It may not be too late to reverse the abortion pill (Mifeprex or RU-486) – call 1-877-558-0333

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Union Letter: Obamacare Will ‘Destroy The Very Health and Wellbeing’ of Workers - Corporate Intelligence - WSJ

Three Union leaders, James P. Hoffa, (Teamsters), D. Taylor, (UNITE-HERE) and Joseph Hansen of UFCW (United Food and Commercial Workers), wrote a letter to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid regarding major problems they have with The Affordable Care Act.  They expressed these concerns:
"First, the law creates an incentive for employers to keep employees’ work hours below 30 hours a week. Numerous employers have begun to cut workers’ hours to avoid this obligation, and many of them are doing so openly. The impact is two-fold: fewer hours means less pay while also losing our current health benefits."

"Second, millions of Americans are covered by non-profit health insurance plans like the ones in which most of our members participate. These non-profit plans are governed jointly by unions and companies under the Taft-Hartley Act. Our health plans have been built over decades by working men and women. Under the ACA as interpreted by the Administration, our employees will treated differently and not be eligible for subsidies afforded other citizens. As such, many employees will be relegated to second-class status and shut out of the help the law offers to for-profit insurance plans".
To read the whole letter visit:  Union Letter: Obamacare Will ‘Destroy The Very Health and Wellbeing’ of Workers - Corporate Intelligence - WSJ:
What are your thoughts on this development?

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

NY woman declared ‘brain dead’ woke up moments before organs harvested | LifeSiteNews.com

"SYRACUSE, NY, July 9, 2013 (LifeSiteNews.com) - A woman who was pronounced brain dead by doctors unexpectedly woke up just as her organs were about to be removed for transplant.

Doctors at St. Joseph's Hospital Health Center were called on the carpet by the state Health Department for not properly determining if Colleen S. Burns was actually dead before they sought permission from her family to harvest her organs and scheduled the procedure.

Burns, 41, of Syracuse, New York, was taken to hospital in October 2009 after a drug overdose.
St. Joseph's Hospital Doctors believed she had suffered irreversible brain damage and was on the point of death, but it later came to light that she was in fact in a deep drug-induced coma."  Visit:
NY woman declared ‘brain dead’ woke up moments before organs harvested | LifeSiteNews.com:
This case makes one wonder how many live supposedly "drain dead" individuals were killed by the doctors who harvested their organs for transplant.

Roofers, Waterproofers and Allied Workers Union Calls for Repeal of Obamacare - Roofers :: Political Action :: Hot Issues

Union President Kinsey M. Robinson in a Press Release dated April 16, 2013, calls for a repeal or complete reform of the Affordable Care Act stating

"our concerns over certain provisions in the ACA have not been addressed, or in some instances, totally ignored. In the rush to achieve its passage, many of the Act's provisions were not fully conceived, resulting in unintended consequences that are inconsistent with the promise that those who were satisfied with their employer sponsored coverage could keep it.

These provisions jeopardize our multi-employer health plans, have the potential to cause a loss of work for our members, create an unfair bidding advantage for those contractors who do not provide health coverage to their workers, and in the worst case, may cause our members and their families to lose the benefits they currently enjoy as participants in multi-employer health plans.  For the full Press Release visit:Roofers :: Political Action :: Hot Issues:

Monday, July 22, 2013

The trial we ignored - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

"On July 8 I received an email originating from the Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Gainesville, Va., stating: "There is a couple in another state who have contacted an adoption agency looking for a family to adopt their Down Syndrome unborn baby. If a couple has not been found by today they plan to abort the baby."

I immediately called the church and was overwhelmed with joy to hear that hundreds of people already had called to adopt this child, and the phones had not stopped ringing! " Visit:
The trial we ignored - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:

Thursday, July 18, 2013

TEXAS ABORTION CENTER CLOSES - Press Release from David Bereit of 40 days for Life

Bryan/College Station, Texas -- The most significant 
abortion center closure -- in the 40 years of legalized 
abortion since the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision 
-- was made public today when Planned Parenthood Gulf 
Coast, Inc. announced that it was shutting down its 
abortion facility in Bryan/College Station, Texas after 
fifteen tumultuous years in business. 

In 2003, on the 30th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, ABC's 
Nightline spotlighted pro-life efforts in Bryan/College 
Station and said the community was "shaping the abortion 
debate" in America. Since that time, the local Planned 
Parenthood abortion facility gained worldwide notoriety as: 
 * Site of the first-ever 40 Days for Life campaign in 
2004, an effort that has since grown into a worldwide 
pro-life mobilization of 575,000 volunteers in 501 
cities around the globe; saving 7,536 babies from 
abortion, closing 37 abortion centers, and helping 83 
workers to quit their jobs in the abortion industry 
 * Place where former abortion center director and 
Planned Parenthood employee of the year Abby Johnson 
experienced a conversion, quit her job, and became an 
outspoken pro-life advocate, going on to found And 
Then There Were None, a new ministry which has since 
helped 60 other workers to leave the abortion 
industry over the last year 
 * Home of the Coalition for Life, the grassroots 
organization which Planned Parenthood credited for 
making the community "the most anti-choice place in 
the nation" in which Planned Parenthood experienced 
its "most consistent and active" opposition in the 

David Bereit, national director of 40 Days for Life,
said: "This is epic news fifteen years in the making!
Thousands of dedicated community members have faithfully 
prayed and held peaceful vigils outside this abortion 
center, offered hope and alternatives to turn away 
prospective Planned Parenthood customers, and educated 
the community about the harm of Planned Parenthood.
These efforts, combined with the decisive action of 
the Texas legislature, have finally brought about this 
closure that is an answer to prayer."

Shawn Carney, 40 Days for Life campaign director, said:
"As the birthplace of 40 Days for Life and the place 
where Abby Johnson resigned after eight years working 
for America's largest abortion chain, this is a huge 
victory for the entire pro life movement! Peaceful and 
prayerful local opposition to abortion is ending 
abortion from the grassroots up." 
     Abby Johnson, former Bryan/College Station Planned 
Parenthood abortion center director and founder of And 
Then There Were None, said: "This is what grace truly 
looks like. Knowing that the former abortion clinic I 
once ran is now closing is the biggest personal victory 
of my life. From running that facility, to then advocating 
for its closure, and now celebrating that dream ... it 
shows that my life has indeed come full circle. I am 
honored to have worked with so many who helped with my 
conversion and the closure of this facility. We will 
continue to fight until every abortion clinic in this 
country has shut its doors."  ### 
David Bereit
National Director
40 Days for Life

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Courage from the mouths of babes: Raped 11-year-old wants life for her unborn child

 "Pro-lifers around the world are applauding an 11-year-old girl who was raped by her stepfather and subsequently vocalized her love for her unborn child despite the tragic circumstances. According to LifeSiteNews, the girl, who is being called “Belén” to protect her privacy, said:

…I am going to love her a lot, no matter what – even if she is from that man who hurt me."

Thursday, July 11, 2013

AG Won't Defend: We Deserve Better

AG Won't Defend: We Deserve Better l:
Attorney General Won't Defend Marriage: We, the people Deserve Better  (From the Pennsylvania Family Institute)
Harrisburg, PA) - The Pennsylvania Family Institute today expressed disappointment that Attorney General Kathleen Kane will not defend the Commonwealth’s marriage law against a lawsuit filed this week by the ACLU.

Pennsylvania’s Defense of Marriage Act, which states that marriage in Pennsylvania is the union of one man and one woman, passed by overwhelming numbers in the General Assembly, and was signed into law by Gov. Tom Ridge in 1996.  The ACLU is asking a Federal Judge to overturn that law, and redefine marriage in Pennsylvania.

“This is simply dereliction of duty by the Attorney General,” said Michael Geer, the Family Institute President.  “The statute that governs the role of Attorney General in Pennsylvania is crystal clear:  defend duly-enacted state laws*.  Apparently General Kane believes she can ignore laws she disagrees with.   This is damaging to the rule of law and the people’s trust in government,” added Geer.

Attorney General Kane was not elected judge – to pass judgment on the wisdom of laws duly passed by the General Assembly.  It’s her job to defend them.

Every year, laws are passed that people oppose.  We are not given freedom to ignore or disobey them, and neither is Attorney General Kane.  The people of Pennsylvania deserve better from their Attorney General.

We anticipate that other parties named in the lawsuit, including Gov. Tom Corbett, will rightfully take up the responsibility to defend marriage in Pennsylvania.

* From the Commonwealth Attorneys Act of 1980:
Ch 2, Section 204 (3) It shall be the duty of the Attorney General to uphold and defend the constitutionality of all statutes so as to prevent their suspension or abrogation in the absence of a controlling decision by a court of competent jurisdiction.

Saudi princess arrested in California human trafficking probe | Fox News

Saudi princess arrested in California human trafficking probe | Fox News: "Saudi princess arrested in California human trafficking probe"  A Saudi princess was charged Wednesday with human trafficking for allegedly holding a domestic worker against her will and forcing her to work at an Orange County condominium, prosecutors said.
Orange County District Attorney Tony Rackauckas identified 42-year-old Meshael Alayban as a Saudi princess who was charged with one count of human trafficking. If convicted, she faces up to 12 years in prison.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/07/11/saudi-princess-arrested-in-california-human-trafficking-investigation/#ixzz2YmLsdNZP

'via Blog this'

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Brazil demands explanation from US over NSA spying | World news | guardian.co.uk

Brazil demands explanation from US over NSA spying | World news | guardian.co.uk:
"Brazil has called on Washington to explain why US intelligence agencies have been monitoring millions of emails and phone calls from its citizens, as the international fallout from the US whistleblower Edward Snowden's revelations spread to Latin America.

The foreign minister, Antonio Patriota, expressed "deep concern" about a report that appeared in O Globo newspaper at the weekend, which detailed how the US National Security Agency (NSA) had conducted extensive spying activities in Brazil."

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

BBC News - Vatican confirms Catholic priest was killed in Syria

""Islamists attacked the monastery, ransacking it and destroying everything," it said. "When Father Francois tried to resist, defending the nuns, rebels shot him.""  BBC News - Vatican confirms Catholic priest was killed in Syria: