Thursday, November 19, 2015

Senator Santorum: Dangerous.  Reckless.  Uneducated. | The Iowa Republican

Santorum on American Security:
The first reason why importing Syrian refugees is dangerous is obvious.  As the Obama FBI Director admitted, we have holes in our intelligence network that make it nearly impossible to know for certain who these refugees are, what their backgrounds are, and what their intentions will be once they are here.  If we cannot track who these refugees are, how can we be sure they are not radical Islamists?  As we saw in Paris, it just takes one jihadist intent on destruction to upend the world.
Making matters worse, approximately 70% of Syrian refugees are fighting-age males – not your typical refugee population.  Does this sound strange, because it should.  The Syrian refugee population is ripe for terrorist activity and we would simply be importing terror to our shores.
Senator Santorum: Dangerous.  Reckless.  Uneducated. | The Iowa Republican

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