Friday, September 04, 2015

My Story of Medical Conversion by: Lester Ruppersberger, D.O. FACOOG

My Story of Medical Conversion

Sat, Aug 01, 2015
by: Lester Ruppersberger, D.O. FACOOG
I always knew I wanted to be a physician since the sixth grade. I was the first one in my family to get into college. My experience was not ideal, but suffice it to say good enough for me to get accepted into medical school. When I matriculated, I knew I wanted to do Ob/Gyn. I am an adopted child and always was fascinated with women’s health care and babies. When I finished medical school, I was accepted into a rotating internship where I spent time in all specialties and that solidified the idea of my doing an Ob/Gyn residency.
When I interviewed for the residency, my program director inquired as to how I felt about doing abortions and I responded that I would not participate, as I was Catholic. He then asked me how I felt about contraception, sterilization and IUD’s and I responded that I had no problems with any of that. I then spent the next four years in a "traditional” Ob/Gyn residency doing all aspects of contraception, IUD insertion and sterilization. I was invited to join that director’s practice and spent the next 21 years as a "practicing” Catholic giving out birth control pills, inserting IUD’s and performing sterilizations and referring partners of women for vasectomies - without any second thought on my part that there was anything wrong. In fact, I was very good at these parts of the practice, and this work represents a huge bulk of office work and income for most Ob/Gyns.
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