It may not be too late to reverse the abortion pill (Mifeprex or RU-486) – call 1-877-558-0333

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Robert Powell Center for Medical Ethics

From the Robert Powell Center, an excellent analogy to explain how price controls would force rationing using a restaurant as an example:
"It is as though a government, concerned about the high cost of restaurant food, imposed a price limit of $5 per meal, and then asserted that for those who like their restaurant food, nothing will force them to change their eating habits. The reality, of course, is that restaurants would be unable to afford to offer meals at prices below the cost of their ingredients. Consequently, about all restaurant-goers would be able to get would be fast food." Visit:Robert Powell Center for Medical Ethics:

Quotes from Msgr. Bambera, Soon to be Bishop of Scranton, at Annual Respect for Life Prayer Breakfast Sponsored by Pennsylvanians for Human Life

Excerpts from Msgr. Bambera's remarks at the Annual Respect for Life Prayer Breakfast Sponsored by Pennsylvanians for Human Life's Scranton Chapter on Jan 30, 2010:

"I do bring greetings this morning to all of you from his eminence Cardinal Rigali, the apostolic administrator of the Diocese of Scranton, our leader during this time of transition as we await the appointment of a new bishop. Many of you know that Cardinal Rigali just completed his term as chairperson of the United States Catholic Council of Bishops Pro-Life Committee and so his commitment to this cause....is very, very profound...he sends his best wishes, his gratitude for all that you are and all that you do. And especially his prayers are with all of you, with all of us as we embrace this noble task and the sacred work of defending human life."

"Since its beginning, the Church has always proclaimed the value of the human person and we have always and will continue to stand with faithful from all religious denominations and faith communities in defense of human life. In the book of Genesis, the very first book in the Scriptures, we’re reminded that God made human beings in His own image. Our life comes from God. Life is God’s first and foremost gift to us. It’s his image and his imprint and life is our sharing in the breath of God’s own life. Human life and death thus, are in God’s hands. Deuteronomy the Old Testament book proclaims that God alone – God alone can say, “It is I who bring forth death and life." God alone – not me, not you, not anyone but the creator in whose image every human being is made. How sad that our world has become increasingly godless and eclipsed by so many other passing values that people seem to want to embrace – seem to think will provide them with some sense of meaning and purpose. And as a result, what happens? People continue to look and to search and to grasp – and in the process, we’ve allowed a culture of death to emerge and to grow in our midst."

"The Second Vatican Council, 45 years age said this about the culture of death: “Whatever is opposed to life itself – abortion, euthanasia, murder, genocide or willful self-destruction – whatever violates the integrity of the human person such as mutilation, torments inflicted on body or mind, attempts to coerce the will itself – whatever insults human dignity such as sub-human living conditions, arbitrary imprisonment, deportation, slavery, prostitution, the selling of women and children, as well as disgraceful working conditions where men are treated more as tools for profit rather than as free and responsible persons – all of these things and others of their like are infamies.” They poison human society and they are a supreme dishonor to our creator."

"We’re called to be salt, light, and leaven. And what do salt, light and leaven do but they affect that which is around them. They make a difference in the world. And what we do today and every day as we confront a Godless society and values that are contrary to life itself – is that we stand as God calls us to stand as influences for good in our world"

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Scranton's New Bishop: Bambera grateful, humble, asks for support in prayers | The Times Leader, Wilkes-Barre, PA

Pro-life Catholics around the country have long been encouraged by several of Scranton's Bishops whose steadfast committment to the sanctity of life have been an encouragement to them. Chief among these was John Cardinal O'Connor, who was Bishop of the Diocese of Scranton, if only for a short time. Cardinal O'Connor had the foresight to form Sisters of Life and authorized Father Frank Pavone to form Priests for Life. Today, the Pope has named Msgr.Joseph Bambera, a priest of the Diocese of Scranton, Scranton's next Bishop. Pro-Life Catholics will not be dissappointed in Scranton's new Bishop. More tomorrow.
From the Times Leader:
Bambera grateful, humble, asks for support in prayers | The Times Leader, Wilkes-Barre, PA: "Diocese of Scranton Bishop elect Joseph Bambera said the diocese has 'an opportunity to move forward. .. with challenges, absolutely,' Asked if prior controversial decisions by Bishop Joseph Martino would be revisited, Bambera said that is unlikely, due to the extensive work and thought that went into the decisions."

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Montana To Permit Assisted Suicide - The Philadelphia Bulletin Archives

"Montana’s highest court ruled on Dec. 31 that physicians who help terminally ill patients commit suicide cannot be prosecuted:
“We find nothing in Montana Supreme Court precedent or Montana statutes indicating that physician aid in dying is against public policy,” said the state’s Supreme Court in the 4-3 decision. “We also find nothing in the plain language of Montana statutes indicating that physician aid in dying is against public policy. In physician aid in dying, the patient – not the physician — commits the final death-causing act by self-administering a lethal dose of medicine.”" Visit:
Montana To Permit Assisted Suicide - The Philadelphia Bulletin Archives:

Friday, February 19, 2010

Founders Would Cheer Virginia’s Anti-Obamacare Bill

"Virginia is moving towards passing legislation that would make it unlawful to implement federal legislation to compel Virginia residents to buy health insurance, a/k/a, Obamacare. On Monday, February 1st, the Democratic-controlled state senate of Virginia passed a bill that would block the implementation of the individual mandate of Obamacare." Visit:
Founders Would Cheer Virginia’s Anti-Obamacare Bill: Send this article to your state representatives.

Chester County Communities Participating in 40 Days for Life

Chester County To participatre in the chester County 40 Days for Life, contact Paulette Matthews by e-mail PauletteMatthews@hotmail.com or visit:

Will this disabled child be denied the right to life? Wesley Smith writes about Baby Isaiah in Secondhand Smoke | A First Things Blog

Wesley Smith writes about baby Isaiah,a Canadian "infant who experienced a severe brain injury during a very long labor process. When the physicians sent a letter stating they would unilaterally cease life support, Isaiah’s parents sued". For facts about baby Isaiah that you won't get in the mainstream media viait:Secondhand Smoke | A First Things Blog

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Court Grants Preliminary Injunction Against San Diego’s Campaign Finance Law

PRESS RELEASE Wednesday, February 17, 2010
From: James Bopp, Jr.

Yesterday a federal district court granted a preliminary injunction in Thalheimer v. San Diego, No. 09-CV-2862, and told the City of San Diego it cannot enforce four sections of its campaign finance law because they are likely unconstitutional. San Diego’s law prevented candidates like Phil Thalheimer, a former candidate for City Council who is considering another run in 2012, from spending any of his own money more than a year in advance of the primary to announce his interest in running. The law also prevented contributions from average citizens to political parties being used to support those parties’ candidates. The law also placed a limit on how much money committees can spend independently of candidates, and banned committees from using any money contributed by organizations for their independent expenditures. The court found that each of these laws was likely unconstitutional, and said San Diego cannot enforce them.

James Bopp, Jr., lead counsel for the plaintiffs in the lawsuit, stated, “This decision is a victory for the First Amendment and all the citizens of San Diego. Their First Amendment rights have been vindicated by the court.” Mr. Bopp explained, “The Supreme Court has made it clear that the First Amendment does not allow laws that keep candidates from spending their own money, or prevent political parties from contributing to their candidates. And, in the Supreme Court’s most recent campaign finance case, the Court said that organizations have a First Amendment right to spend their money, independent of any candidate, for political speech purposes. And, they can spend as much as they want to. Yet, San Diego’s law told people that they couldn’t do these things, even though the First Amendment says they can.”

James Bopp, Jr. has a national federal and state election law practice. He is an attorney with Bopp, Coleson & Bostrom and General Counsel for the James Madison Center for Free Speech. He is also a former Co-Chairman of the Election Law Subcommittee of the Federalist Society. Contact:jboppjr@aol.com

CATHOLICS DEFENDING LIFE Prayer Team Announces 40 Day Prayer Vigil

CATHOLICS DEFENDING LIFE Prayer Team Announces 40 Day Prayer Vigil

The Catholics Defending Life prayer team, Scranton will be conducting a 40 day prayer vigil during Lent at the Planned Parenthood Clinic at 316 Penn Ave, Scranton, from Ash Wednesday, February 17 – March 28. We will be praying to end abortion and for respect of human life from conception to natural death. We welcome and encourage all to join us, individuals, groups, including teen groups with adult moderators. The hours we are trying to fill are as follows: Mon., Wed., and Fri. From 10 A.M. to 5 P.M., Tues., and Thurs. From 10 A.M. to 7P.M...... Saturdays 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. We would appreciate any time you would be able to participate. This is a peaceful, prayerful, non confrontational presence that has as its purpose to change hearts. To schedule a time convenient for you to join us for prayer or for more information, call: Donna: 570-348-5011, Theresa: 570-687-5329 or Mary Ann: 570: 570-346-5094.

Donna M. Davis, Theresa Baux, Mary Ann Haas, Fr. Ed Buchheit, C.P.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Catholic Culture : Latest Headlines : Federal study acknowledges links between breast cancer and abortion, contraception

"A study by the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, concluded in April 2009, showed a strong correlation between the use of oral contraceptives and a particularly deadly form of breast cancer. The study found that the connection was highest among women who began using oral contraceptives while they were teenagers.
The study was particularly noteworthy because it contained an admission by a researcher from the National Cancer Institute (NCI), Louise Brinton, that abortion also raised the rate of “triple-negative” breast cancer. Brinton had previously headed a study that denied evience of a link between abortion and the incidence of breast cancer." Visit:
Catholic Culture : Latest Headlines : Federal study acknowledges links between breast cancer and abortion, contraception:

Belez Comments on Hillary Clinton's Speech at Prayer Breakfast WORLD Magazine | Empty house | Emily Belz | Feb 27, 10

"An adoption ministry that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton hailed as a home she helped open with Mother Teresa is no longer handling adoptions and its phone line is disconnected, though at the recent National Prayer Breakfast Clinton spent five minutes relating the story of its opening in her 30-minute speech." According to a neighbor, the ministry never took off due to red tape requiring the nuns to have medical personnell in the home. Mrs. Clinton did not seem to be aware of the fact that the ministry is no longer in operation. Visit:
WORLD Magazine | Empty house | Emily Belz | Feb 27, 10:

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Priests for Life Health Care Legislation Update

"The top health care aide to Speaker Nancy Pelosi said in a speech Tuesday that the strategy is for the Senate first to pass legislation that amends the health care bill that it already adopted. This amending measure, which would make the Senate bill palatable to House Democrats, would be adopted under the budget reconciliation process whereby only 51 votes would be needed instead of the usual 60 required to end debates in the Senate.
Once the Senate approved the reconciliation bill, House Democrats would then pass the measure." Visit: Abortion - Pro Life - Pro Life Legislation to Support:

Mentally disabled woman's family baffled by her killing - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Pittsburgh Tribune- "The family of a mentally challenged woman who was tortured, beaten and stabbed to death and left in a trash can in Greensburg said she was a trusting and caring person. The victim was 30-year-old Jennifer Daugherty" Visit:
Mentally disabled woman's family baffled by her killing - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review:

Thursday, February 11, 2010

40 Days for Life begins Fec. 17, 2010

This Lent, 165 cities in the U.S., Canada, Australia and Ireland will join in prayer for an end to abortion. A novel idea by Pensacola Florida 40 Days for Life participants is a novena of Masses, one each in nine different churches in the Pensacola area to pray for an end to abortion. This link lists the various cities that will participate in 40 days for life. Visit 40 Days for Life

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Jill Stanek - Two more pro-life Super Bowl ads

Jill Stanek comments about pro-life superbowl ads.
Two more pro-life Super Bowl ads: "About Dove Soap's Super Bowl ad, David Schmidt at the LiveAction.org blog noted:
It is good to see that Dove is pro-science and understands the biology of when human life begins. For their Super Bowl ad visit: Jill Stanek - Two more pro-life Super Bowl ads

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

From the Pro-aborts: What Tim Tebow's Super Bowl ad can teach the pro-choice movement - washingtonpost.com

From the Washington Post an interesting article and video. Two pro-abortion leaders comment on what they can learn from Tim Tebow's Focus on the Family Superbowl ad. Also included are video clips from Champions for Life, a pro-life video featuring members of the 1987 Superbooooowl championship team. The pro-abortion authors promise a Superbowl ad on "Choice" next year.
The article begins:
"More than two decades before Florida Gators quarterback Tim Tebow filmed a Super Bowl ad about his mother's decision to continue a risky pregnancy, other football greats went in front of the cameras for a cause they believed in." In addition,there are video clips from the 1989 video 'Champions For Life on the same page. It was created for American Life League, with members of the 1987 Super Bowl champion New York Giants visit:
What Tim Tebow's Super Bowl ad can teach the pro-choice movement - washingtonpost.com
Sue Cirba: The problem with next year's promised the "choice" ad is not all choices are morally equivalent. Giving birth and raising a chilld or giving it up for adoption are loving choices, positive for both the mother and her child. Abortion on the other hand is violence that destroys a child. There's just no comparison.