Monday, July 27, 2015

New Video Highlights Planned Parenthood’s ‘Callous’ and ‘Depraved’ Brutality to Unborn Children | National Right to Life

The video released today (July 21, 2015) shows a conversation between Dr. Mary Gatter, president of the Medical Directors Council of PPFA, and two CMP-affiliated persons posing as executives of a recently formed for-profit firm engaged in collecting and selling fetal organs to researchers. Dr. Gatter discusses a potential contract between the simulated vendor and Planned Parenthood of Pasadena and San Gabriel Valley [California], where she is medical director, as well as past organ-harvesting arrangements at Planned Parenthood Los Angeles, where she was previously medical director.
“Another discussion, over lunch, of dismembering unborn children to harvest their body parts once again demonstrates the callousness and heartlessness of Planned Parenthood toward unborn children,” said Carol Tobias, National Right to Life president. “The conversation enters the realm of utter depravity when the Planned Parenthood doctor says she will explore ‘using a less crunchy technique to get more whole specimens.’ Dr. Gatter also expresses concern that the payments must ‘be big enough that it is worthwhile,’ and laughingly adds, ‘I want a Lamborghini.’  From a Press Release by National Right to Life Committee   Visit:
New Video Highlights Planned Parenthood’s ‘Callous’ and ‘Depraved’ Brutality to Unborn Children | National Right to Life

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