HORVAT , entitled, “HONOR THY FATHER AND THY MOTHER: The key to bringing America Back to Order. His talk aims to fire up American families with the notion of honoring parents and transforming our culture. As in his book, "Return to Order", Horvat draws from America's rich Christian past to explain the correlation between family, faith, the economy, and moral values. He shows how society's obsession for a secular, materialistic culture is causing social and psychological emptiness and economic ruin. 

Thursday, September 18, 2014

TV Show Solves 1997 Case of Pregnant Woman, Unborn Baby Killed the Day She Was to Give Birth

Thanks to some help from TNT’s Cold Justice, Cottonwood, Arizona police arrested Cecilio Cruz, 34, who was respnosible for killing his pregnant girlfriend. Cruz is now charged with the shooting death of his then girlfriend Marisol Gonzalez, who had carried their child nearly to full term. Unfortunately, Cruz could still walk free because police have no physical evidence against Cruz.  Visit:

TV Show Solves 1997 Case of Pregnant Woman, Unborn Baby Killed the Day She Was to Give Birth

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

40 Days for Life: Planned Parenthood Manager Converts, Clinic Closes

Pro Life success story in Texas at spring 40 Days for Life campaign.

The fall campaign starts in a week.

Friday, September 12, 2014

National Right to Life's Ernie Olhoff to Address Scranton Pro-Life Chapter

Scranton Chapter Marks The 40th Anniversary of Its Founding
Banquet to Honor Forty Year Fight for Life!
Four decades and over 55 million abortions since the Roe v. Wade decision of Jan. 22, 1973 legalizing abortion-on-demand in all fifty states, the battle to create a culture of life in America rages on. Locally, that battle has been carried on by the Scranton Chapter of Pennsylvanians for Human Life and on Friday, November 14th, 2014, it will mark the occasion with a Respect Life Banquet at Fiorelli's, 1501 Main St in Peckville, PA. All members, supporters, volunteers, members of the clergy and interested persons are invited to attend and commemorate this major milestone in the history of our fight to uphold the dignity of and respect for human life from conception until its natural end.
It will be a time to honor those whose significant contributions of time, talent, and energy helped make this one of the most pro-life communities in the United States, denying the abortion industry a foothold in Scranton and Lackawanna County, as well as a time to look forward, enjoining a new generation of human rights defenders to take up the pro-life banner.
Ernest Ohlhoff, outreach director for the National Right to Life Committee, Washington D.C. will be featured speaker. He is a former resident of the Poconos in PA, and initially became involved with the Scranton Chapter before moving on to higher positions in the pro-life movement.
Included within the NRLC Outreach Dept. are American Victims of abortion, Religious Outreach, Youth Outreach (Teens and College) and Black Americans and Native Americans for Life.
Reservations for the Banquet may be made by contacting the Scranton Chapter at 570-347-8299 or 343-5099. Tickets cost is $30.00 per person with Dinner being served at 7 PM and cash bar beginning at 6 PM. Advance requests for reservations may be mailed including total amount and number of reservations. Send to PA For Human Life, 506 Broadway, Scranton PA 18505.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Burying the Dead: The Recovery and Burial of 600 Victims of Abortion

Remembering victims of Abortion:  An abortion clinic worker called a pro-life center for help.  "Our “informant,” Don, told us that he was appalled at the way the staff treated the women who came to them for abortions. He said they had no respect for women. And he was shocked to discover that they threw the aborted babies into the garbage dumpster in the alley behind the clinic.
Don also told us that he needed us to protect his identity, as he was afraid for his own life and safety." 
Burying the Dead: The Recovery and Burial of 600 Victims of Abortion

There will be a memorial service in front of the memorial for the unborn at St. Peter's Cathedral, Wyoming Ave. Scranton, PA.  It is a National Day of Remembrance for the Unborn victims of Abortion on Sat. Sept. 13th. at 10 am