Saturday, August 29, 2015

Gov. Wolf Appoints Member of PA Planned Parenthood Board as His New Chief of Staff |

Gov. Wolf Appoints Member of PA Planned Parenthood Board as His New Chief of Staff 

For more than twenty years of pro-abortion governors. abortionist Kermit Gosnell was able to operate his baby chop shop which he called a health center, killing hundreds of late term babies by abortion and hundreds more born alive and left to die or smothered by Gosnell or his staff.  Gosnell and his staff have been tried convicted and jailed.  These atrocities  happened because under a pro-abortion administration, no one was inspecting the abortion clinics.

So now the Democrats have elected Tom Wolf who physically led unborn babies to slaughter as a Planned Parenthood escort.  Abortion promoter Wolf now names a Planned Parenthood board member as his chief of staff.  If abortion clinic inspections drop off again and we have an increase in babies killed, remember Wolf voters, this time the blood is on your hands-because you knew what happened in a previous pro-abortion administration-yet you voted pro-abortion again.

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