Thursday, June 11, 2015

Right To Life Indy | There are many reasons the abortion rate is plummeting in Indianapolis

Right To Life Indy | There are many reasons the abortion rate is plummeting in Indianapolis

There are many reasons the abortion rate is plummeting in Indianapolis  From Indianapolis Right to Life

According to an AP article in today’s Indianapolis Star, the number of abortions in Indiana has declined by 20 percent since 2010.  That’s much faster than the national rate of decline of 12 percent.
The drop in Marion County is a little more modest — a 16% decline since 2010 — but that’s still above the national average.  For the largest metro area in the state, that’s fantastic news.
The Indianapolis Star article concentrated on recent legislative gains and how they might have affected the abortion rate.  And while it’s true that better informed consent, restrictions on abortions beyond 20 weeks and better reporting laws have had an impact, the massive increase in help for pregnant mom’s in Indianapolis is certainly a major contributor as well.  Great Lakes Gabriel Project, for instance, has provided on-site ultrasounds via their mobile ultrasound-RV, “Gabriel 1.”  In addition, Women’s Care Center opened up a state-of-the-art facility right next to Planned Parenthood’s abortion facility in Indianapolis.  In their first three months of operation, Women’s Care Center served over 200 pregnant women, 97% of whom chose life for their babies.  Life Centers also has seen an increase in the numbers of pregnant women they’ve been able to help in the last three or four years.  Life Centers now operates 8 pregnancy care centers in the Indianapolis-area.
The other significant reason for the decrease in abortions in Indianapolis is the closing of one abortion facility and the decrease in hours of operation at others.  The fewer abortion providers, the less likely a woman is to go for an abortion.
While the 20 percent drop in abortions is great news, what it indicates for the pro-life movement is even better.  We’re winning the war against abortion on just about every front.
Public perception continues to trend in a pro-life direction, fewer women are choosing abortion, fewer facilities are offering abortion and we’re passing more pro-life legislation than ever.  Now, even the AP and the Indianapolis Star are having a hard time denying it.

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