Pennsylvania Right to Life Issues, Pro-Life Education and Resources, Abortion, Health Care, End of Life Issues, 2020 Elections. Covid19 related issues, Catholic Faith
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Wednesday, December 02, 2015
Pitt: New stroke treatment could reduce number of deaths
Oositive outcomes for stroke victims went from the current rate of 30 percent to fifty-five percent. Visit: Pitt: New stroke treatment could reduce number of deaths
Pitt: New stroke treatment could reduce number of deaths
Oositive outcomes for stroke victims went from the current rate of 30 percent to fifty-five percent. Visit: Pitt: New stroke treatment could reduce number of deaths
Sunday, November 22, 2015
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Senator Santorum: Dangerous. Reckless. Uneducated. | The Iowa Republican
Santorum on American Security:
The first reason why importing Syrian refugees is dangerous is obvious. As the Obama FBI Director admitted, we have holes in our intelligence network that make it nearly impossible to know for certain who these refugees are, what their backgrounds are, and what their intentions will be once they are here. If we cannot track who these refugees are, how can we be sure they are not radical Islamists? As we saw in Paris, it just takes one jihadist intent on destruction to upend the world.
Making matters worse, approximately 70% of Syrian refugees are fighting-age males – not your typical refugee population. Does this sound strange, because it should. The Syrian refugee population is ripe for terrorist activity and we would simply be importing terror to our shores.
Senator Santorum: Dangerous. Reckless. Uneducated. | The Iowa Republican
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Monday, November 09, 2015
Planned Parenthood Clinic Caught Selling Aborted Babies Refuses to Attend Legislative Hearing
State legislators in Colorado today held a hearing concerning a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic that was caught in an expose’ video selling aborted babies. While legislators attended the hearing along with pro-life groups looking to expose the abortion business, representatives from Planned Parenthood refused to attend. The Republican Study Committee of Colorado, comprised of GOP members of the state legislature, held an informational hearing concerning Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountain’s participation in the trafficking of aborted baby body parts today at the state capitol. Visit: Planned Parenthood Clinic Caught Selling Aborted Babies Refuses to Attend Legislative Hearing
Saturday, November 07, 2015
Tuesday, November 03, 2015
Trump on Immigration Reform
From Donald Trump's campaign web site:
Make Mexico Pay For The Wall
For many years, Mexico’s leaders have been taking advantage of the United States by using illegal immigration to export the crime and poverty in their own country (as well as in other Latin American countries). They have even published pamphletson how to illegally immigrate to the United States. The costs for the United States have been extraordinary: U.S. taxpayers have been asked to pick up hundreds of billions in healthcare costs, housing costs, education costs, welfare costs, etc. Indeed, the annual cost of free tax credits alone paid to illegal immigrants quadrupled to $4.2 billion in 2011. The effects on jobseekers have also been disastrous, and black Americans have been particularly harmed.
The impact in terms of crime has been tragic. In recent weeks, the headlines have been covered with cases of criminals who crossed our border illegally only to go on to commit horrific crimes against Americans. Most recently, an illegal immigrant from Mexico, with a long arrest record, is charged with breaking into a 64 year-old woman’s home, crushing her skull and eye sockets with a hammer, raping her, and murdering her. The Police Chief in Santa Maria says the “blood trail” leads straight to Washington.
Immigration ReformRick Santorum -Valuing the dignity of every human life
Rick and Karen Santorum have a special place in their hearts for children with special needs. Their youngest daughter Bella was born with a serious genetic disorder Trisomy 18. Bella won’t walk and talk like the Santorums’ other children, but her ability to love others is her greatest gift. Since Bella’s birth, Rick and Karen’s commitment to protecting every life – born and unborn – has only been reaffirmed and strengthened. They know that every life matters no matter what physical or mental challenges a person may have. They are committed to fighting to ensure that our country always errs on the sides of life.Valuing the dignity of every human life
Monday, November 02, 2015
Whoopi Goldberg Says There’s Nothing in the Bible About Abortion, Here’s the Truth
This is a very interesting article.
Recently, Whoopi Goldberg made the bold announcement that the Bible has nothing to say about the subject of abortion. An audacious statement, especially since Ms. Goldberg has no scholarly credentials in the field of theology. But it should be noted that Ms. Goldberg is not alone in this belief; other abortion advocates have made such pronouncements as well as made the claim that since the Bible is silent on the issue it must, therefore, be licit. While it is true that the Bible certainly does not explicitly use the term “abortion” that does not mean that it has nothing to say on the subject. In fact, St. Paul did implicitly write about abortion, specifically in his Epistle to the Galatians. Visit:
Whoopi Goldberg Says There’s Nothing in the Bible About Abortion, Here’s the Truth
Friday, October 30, 2015
What to do with the excess Republican presidential candidates? Lowman Henry has ideas.
A New 'Team of Rivals'
By Lowman S. Henry
Once again this week the field of contenders for the 2016 Republican Presidential Nomination continued to grow. There is great diversity in what is shaping up to be a historically large field of would-be presidents. Diverse not just by gender, race and ethnicity, but collectively the candidates bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the contest.
A few years back the historian Doris Kearns Goodwin penned a book entitledTeam of Rivals which went into great detail as to how President Abraham Lincoln brought those who competed against him during the nomination process into his cabinet. President Lincoln was both secure enough in his own abilities, and wise enough to recognize his erstwhile opponents had talents the country sorely needed.
If Republicans reclaim the White House, the large field of contenders will give the new president a deep pool of qualified individuals from which to pick his, or her, cabinet. Just for fun, let's take a look at the Republican presidential contenders and see how they might fit into a new administration:
The big four cabinet posts are State, Defense, Treasury and Justice. U.S. Senator Marco Rubio has emerged as one of the leading voices on foreign affairs making him well qualified to become the next Secretary of State. Both the current Secretary of State John Kerry and his predecessor Hillary Clinton had competed for their party's presidential nomination and served in the U.S. Senate prior to becoming the nation's top diplomat, so Rubio would be following a well-worn path.
For Secretary of Defense U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham would be a perfect fit. He, along with Senator John McCain, for a decade now have traveled extensively to the mid-east and other areas of global conflict. He would be well positioned to begin restoring the confidence in America's resolve which has been lost over the past six years. And George Pataki, the former New York governor who led his state in the wake of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, would be an excellent fit for Secretary of Homeland Security.
Nobody on the campaign trail speaks as well or argues as effectively as the U.S. Senator from Texas, Ted Cruz. His passionate defense of conservative principles and strict adherence to the U.S. Constitution would make him an ideal candidate to become the next Attorney General of the United States. And, who better to be Secretary of the Treasury than the man who has made an $8 billion personal fortune - The Donald, Donald Trump?
As we continue to build the ideal GOP presidential cabinet let's put the former U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania Rick Santorum in as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. Santorum cares passionately for families and could walk in the innovative footsteps of another conservative icon, Jack Kemp, who proved that housing policy could be compassionate and realistic at the same time. Along those lines, Dr. Ben Carson - a highly respected neurosurgeon, would be an ideal fit as Secretary of Health and Human Services.
For Secretary of the Interior, former Texas Governor Rick Perry would be ideal. Western states need an Interior secretary who will fight for their interests. Perry is steeped in the issues, a passionate and effective advocate for his causes, and as a westerner would be widely acceptable in that role. Alternately, he would fit well as Secretary of Energy.
Conservatives would applaud the appointment of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker as Secretary of Labor. Walker has successfully battled the labor unions in Wisconsin and intrinsically understands how the nation's current labor policy environment is hindering the economic recovery. Pair him with Carly Fiorina as Commerce Secretary and they could put the nation's economy back on the right track.
His support for Common Core standards aside, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush was an innovator and strong supporter of school choice making him a good pick for Secretary of Education. Ohio Governor John Kasich would be effective as White House Chief of Staff. And, to really make liberal heads spin, let's put Senator Rand Paul on the U.S. Supreme Court.
Finally let's appoint New Jersey Governor Chris Christie as Secretary of Transportation. Who better to rebuild our nation's roads and bridges . . . OK, well, maybe not.
Those are my presidential cabinet picks. Of course, one of these folks would have to end up as president, and another likely vice president, but the bottom line is the GOP has a wealth of talent which could be called into service if the party prevails in November of 2016.
(Lowman S. Henry is Chairman & CEO of the Lincoln Institute and host of the weekly Lincoln Radio Journal. His e-mail address
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Read the Full Text of the Third Republican Undercard Debate
Four minor Republican presidential candidates met in Boulder, Colorado, for the third undercard debate Wednesday.
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum and former New York Gov. George Pataki were all on stage at the 6 p.m. debate, hosted by cable business news network CNBC. Visit:
Read the Full Text of the Third Republican Undercard Debate
Monday, October 26, 2015
Not All Black Lives Matter |
The Terri Schiavo Life and Hope Network has been instrumental in helping those who have been denied medical care to receive the care they need. Sadly this 20 year old black man has not been given the care he needs in three medical facilities. Visit: Not All Black Lives Matter |
Friday, October 23, 2015
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
January 2016 Students For Life Conference
Students: Make Plans to attend the National Students for Life Conference For a list of topics and speakers visit: Schedule | 2016 Students For Life Conference
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Congresswoman: “Planned Parenthood Doc Will Have to Find Another Way to Get Her Lamborghini”
A leading pro-life congresswoman had the perfect response to today’s news that Planned Parenthood will stop selling the body parts of aborted babies. Instead, the abortion giant announced that it will harvest and donate the body parts of unborn children victimized by abortions.
Diane Black, a pro-life Republican from Tennessee who has been spearheading the drive to de-fund Planned Parenthood, told LifeNews that Planned Parenthood’s decision is essentially an admission of guilt.
Congresswoman: “Planned Parenthood Doc Will Have to Find Another Way to Get Her Lamborghini”
Monday, October 12, 2015
Years later abortion doctors share their horrifying stories.
What caused them to change from aborting babies to pro-life advocates? Visit: Years later abortion doctors share their horrifying stories.
Friday, October 09, 2015
Pro-Life College Student Engages in Incredible One-Woman Protest of Planned Parenthood
Pro-Life College Student Engages in Incredible One-Woman Protest of Planned Parenthood
In Pennsylvania, 25-year-old college student Kaytee Moyer decided to take action after watching the Planned Parenthood videos exposing the company’s organ harvesting business. The Blaze reports that Moyer was initially hesitate to watch the footage released by The Center for Medical Progress (CMP) but afterwards was so disturbed by it that she decided to call some of her friends and organize a protest.
Monday, October 05, 2015
Speaker Boehner resigns: The tragedy of strategy
More relevant to the Speaker’s resignation was the Henrico County, Virginia electorate’s ouster of his former Majority Leader, Eric Cantor (R-Va.]) in June of 2014, when a relatively unknown conservative Republican, and Tea Party favorite named Dave Brat mounted an old-fashioned, door-to-door campaign and wrested his party’s nomination from a man who, at the time, was the second most powerful Republican in Congress. Visit: Speaker Boehner resigns: The tragedy of strategy
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Monday, September 28, 2015
Abortion Clinic in Oregon Caught Selling Body Parts From Aborted Babies
Friday, September 25, 2015
Pro-Life Speaker John Boehner Will Resign as Speaker in October Amid Debate on Shutdown
Pro-Life Speaker John Boehner Will Resign as Speaker in October Amid Debate on Shutdown
Well it's about time. Boehner was king of the meaningless vote. A pro-life speaker who is unwilling to de-fund Planned Parenthood and de-fund Obamacare is just taking up space. Hopefully a pro-life speaker who has the courage to challenge Obama in a meaningful way will be elected.
Well it's about time. Boehner was king of the meaningless vote. A pro-life speaker who is unwilling to de-fund Planned Parenthood and de-fund Obamacare is just taking up space. Hopefully a pro-life speaker who has the courage to challenge Obama in a meaningful way will be elected.
Friday, September 18, 2015
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Friday, September 11, 2015
Tuesday, September 08, 2015
Monday, September 07, 2015
Friday, September 04, 2015
My Story of Medical Conversion by: Lester Ruppersberger, D.O. FACOOG
My Story of Medical Conversion
Sat, Aug 01, 2015 |
by: Lester Ruppersberger, D.O. FACOOG
I always knew I wanted to be a physician since the sixth grade. I was the first one in my family to get into college. My experience was not ideal, but suffice it to say good enough for me to get accepted into medical school. When I matriculated, I knew I wanted to do Ob/Gyn. I am an adopted child and always was fascinated with women’s health care and babies. When I finished medical school, I was accepted into a rotating internship where I spent time in all specialties and that solidified the idea of my doing an Ob/Gyn residency.
When I interviewed for the residency, my program director inquired as to how I felt about doing abortions and I responded that I would not participate, as I was Catholic. He then asked me how I felt about contraception, sterilization and IUD’s and I responded that I had no problems with any of that. I then spent the next four years in a "traditional” Ob/Gyn residency doing all aspects of contraception, IUD insertion and sterilization. I was invited to join that director’s practice and spent the next 21 years as a "practicing” Catholic giving out birth control pills, inserting IUD’s and performing sterilizations and referring partners of women for vasectomies - without any second thought on my part that there was anything wrong. In fact, I was very good at these parts of the practice, and this work represents a huge bulk of office work and income for most Ob/Gyns.
Visit: My Story of Medical Conversion
Thursday, September 03, 2015
Arizona Attorney General Investigating Planned Parenthood, Which Sells Aborted Baby Parts
Thankfully there are public officials in several states that are taking action against Planned Parenthood.
Arizona Attorney General Investigating Planned Parenthood, Which Sells Aborted Baby Parts
Arizona Attorney General Investigating Planned Parenthood, Which Sells Aborted Baby Parts
Democrats in Congress Refuse to Watch Videos Exposing Planned Parenthood Selling Aborted Babies
Democrats in Congress Refuse to Watch Videos Exposing Planned Parenthood Selling Aborted Babies
You must click on the above link to see the photo of the nearly empty room.
Dear Congress,
The trouble with the see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil approach to government is that evil never goes away.
You must click on the above link to see the photo of the nearly empty room.
Dear Congress,
The trouble with the see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil approach to government is that evil never goes away.
Tuesday, September 01, 2015
Miscarried at 22 weeks, identical twins are sharing the truth about abortion
The photo, taken by a loving mom, who wanted to share what her miscarried 22 week unborn sons look like, especially with the videos of Planned Parenthood abuses currently in the news.
Miscarried at 22 weeks, identical twins are sharing the truth about abortion
Miscarried at 22 weeks, identical twins are sharing the truth about abortion
Monday, August 31, 2015
Saturday, August 29, 2015
Gov. Wolf Appoints Member of PA Planned Parenthood Board as His New Chief of Staff |
Gov. Wolf Appoints Member of PA Planned Parenthood Board as His New Chief of Staff
For more than twenty years of pro-abortion governors. abortionist Kermit Gosnell was able to operate his baby chop shop which he called a health center, killing hundreds of late term babies by abortion and hundreds more born alive and left to die or smothered by Gosnell or his staff. Gosnell and his staff have been tried convicted and jailed. These atrocities happened because under a pro-abortion administration, no one was inspecting the abortion clinics.
So now the Democrats have elected Tom Wolf who physically led unborn babies to slaughter as a Planned Parenthood escort. Abortion promoter Wolf now names a Planned Parenthood board member as his chief of staff. If abortion clinic inspections drop off again and we have an increase in babies killed, remember Wolf voters, this time the blood is on your hands-because you knew what happened in a previous pro-abortion administration-yet you voted pro-abortion again.
For more than twenty years of pro-abortion governors. abortionist Kermit Gosnell was able to operate his baby chop shop which he called a health center, killing hundreds of late term babies by abortion and hundreds more born alive and left to die or smothered by Gosnell or his staff. Gosnell and his staff have been tried convicted and jailed. These atrocities happened because under a pro-abortion administration, no one was inspecting the abortion clinics.
So now the Democrats have elected Tom Wolf who physically led unborn babies to slaughter as a Planned Parenthood escort. Abortion promoter Wolf now names a Planned Parenthood board member as his chief of staff. If abortion clinic inspections drop off again and we have an increase in babies killed, remember Wolf voters, this time the blood is on your hands-because you knew what happened in a previous pro-abortion administration-yet you voted pro-abortion again.
Friday, August 28, 2015
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Investigative Footage-Stem Express wants another 50 livers a week
This is one of a series of 8 videos released by the Center for Medical Progress concerning Planned Parenthood's selling of the body parts of aborted babies.
Investigative Footage
Investigative Footage
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Human Capital - Episode 3: Planned Parenthood's Custom Abortions for Sup...
In the seventh expose of Planned Parenthood released by the Center for Medical Progress, a new hire, Holly O'Donnell, tells how she was being trained to remove the brain from a fully intact (and very large) fetus. Afterward, she decided she could not work as a "tissue procurement specialist " any longer.
Friday, August 14, 2015
Arkansas Becomes 4th State to De-Fund Planned Parenthood After It Sells Aborted Babies
Arkansas has become the fourth state to de-fund the Planned Parenthood abortion business in the wake of six videos exposing how the abortion giant sells the body parts of aborted babies for research. The state follows Alabama andLouisiana, which are revoking a contract with Planned Parenthood using state Medicaid dollars, and New Hampshire, which zapped $650,000 in state taxpayer funding.Arkansas Becomes 4th State to De-Fund Planned Parenthood After It Sells Aborted Babies
Thursday, August 13, 2015
A nationwide protest of Planned Parenthood is scheduled for August 22, 2015 due to PP's trafficking in fetal body parts.
Planned Parenthood – Greensburg Health Center, 125 Nature Park Road (map)
Sponsor: Living Hope Church
Contact the local leader
Sponsor: Living Hope Church
Contact the local leader
Planned Parenthood, 1221 Powell Street (map)
Sponsors: Missionaries of the Gospel of Life & 40 Days for Life – Norristown
Contact the local leader
Sponsors: Missionaries of the Gospel of Life & 40 Days for Life – Norristown
Contact the local leader
Planned Parenthood, 12th and Locust Streets (map)
Sponsor: Pro-Life Union of Greater Philadelphia
Contact the local leader
Sponsor: Pro-Life Union of Greater Philadelphia
Contact the local leader
Planned Parenthood, 933 Liberty Avenue (map)
Sponsor: 40 Days for Life Pittsburgh
Contact the local leader
Sponsor: 40 Days for Life Pittsburgh
Contact the local leader
Planned Parenthood, 48 S. 4th Street (map)
Sponsors : Pro-Life Berks and The King’s Men
Contact the local leader
Sponsors : Pro-Life Berks and The King’s Men
Contact the local leader
Planned Parenthood, 316 Penn Avenue (map)
Sponsors: Pennsylvanians for Human Life (Scranton Chapter) and Catholics Defending Life and Prayer Awareness Team
Contact the local leader
Sponsors: Pennsylvanians for Human Life (Scranton Chapter) and Catholics Defending Life and Prayer Awareness Team
Contact the local leader
Planned Parenthood, 610 Louis Drive (map)
Sponsor: Bucks County Pro-Life Coalition
RSVP on Facebook
Contact the local leader
Sponsor: Bucks County Pro-Life Coalition
RSVP on Facebook
Contact the local leader
West Chester
Protest LocationsTuesday, August 11, 2015
Friday, August 07, 2015
Thursday, August 06, 2015
Republican debate: Santorum compares same-sex marriage ruling to Dred Scott case
During the Republican party’s lower-tier debate on Thursday evening, former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum compared the recent Supreme Court decision legalizing same-sex marriage to the infamous Dred Scott ruling--which declared in the 1850s that African Americans were not eligible for citizenship.
Asked if the same-sex marriage decision was “settled law,” Santorum responded “It is not, any more than Dred Scott was settled law to Abraham Lincoln.”
Republican debate: Santorum compares same-sex marriage ruling to Dred Scott case
Wednesday, August 05, 2015
New Hampshire Cancels $650,000 in Planned Parenthood Funding After It Sells Aborted Babies
New Hampshire has become the second state to cancel state taxpayer funding for the Planned Parenthood abortion business after multiple expose’ videos have caught the abortion business selling the body parts of aborted babies. The Granite State follows Louisiana, where pro-life Governor Bobby Jindal made the decision to cancel Medicaid funding to the abortion company.
New Hampshire Cancels $650,000 in Planned Parenthood Funding After It Sells Aborted Babies
New Hampshire Cancels $650,000 in Planned Parenthood Funding After It Sells Aborted Babies
Tuesday, August 04, 2015
Monday, August 03, 2015
GOP hopefuls take on illegal immigration in debate preview
GOP hopefuls take on illegal immigration in debate preview
I saw much of the forum and Carly Fiorina looked most presidential.
I saw much of the forum and Carly Fiorina looked most presidential.
Democrats Defeat Senate Effort to De-Fund Planned Parenthood After It Sells Aborted Babies
Clearly we need to elect a pro-life presidnt.
Democrats Defeat Senate Effort to De-Fund Planned Parenthood After It Sells Aborted Babies
Democrats Defeat Senate Effort to De-Fund Planned Parenthood After It Sells Aborted Babies
Friday, July 31, 2015
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Monday, July 27, 2015
New Video Highlights Planned Parenthood’s ‘Callous’ and ‘Depraved’ Brutality to Unborn Children | National Right to Life
The video released today (July 21, 2015) shows a conversation between Dr. Mary Gatter, president of the Medical Directors Council of PPFA, and two CMP-affiliated persons posing as executives of a recently formed for-profit firm engaged in collecting and selling fetal organs to researchers. Dr. Gatter discusses a potential contract between the simulated vendor and Planned Parenthood of Pasadena and San Gabriel Valley [California], where she is medical director, as well as past organ-harvesting arrangements at Planned Parenthood Los Angeles, where she was previously medical director.
“Another discussion, over lunch, of dismembering unborn children to harvest their body parts once again demonstrates the callousness and heartlessness of Planned Parenthood toward unborn children,” said Carol Tobias, National Right to Life president. “The conversation enters the realm of utter depravity when the Planned Parenthood doctor says she will explore ‘using a less crunchy technique to get more whole specimens.’ Dr. Gatter also expresses concern that the payments must ‘be big enough that it is worthwhile,’ and laughingly adds, ‘I want a Lamborghini.’ From a Press Release by National Right to Life Committee Visit:
New Video Highlights Planned Parenthood’s ‘Callous’ and ‘Depraved’ Brutality to Unborn Children | National Right to Life
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Colorado State University Defends Buying Aborted Baby Body Parts for Research
Alumni of Colorado State University should withhold their donations to the university until they adopt a policy stating they will not use body parts from aborted babies in research. Visit:
Colorado State University Defends Buying Aborted Baby Body Parts for Research
Colorado State University Defends Buying Aborted Baby Body Parts for Research
Planned Parenthood Worries Future Video Will Show it Dissecting Aborted Babies for Organs
Planned Parenthood, while responsible for killing millions of unborn babies since 1973 and now caught in a scandal selling the hearts,livers, heads and lungs of the children they abort, still manage to paint themselves as the victim: Visit:
Planned Parenthood Worries Future Video Will Show it Dissecting Aborted Babies for Organs
Planned Parenthood Worries Future Video Will Show it Dissecting Aborted Babies for Organs
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Friday, July 17, 2015
Scott Walker: “We Need to De-Fund Planned Parenthood State by State Across the Country”
In the wake of the scandal surrounding the Planned Parenthood abortion business selling the body parts of aborted babies, Republican presidential candidate Scott Walker is helping to lead the charge to de-fund the abortion giant. The Wisconsin governor told a crowd at a campaign stop in New Hampshire that he is proud of his record signing a bill to cut off at least some of the taxpayer funding of the Planned Parenthood abortion business in his state. Visit:
Scott Walker: “We Need to De-Fund Planned Parenthood State by State Across the Country”
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Shock Video Catches Planned Parenthood’s Top Doctor Selling Body Parts of Aborted Babies
This abortionist belongs in jail. She is so casual about killing unborn children and selling their body parts she can talk about it over dinner! Shock Video Catches Planned Parenthood’s Top Doctor Selling Body Parts of Aborted Babies
Friday, July 10, 2015
Truth and the ‘Swaddled Generation’ | CONCERNED WOMEN FOR AMERICA
Thomas Merton wrote: "The immature conscience is one that bases its judgments partly, or even entirely, on the way other people seem to be disposed toward its decisions. The good is what is admired or accepted by the people it lives with. The evil is what irritates or upsets them. Even when the immature conscience is not entirely dominated by people outside itself, it nevertheless acts only as a representative of some other conscience. The immature conscience is not its own master. It is merely the delegate of the conscience of another person, or of a group, or of a party, or of a social class, or of a nation or of a race. Therefore it does not make real moral decisions of its own, it simply parrots the decisions of others. It does not make judgments of its own, it merely “conforms” to the party line. It does not really have motives or intentions of its own. Or if it does, it wrecks them by twisting and rationalizing them to fit the intentions of another."
Read more:
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook
Truth and the ‘Swaddled Generation’ | CONCERNED WOMEN FOR AMERICA
Read more:
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook
Truth and the ‘Swaddled Generation’ | CONCERNED WOMEN FOR AMERICA
Wednesday, July 08, 2015
Fetal Models Help Save Baby From Abortion, Mom Already Had Abortion Appointment
I will never forget an evening a few years ago when I sat with another volunteer at the Washington County Right to Life fair booth. There weren’t many people at the fair that night and I was a little frustrated, feeling as if I was wasting my time. Then, a young woman approached to thank us for having a booth because if it hadn’t been there the year before, she wouldn’t have had her son, Sean. She showed us her four-month-old baby.
In 2013, a young woman came to the Deschutes County fair in Bend to thank the local chapter, Central Oregon Right to Life, for having their booth. She had decided to keep the baby she was carrying because of seeing their display the year before. Visit:
Fetal Models Help Save Baby From Abortion, Mom Already Had Abortion Appointment
Monday, July 06, 2015
Vietnam Poised to End Two-Child Policy | Population Research Institute
Vietnamese outlet Thanh Nien News, reports that the Vietnamese government is preparing to categorically reverse its two-child policy. If this happens, Vietnamese families will be able to decide for themselves how many children they can have, without government fines or punishment.
Vietnam Poised to End Two-Child Policy | Population Research Institute
Vietnam Poised to End Two-Child Policy | Population Research Institute
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Monday, June 29, 2015
Mother of Two and Her Unborn Baby Both Die Just Days After She’s Diagnosed With Breast Cancer
Mother of Two and Her Unborn Baby Both Die Just Days After She’s Diagnosed With Breast Cancer
Actually it was more a result of not being thorough in tracking down the reason for a continuous cough.
Actually it was more a result of not being thorough in tracking down the reason for a continuous cough.
Thursday, June 18, 2015
The New York Times Throws in the Towel on "Overpopulation"
But America’s “newspaper of record,” as it styles itself, failed to record the horrors themselves. It was woefully incomplete. There was no mention of the human costs when governments made population control a priority. No mention of the savage forced abortions and forced sterilizations that followed. No mention of the killing of baby girls through female infanticide and sex-selective abortion. No mention of the wasted money, the age and gender imbalances that continue to unfold and will take effect for years to come. No mention of how the overpopulation panic helped to fuel the rise of birth control use and abortion. Visit:
The New York Times Throws in the Towel on "Overpopulation"
The New York Times Throws in the Towel on "Overpopulation"
American Radio Journal - Commentarieson economic record of Jeb Bush and Donald Trump
American Radio Journal - Commentaries (audio recording about 10 minutes)
Pro-Lifers Honor 47 Victims of Gosnell Buried in Unmarked Plot in Philadelphia |
A tiny blue silk flower is the only marker that memorializes the gravesite of 47 babies who lost their lives at the hands of notorious Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell.
On Wednesday, some of our staff joined about 60 people at the gravesite for the first
memorial service to honor and remember these tiny victims of Kermit Gosnell.
Pro-Lifers Honor 47 Victims of Gosnell Buried in Unmarked Plot in Philadelphia |
Thursday, June 11, 2015
Indiana's abortion rate drops faster than national average, some cite aggressive legislation
Indiana's abortion rate drops faster than national average, some cite aggressive legislation
Note: this article seems to have a pro-abortion bias as it is an Indiana News story. However I will also post an Indiana pro-life group's perspective to follow..
Note: this article seems to have a pro-abortion bias as it is an Indiana News story. However I will also post an Indiana pro-life group's perspective to follow..
Right To Life Indy | There are many reasons the abortion rate is plummeting in Indianapolis
Right To Life Indy | There are many reasons the abortion rate is plummeting in Indianapolis
There are many reasons the abortion rate is plummeting in Indianapolis From Indianapolis Right to Life
/in Uncategorized /by Marc TuttleAccording to an AP article in today’s Indianapolis Star, the number of abortions in Indiana has declined by 20 percent since 2010. That’s much faster than the national rate of decline of 12 percent.
The drop in Marion County is a little more modest — a 16% decline since 2010 — but that’s still above the national average. For the largest metro area in the state, that’s fantastic news.
The Indianapolis Star article concentrated on recent legislative gains and how they might have affected the abortion rate. And while it’s true that better informed consent, restrictions on abortions beyond 20 weeks and better reporting laws have had an impact, the massive increase in help for pregnant mom’s in Indianapolis is certainly a major contributor as well. Great Lakes Gabriel Project, for instance, has provided on-site ultrasounds via their mobile ultrasound-RV, “Gabriel 1.” In addition, Women’s Care Center opened up a state-of-the-art facility right next to Planned Parenthood’s abortion facility in Indianapolis. In their first three months of operation, Women’s Care Center served over 200 pregnant women, 97% of whom chose life for their babies. Life Centers also has seen an increase in the numbers of pregnant women they’ve been able to help in the last three or four years. Life Centers now operates 8 pregnancy care centers in the Indianapolis-area.
The other significant reason for the decrease in abortions in Indianapolis is the closing of one abortion facility and the decrease in hours of operation at others. The fewer abortion providers, the less likely a woman is to go for an abortion.
While the 20 percent drop in abortions is great news, what it indicates for the pro-life movement is even better. We’re winning the war against abortion on just about every front.
Public perception continues to trend in a pro-life direction, fewer women are choosing abortion, fewer facilities are offering abortion and we’re passing more pro-life legislation than ever. Now, even the AP and the Indianapolis Star are having a hard time denying it.
Tuesday, June 09, 2015
God's Marriage and the Traditional Family need our prayers in anticipation of the upcoming supreme Court decision concerning redefining marriage by legalizing Same Sex Marriage throughout the United States. The intention of this emergency Rally is for the Supreme Court to make the right decision and uphold traditional marriage.
You are invited!
Join our 2015 Historic Rosary Rally for Traditional Marriage on Saturday, June 13th, 11:00 am , Lackawanna County Courthouse, North Washington Ave. , Scranton, Pa.
Coordinated Nationally by AMERICA NEEDS FATIMA campaign...
This June, the most important legal decision on marriage in American history will happen...
And America Needs Fatima is holding “emergency” rosary rallies all across the United States at noon on Saturday, June 13th. (Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.) Over 1,000 Rallies are scheduled..
The intention is for the Supreme Court to make the right decision and uphold traditional marriage.
God's Marriage and the Traditional Family need our prayers in anticipation of the upcoming supreme Court decision concerning redefining marriage by legalizing Same Sex Marriage throughout the United States. The intention of this emergency Rally is for the Supreme Court to make the right decision and uphold traditional marriage.
You are invited!
Join our 2015 Historic Rosary Rally for Traditional Marriage on Saturday, June 13th, 11:00 am , Lackawanna County Courthouse, North Washington Ave. , Scranton, Pa.
Coordinated Nationally by AMERICA NEEDS FATIMA campaign...
This June, the most important legal decision on marriage in American history will happen...
And America Needs Fatima is holding “emergency” rosary rallies all across the United States at noon on Saturday, June 13th. (Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.) Over 1,000 Rallies are scheduled..
The intention is for the Supreme Court to make the right decision and uphold traditional marriage.