Many of you have heard that someone shot and killed late term abortionist George Tiller this morning. Already bloggers on the left are using the incident to assail organizations such as Operation Rescue who have conducted protests at Tiller's clinic. Operation Rescue in no way condones killing. I have linked to an article "Operation Rescue - A Biblical Look". It explains the Movement begun by Randall Terry. Here is a quote from the article:
"In the minds of many, the greatest battle confronting the church today is overturning the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that has legalized the murder of millions of unborn babies. As the church confronts this situation, Christians must make sure that not only what they want is Biblical, but that the way they go about it is also Biblical. In the process of achieving a goal that glorifies God, we must not dishonor God by the tactics we use." Visit:
Operation Rescue - A Biblical Look:
Pennsylvania Right to Life Issues, Pro-Life Education and Resources, Abortion, Health Care, End of Life Issues, 2020 Elections. Covid19 related issues, Catholic Faith
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Sotomayor-La Raza link questions spread
"Questions over the fact that President Obama's Supreme Court nominee, Sonia Sotomayor, claims membership in La Raza, which has promoted driver's licenses for illegal aliens, amnesty programs and no immigration law enforcement by state and local police, are spreading, with both CNN and MSNBC featuring discussion of the issue with a severe critic of illegal immigration.
WND reported earlier this week when it was confirmed the American Bar Association listed La Raza, which means 'the Race,' as one of the groups in which Sotomayor is a member." Visit:Sotomayor-La Raza link questions spread:
WND reported earlier this week when it was confirmed the American Bar Association listed La Raza, which means 'the Race,' as one of the groups in which Sotomayor is a member." Visit:Sotomayor-La Raza link questions spread:
Duped at Notre Dame Dr. Paul Kengor
Clearly the best analysis I've read of Obama's visit to Notre Dame, sorry I didn't find this sooner:
"For a long time in America, the Religious Left, Catholics and Protestants alike, have been duped, played like fiddles. It happened again at Notre Dame yesterday.
President Barack Obama received an honorary degree amid a firestorm of controversy generated by his unprecedented extremism on abortion--an issue where he stands further to the left than any president in history, and in crystal-clear opposition to core Catholic Church social-moral teaching. Not one to back down, Obama addressed the matter head on at Notre Dame, feeding the faithful the left's standard abortion canard. He explained that he wants to 'reduce the number of women seeking abortions.'
This should have elicited gasps from an educated audience. After all, one of Obama's first acts as president--on January 23, the day after the annual March for Life in Washington--was signing the Mexico City policy. That means that groups like International Planned Parenthood will be subsidized with taxpayer dollars to perform and promote abortion overseas--to vigorously push for legalization" Visit:
Duped at Notre Dame:
"For a long time in America, the Religious Left, Catholics and Protestants alike, have been duped, played like fiddles. It happened again at Notre Dame yesterday.
President Barack Obama received an honorary degree amid a firestorm of controversy generated by his unprecedented extremism on abortion--an issue where he stands further to the left than any president in history, and in crystal-clear opposition to core Catholic Church social-moral teaching. Not one to back down, Obama addressed the matter head on at Notre Dame, feeding the faithful the left's standard abortion canard. He explained that he wants to 'reduce the number of women seeking abortions.'
This should have elicited gasps from an educated audience. After all, one of Obama's first acts as president--on January 23, the day after the annual March for Life in Washington--was signing the Mexico City policy. That means that groups like International Planned Parenthood will be subsidized with taxpayer dollars to perform and promote abortion overseas--to vigorously push for legalization" Visit:
Duped at Notre Dame:
Sonia Sotomayor: The 'Empathy' Nominee
"In a speech published in the Berkeley La Raza Law Journal in 2002, Judge Sotomayor offered her own interpretation of this jurisprudence. 'Justice [Sandra Day] O'Connor has often been cited as saying that a wise old man and wise old woman will reach the same conclusion in deciding cases,' she declared. 'I am . . . not so sure that I agree with the statement. First, . . . there can never be a universal definition of wise. Second, I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life.'" Visit:
Sonia Sotomayor: The 'Empathy' Nominee:
Sonia Sotomayor: The 'Empathy' Nominee:
Friday, May 29, 2009
The U.S. Constitution: Living, Breathing Document or Dead Letter?
"Liberals and progressives believe that the Constitution is a living, breathing document that should evolve with the times. They want Supreme Court justices to be flexible in interpreting the Constitution and adapting 18th-century language to 21st-century applications. Conservatives, on the other hand, are said to believe in “the original intent” of the Constitution. They oppose Supreme Court justices’ creative interpretations of the Constitution.
It is unfortunate that the fundamental difference in constitutional philosophy—what used to be called “loose construction” (favoring expanded government powers) vs. “strict construction” (favoring limited government powers)—has been cast in these terms." Visit:
The U.S. Constitution: Living, Breathing Document or Dead Letter?:
It is unfortunate that the fundamental difference in constitutional philosophy—what used to be called “loose construction” (favoring expanded government powers) vs. “strict construction” (favoring limited government powers)—has been cast in these terms." Visit:
The U.S. Constitution: Living, Breathing Document or Dead Letter?:
Limited Options for Dealing with North Korea
Limited Options for Dealing with North Korea: "Within one week, North Korea detonated a nuclear device, restarted its nuclear-production facilities, fired a half dozen or so short-range missiles into the Sea of Japan, and abrogated the 1953 truce that ended fighting along the 38th parallel. The Kim Jong Il regime took this final step after the South Korean government announced it was joining the Proliferation Security Initiative involving 90 nations committed to stopping the maritime shipping of banned nuclear goods."
Don't be Fooled About Sotomayor's Position on Abortion
Operation Rescue has posted a clip of Barack Obama's talk before a Planned Parenthood audience reminding them of his opposition to Justices Roberts and Alito. WE HAVE NO REASON TO BELIEVE OBAMA HAS SOFTENED HIS POSITION ON ABORTION! The vast majority of Obama's appointments are pro-abortion. Operation rescue has produced this You-Tube video to remind pro-lifers not to be fooled by Sotomayor's decisions relating to abortion.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Baby Faith Dies at 93 Days – Doctors Had Pressured Mother to Abort Anencephalic Daughter
"MONCTON, May 27, 2009 ( – Myah Walker has described the time from her daughter’s birth up until this past Saturday, May 23, as the “best 93 days of my life.” Faith Hope Walker, the baby about whom LifeSiteNews had previously reported, passed away peacefully this weekend in the arms of her mother, a 23 year-old student living in Moncton, New Brunswick." Visit:
Baby Faith Dies at 93 Days – Doctors Had Pressured Mother to Abort Anencephalic Daughter:
Baby Faith Dies at 93 Days – Doctors Had Pressured Mother to Abort Anencephalic Daughter:
Thirteenth Mexican State Passes Pro-Life Constitutional Amendment with Overwhelming Majority
"SAN LUIS POTOSI, MEXICO, May 26, 2009 ( - The Mexican state of San Luis Potosi has passed a pro-life amendment to its constitution by an overwhelming majority of 21-4, with two abstentions, becoming the 13th state in recent months to do so.
The amendment reads: 'The State of San Luis Potosi recognizes human life as fundamental for all human rights, for which reason it is respected and protected from the moment of its initiation in conception.'" Visit:
Thirteenth Mexican State Passes Pro-Life Constitutional Amendment with Overwhelming Majority:
The amendment reads: 'The State of San Luis Potosi recognizes human life as fundamental for all human rights, for which reason it is respected and protected from the moment of its initiation in conception.'" Visit:
Thirteenth Mexican State Passes Pro-Life Constitutional Amendment with Overwhelming Majority:
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Americans United for Life :: USSC Potentials_ Sonia Sotomayer
Americans United for Life on Sonia Sotomayer
"The Honorable Sonia Sotomayor, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
Despite 17 years on the bench, Judge Sotomayor has never directly decided whether a law regulating abortion was constitutional. She has, however, decided a few cases that indirectly implicate abortion rights." Visit:
Americans United for Life :: USSC Potentials:
"The Honorable Sonia Sotomayor, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
Despite 17 years on the bench, Judge Sotomayor has never directly decided whether a law regulating abortion was constitutional. She has, however, decided a few cases that indirectly implicate abortion rights." Visit:
Americans United for Life :: USSC Potentials:
Thursday, May 21, 2009
May 19th Pennsylvania Primary Election Results for Judicial Races
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of State website has posted unofficial totals the for the 2009 Pennsylvania Primary Judicial races. Vote totals for the following races were posted on Wed. May 20 with 99.09% of precincts reporting. Justice of the PA Supreme Court, Judge of the PA Superior Court and Judge of the Commonwealth Court totals follow:
Commonwealth of PA - Elections Information- Pennsylvania SupremeCourt
"Justice of the Supreme Court"
Democratic Primary
Candidate * * * * * * * * *Votes * * *Percent
PANELLA, JACK (DEM) - --- 529,727 - - 100.0%
Republican Primary
Candidate * * * * * * * * *Votes * * *Percent
ORIE MELVIN, JOAN (REP) ---303,224-- - 54.9%
PANEPINTO, PAUL P. (REP)- - 98,856 - - 17.9%
ALLEN, CHERYL LYNN (REP) - -150,689 - -27.3%"
Note: All of these candidates for Supreme Court were recommended by the
Pennnsylvania Pro-Life federation PAC
Visit:Commonwealth of PA - Elections Information:
Democratic Primary
Candidate * * * * * * * * *Votes * * *Percent
PANELLA, JACK (DEM) - --- 529,727 - - 100.0%
Republican Primary
Candidate * * * * * * * * *Votes * * *Percent
ORIE MELVIN, JOAN (REP) ---303,224-- - 54.9%
PANEPINTO, PAUL P. (REP)- - 98,856 - - 17.9%
ALLEN, CHERYL LYNN (REP) - -150,689 - -27.3%"
Note: All of these candidates for Supreme Court were recommended by the
Pennnsylvania Pro-Life federation PAC
Visit:Commonwealth of PA - Elections Information:
Commonwealth of PA - Elections Information
"PA Superior Court (elect 3)
Democratic Primary
Candidate ********************Votes**************Percent
PATRICK, PAULA (DEM)_____232,230__________15.3%
MUNLEY, TOM (DEM________206,074___________13.6%
LAZARUS, ANNE E. (DEM)_____290,557_________19.1%
YOUNGE, JOHN (DEM)________187,278__________12.3%
MCCARTHY, KEVIN FRANCIS(DEM)__292,928_______19.3%
COLVILLE, ROBERT J. (DEM)_____308,870________20.4%
Paula Patrick and Tom Munley were recommended by the
Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation PAC
Republican Primary
OLSON, JUDY (REP)_________404,424__________37.2%
MUNDY, SALLIE (REP)_______364,391__________33.5%
SMITH, TEMP (REP)_________318,602__________29.3%"
Olson, Mundy and Smith were all recommended by the
Pennsylvania Pro-L:ife Federation PAC
Visit: Commonwealth of PA - Elections Information:
Democratic Primary
Candidate ********************Votes**************Percent
PATRICK, PAULA (DEM)_____232,230__________15.3%
MUNLEY, TOM (DEM________206,074___________13.6%
LAZARUS, ANNE E. (DEM)_____290,557_________19.1%
YOUNGE, JOHN (DEM)________187,278__________12.3%
MCCARTHY, KEVIN FRANCIS(DEM)__292,928_______19.3%
COLVILLE, ROBERT J. (DEM)_____308,870________20.4%
Paula Patrick and Tom Munley were recommended by the
Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation PAC
Republican Primary
OLSON, JUDY (REP)_________404,424__________37.2%
MUNDY, SALLIE (REP)_______364,391__________33.5%
SMITH, TEMP (REP)_________318,602__________29.3%"
Olson, Mundy and Smith were all recommended by the
Pennsylvania Pro-L:ife Federation PAC
Visit: Commonwealth of PA - Elections Information:
Commonwealth of PA - Elections Information
Judge of the Commonwealth Court
Democratic Primary
JUDSON, LINDA S.(DEM)__________225,462________21.4%
LYNN, JIMMY (DEM)______________159,932________15.2%
POLLOCK, STEPHEN G.(DEM)_______141,239________13.4%
SHERMAN, MICHAEL D.(DEM)_______156,451________14.9%
BRICMONT, DANIEL K. (DEM)_________138,941__________13.2%
Jimmy Lynn was recommended by the
Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation PAC
Republican Primary
FRIONI, AL (REP)____________227,312__________27.6%
MCCULLOUGH, PATRICIA A.(REP)__306,482________37.2%
BROBSON, KEVIN (REP)__________289,763________35.2%"
Frioni, McColloough and Cullen were all recommended by the
Pennsylvlania Pro-Life Federation PAC
Visit: Commonwealth of PA - Elections Information: "Judge of the Commonwealth Court"
Democratic Primary
JUDSON, LINDA S.(DEM)__________225,462________21.4%
LYNN, JIMMY (DEM)______________159,932________15.2%
POLLOCK, STEPHEN G.(DEM)_______141,239________13.4%
SHERMAN, MICHAEL D.(DEM)_______156,451________14.9%
BRICMONT, DANIEL K. (DEM)_________138,941__________13.2%
Jimmy Lynn was recommended by the
Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation PAC
Republican Primary
FRIONI, AL (REP)____________227,312__________27.6%
MCCULLOUGH, PATRICIA A.(REP)__306,482________37.2%
BROBSON, KEVIN (REP)__________289,763________35.2%"
Frioni, McColloough and Cullen were all recommended by the
Pennsylvlania Pro-Life Federation PAC
Visit: Commonwealth of PA - Elections Information: "Judge of the Commonwealth Court"
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
America at the Rubicon
"America at the Rubicon-For the past 40 years – roughly the period of time that Democrats have been an unserious confederacy – Republicans have grown used to a certain smallness in chief executives from the opposition party. Jimmy Carter gave us a sense of malaise. With Bill Clinton, it was a kind of repellent amusement. All things considered, it was hard to feel too threatened when there was a through-the-looking-glass quality to the man in the Oval Office.
Not so Barack Obama. Talk to conservatives throughout America and you’ll hear two emotions: fear and sadness. Fear because many believe that the president’s agenda represents an inflection point in the nation’s history. Sadness because there is a lingering suspicion that once down this road we can never turn back." Visit:
America at the Rubicon:
Not so Barack Obama. Talk to conservatives throughout America and you’ll hear two emotions: fear and sadness. Fear because many believe that the president’s agenda represents an inflection point in the nation’s history. Sadness because there is a lingering suspicion that once down this road we can never turn back." Visit:
America at the Rubicon:
Monday, May 18, 2009
Pennsylvania Primary Election May 19, 2009
The Primary Election day is Tuesday, May 19 (tomorrow). Only registered Democrats and Republicans may vote for candidates in their respective parties in this election. The following pro-life recommendations are for Statewide Judges by the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation PAC:
Recommended for PA Supreme Court (Elect 1)
Republican Party Voters: Joan Orie Melvin; Paul Panepinto; Cheryl Lynn Allen
Democratic Party Voters: Jack Panella
Recommended for PA Superior Court (Elect 3)
Republican Party Voters: Judy Olson; Sallie Mundy; Temp Smith
Democratic Party Voters: Paula Patrick; Tom Munley
Recommended for PA Commonwealth Court (Elect 3)
Republican Party Voters: Al Frioni; Patricia McCullough, Kevin Brobson
Democratic Party Voters: Jimmy Lynn
Voting for prolife judges is extremely important.
Recommended for PA Supreme Court (Elect 1)
Republican Party Voters: Joan Orie Melvin; Paul Panepinto; Cheryl Lynn Allen
Democratic Party Voters: Jack Panella
Recommended for PA Superior Court (Elect 3)
Republican Party Voters: Judy Olson; Sallie Mundy; Temp Smith
Democratic Party Voters: Paula Patrick; Tom Munley
Recommended for PA Commonwealth Court (Elect 3)
Republican Party Voters: Al Frioni; Patricia McCullough, Kevin Brobson
Democratic Party Voters: Jimmy Lynn
Voting for prolife judges is extremely important.
Notre Dame: Obama's Remarks Don't Match His Policies
"WASHINGTON, May 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- In response to yesterday's Commencement address by President Obama at the University of Notre Dame, Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser offered the following statement:
'At Notre Dame, President Obama spoke of respecting the consciences of those Americans who are morally opposed to the tragedy of abortion. Yet his most recent budget proposal to Congress fails to respect the consciences of taxpayers who are morally opposed to funding the destruction of human life,' said Dannenfelser. 'Further, in working and advocating to fully fund abortions, the President undermines his own purported goal of reducing the 'need' for abortion.'"Visit: Notre Dame: Obama's Remarks Don't Match His Policies:
'At Notre Dame, President Obama spoke of respecting the consciences of those Americans who are morally opposed to the tragedy of abortion. Yet his most recent budget proposal to Congress fails to respect the consciences of taxpayers who are morally opposed to funding the destruction of human life,' said Dannenfelser. 'Further, in working and advocating to fully fund abortions, the President undermines his own purported goal of reducing the 'need' for abortion.'"Visit: Notre Dame: Obama's Remarks Don't Match His Policies:
Barak Obama,
Noter Dame,
taxpayer funded abortion
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Amid Protests, Obama Calls for 'Open Hearts, Open Minds' in Commencement Address at the University of Notre Dame -
"Hundreds of anti-abortion protesters gathered outside the gates of the university as Obama spoke, waving signs and chanting protests. Police arrested several people. Back in Washington, Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele said it was 'inappropriate' for Notre Dame to give Obama an honorary degree" Visit:
Amid Protests, Obama Calls for 'Open Hearts, Open Minds' in Commencement Address at the University of Notre Dame -
Amid Protests, Obama Calls for 'Open Hearts, Open Minds' in Commencement Address at the University of Notre Dame -
Irish Rover - Notre Dame Student Paper- Mary Ann Glendon
I think it is important to recall those who stood for life today.
This issue of the Irish Rover, a Notre Dame student newspaper has an interesting article about Mary Ann Glendon who refused The Laetare Medal due to the Obama Invitation to speak and be Honored at Notre Dame today.
At one time an image of former U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican
Mary Ann Glendon was proudly displayed on the Notre Dame
website. Early on Monday, April 27, however,Glendon faxed a letter to President
Fr. Jenkins, notifying him that she had changed her mind and would now decline
to receive the Laetare Medal, presented by Notre Dame since 1883.
The Laetare Medal is the highest honor awarded to Catholics in the United States Visit:
Irish Rover - Notre Dame Student Paper
This issue of the Irish Rover, a Notre Dame student newspaper has an interesting article about Mary Ann Glendon who refused The Laetare Medal due to the Obama Invitation to speak and be Honored at Notre Dame today.
At one time an image of former U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican
Mary Ann Glendon was proudly displayed on the Notre Dame
website. Early on Monday, April 27, however,Glendon faxed a letter to President
Fr. Jenkins, notifying him that she had changed her mind and would now decline
to receive the Laetare Medal, presented by Notre Dame since 1883.
The Laetare Medal is the highest honor awarded to Catholics in the United States Visit:
Irish Rover - Notre Dame Student Paper
Pending Obama visit sparks protests at Notre Dame
Pending Obama visit sparks protests at Notre Dame: "Bishop John D'Arcy, whose Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend includes the Notre Dame campus, helped students protesting Obama's visit kick off an all-night prayer vigil Saturday night. D'Arcy led them in prayer at the campus' grotto for more than 20 minutes and praised their plan to protest Obama's visit." Over 100 people attended. Visit:
Pending Obama visit sparks protests at Notre Dame:
Pending Obama visit sparks protests at Notre Dame:
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Newark
The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Newark issued a press release on April 1, 2009"Statement of The Most Reverend John J. Myers,Archbishop of Newark,
On Notre Dame University’s Decision to Host and Honor President Obama at its Commencement Ceremony
"It pained me to hear that one of the symbols of Catholic education in our nation, Notre Dame University, had extended an invitation to President Obama to speak at its commencement.
Not all people believe what the Church teaches, and in our society today we sometimes must work on issues of importance with people who do not agree with us on the primacy of the sanctity and dignity of life -- a moral issue on which there can be no compromise.
When we extend honors to people who do not share our respect and reverence for life in all stages, and give them a prominent stage in our parishes, schools and other institutions, we unfortunately create the perception that we endorse their public positions on these issues. We cannot justify such actions, and the Bishops have stated so clearly and strongly.
If the president of Notre Dame University truly wishes to show that his institution is rooted in Catholic teaching and tradition and committed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, he must underscore this message at commencement plainly and clearly, and invite everyone to embrace an immutable and all-inclusive reverence for life."
On Notre Dame University’s Decision to Host and Honor President Obama at its Commencement Ceremony
"It pained me to hear that one of the symbols of Catholic education in our nation, Notre Dame University, had extended an invitation to President Obama to speak at its commencement.
Not all people believe what the Church teaches, and in our society today we sometimes must work on issues of importance with people who do not agree with us on the primacy of the sanctity and dignity of life -- a moral issue on which there can be no compromise.
When we extend honors to people who do not share our respect and reverence for life in all stages, and give them a prominent stage in our parishes, schools and other institutions, we unfortunately create the perception that we endorse their public positions on these issues. We cannot justify such actions, and the Bishops have stated so clearly and strongly.
If the president of Notre Dame University truly wishes to show that his institution is rooted in Catholic teaching and tradition and committed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, he must underscore this message at commencement plainly and clearly, and invite everyone to embrace an immutable and all-inclusive reverence for life."
Controversy Awaits Obama At Notre Dame | Political Hotsheet - CBS News
CBS News covers the Obama Visit to Notre Dame:
"His visit has rallied anti-abortion rights activists who say the Catholic university should not have invited a president who favors abortion rights to speak at such an event, nor confer on to him an honorary degree.
The Catholic Church condemns abortion.
On Saturday, dozens, and at times perhaps 100 demonstrators, lined the sidewalks at the gates of university, holding anti-abortion rights signs. Nineteen were arrested for trespassing onto university property. None of the people taken into custody were students." Visit:
Controversy Awaits Obama At Notre Dame | Political Hotsheet - CBS News:
"His visit has rallied anti-abortion rights activists who say the Catholic university should not have invited a president who favors abortion rights to speak at such an event, nor confer on to him an honorary degree.
The Catholic Church condemns abortion.
On Saturday, dozens, and at times perhaps 100 demonstrators, lined the sidewalks at the gates of university, holding anti-abortion rights signs. Nineteen were arrested for trespassing onto university property. None of the people taken into custody were students." Visit:
Controversy Awaits Obama At Notre Dame | Political Hotsheet - CBS News:
Saturday, May 16, 2009
South Bend Tribune: Keyes back in jail after Notre Dame protest
"SOUTH BEND — Conservative politician Alan Keyes and five other protesters are spending this weekend in the St. Joseph County Jail.
Keyes and 20 other people were arrested about 12:30 p.m. Friday on the University of Notre Dame campus for trespassing as they protested Sunday's commencement visit by President Barack Obama. The protesters say Obama shouldn't have been invited to the Catholic university's commencement because he is pro-choice on the issue of abortion and supports fetal stem-cell research." Visit:
South Bend Tribune: Keyes back in jail after Notre Dame protest:
Keyes and 20 other people were arrested about 12:30 p.m. Friday on the University of Notre Dame campus for trespassing as they protested Sunday's commencement visit by President Barack Obama. The protesters say Obama shouldn't have been invited to the Catholic university's commencement because he is pro-choice on the issue of abortion and supports fetal stem-cell research." Visit:
South Bend Tribune: Keyes back in jail after Notre Dame protest:
Bishop of The Diocese of Scranton On Notre Dame Scandal
"In a letter to Notre Dame’s president, Holy Cross Father John I. Jenkins, Bishop Martino and Bishop Dougherty cite the extensive anti-life positions taken by President Obama and describe the Catholic school’s decision to host him as the commencement speaker and bestow an honorary degree on him as a “scandal to the Church.”
They also cite the 2004 statement by the United States Bishops, which says: “The Catholic community and Catholic institutions should not honor those who act in defiance of our fundamental moral principles. They should not be given awards, honors or platforms which would suggest support for their actions.”" Visit:
The Diocese of Scranton:
They also cite the 2004 statement by the United States Bishops, which says: “The Catholic community and Catholic institutions should not honor those who act in defiance of our fundamental moral principles. They should not be given awards, honors or platforms which would suggest support for their actions.”" Visit:
The Diocese of Scranton:
Bishop Martino,
Diocese of Scranton,
Notre Dame Scandal,
Obama protesters swarm Notre Dame - Washington Post-
Notre Dame Campus:
"Churning in circles above the slate rooftops and the famous golden statue of the Virgin Mary, a small plane towed a banner depicting the remains of an aborted fetus and the words '10 Week Abortion.'
The graphic message is directed at President Obama, who will arrive Sunday" Visit:
Obama protesters swarm Notre Dame - Washington Post-
"Churning in circles above the slate rooftops and the famous golden statue of the Virgin Mary, a small plane towed a banner depicting the remains of an aborted fetus and the words '10 Week Abortion.'
The graphic message is directed at President Obama, who will arrive Sunday" Visit:
Obama protesters swarm Notre Dame - Washington Post-
Friday, May 15, 2009
Philadelphia's Cardinal Rigali on Notre Dame Scandal
Over the past two months Bishops across the U. S. have been weighing in on the Notre Dame Scandal. Notre Dame has invited pro-abortion President Obama to give the commencement address and receive an honorary degree this Sunday.
More than 60 Roman Catholic Bishops have made statements concerning this scandal. Links to statements from some of Pennsylvania's Bishops will be listed here.
Philadelphia's Cardinal Rigali:
"'How can we tolerate that today?' Rigali challenged. 'This whole other category of human beings, the unborn - and the attitude of certain people permitting this, and saying that, for example, abortion should be safe, legal, and rare - or that it simply should be permitted at all times - to take this as a position, this is simply not acceptable in our day and age.' Thus a Catholic university, said Rigali, 'has to be in the forefront of the defense of human life.'....
"To honor somebody [who is pro-abortion] ... whatever his or her merits may be, whatever splendid things this person may do, whatever position he or she occupies ... makes no sense whatsoever.'" Visit:
Exclusive Interview: Cardinal Rigali Says Notre Dame Defence of Obama Honor "Evades Common Sense":
More than 60 Roman Catholic Bishops have made statements concerning this scandal. Links to statements from some of Pennsylvania's Bishops will be listed here.
Philadelphia's Cardinal Rigali:
"'How can we tolerate that today?' Rigali challenged. 'This whole other category of human beings, the unborn - and the attitude of certain people permitting this, and saying that, for example, abortion should be safe, legal, and rare - or that it simply should be permitted at all times - to take this as a position, this is simply not acceptable in our day and age.' Thus a Catholic university, said Rigali, 'has to be in the forefront of the defense of human life.'....
"To honor somebody [who is pro-abortion] ... whatever his or her merits may be, whatever splendid things this person may do, whatever position he or she occupies ... makes no sense whatsoever.'" Visit:
Exclusive Interview: Cardinal Rigali Says Notre Dame Defence of Obama Honor "Evades Common Sense":
Cadinal Rigali,
Notre Dame Scandal,
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Who will Protest Obama? Jill Stanek has details.
In addition to Father Pavone, many Catholics will be protesting Barack Obama receiving an honorary degree from Notre Dame. Jill Stanek reports: "Response for pro-life buses traveling from both the Chicago and Detroit areas to protest Notre Dame's commencement honoree President Barack Obama this Sunday has been greater than expected, and buses are being added. Citizens for a Pro-Life Society and Pro-Life Action League have chartered buses. For details visit:
Jill Stanek:
Jill Stanek:
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
US to borrow 46 cents for every dollar spent -- GOPUSA
"WASHINGTON (AP) -- The government will have to borrow nearly 50 cents for every dollar it spends this year, exploding the record federal deficit past $1.8 trillion under new White House estimates. Budget office figures released Monday would add $89 billion to the 2009 red ink -- increasing it to more than four times last year's all-time high as the government hands out billions more than expected for people who have lost jobs and takes in less tax revenue from people and companies making less money.
The unprecedented deficit figures flow from the deep recession, the Wall Street bailout and the cost of President Barack Obama's economic stimulus bill -- as well as a seemingly embedded structural imbalance between what the government spends and what it takes in." Visit:
US to borrow 46 cents for every dollar spent -- GOPUSA: Sue Cirba: And Obama is going to reduce health care costs? Dream on.
The unprecedented deficit figures flow from the deep recession, the Wall Street bailout and the cost of President Barack Obama's economic stimulus bill -- as well as a seemingly embedded structural imbalance between what the government spends and what it takes in." Visit:
US to borrow 46 cents for every dollar spent -- GOPUSA: Sue Cirba: And Obama is going to reduce health care costs? Dream on.
Operation Rescue® Tape of Planned Parenthood
"Topeka, KS – An undercover audio file provided by Operation Rescue was used by legislators to support their efforts to halt tax money to Planned Parenthood in Kansas.
State Sen. Tim Huelskamp and Rep. Lance Kinzer released the recording of a phone call made by an Operation Rescue volunteer posing as a 14-year old girl. The call was placed to Comprehensive Health of Planned Parenthood, (CHPP), in Overland Park, Kansas, on Tuesday, April 28, 2009. During the call, the supposed 14-year old was heard asking about abortion, pregnancy testing, and birth control options." The story continues:
Operation Rescue®:
State Sen. Tim Huelskamp and Rep. Lance Kinzer released the recording of a phone call made by an Operation Rescue volunteer posing as a 14-year old girl. The call was placed to Comprehensive Health of Planned Parenthood, (CHPP), in Overland Park, Kansas, on Tuesday, April 28, 2009. During the call, the supposed 14-year old was heard asking about abortion, pregnancy testing, and birth control options." The story continues:
Operation Rescue®:
Monday, May 11, 2009 - Christians Killed
"On April 26, three Christians were killed and two others wounded in Kirkuk, Iraq, according to
Local police in southern Kirkuk told CNN attackers slit the throats of a Christian woman and her daughter-in-law, killing them both. Meanwhile in a nearby neighborhood gunmen attacked another Christian family shooting the father and his three sons. One of the sons died instantly and the others were wounded.
This incident is the latest in a series of attacks on Christians that have occurred in Iraq in recent years. In October 2008, more than seven Christians were killed and more than 200 families displaced. The Christian community in Iraq is estimated to be 3 percent of Iraq's 26 million people, or about 800,000. Since 2003, Christian leaders, churches and businesses in Iraq have been targeted by Islamic extremists
Local police in southern Kirkuk told CNN attackers slit the throats of a Christian woman and her daughter-in-law, killing them both. Meanwhile in a nearby neighborhood gunmen attacked another Christian family shooting the father and his three sons. One of the sons died instantly and the others were wounded.
This incident is the latest in a series of attacks on Christians that have occurred in Iraq in recent years. In October 2008, more than seven Christians were killed and more than 200 families displaced. The Christian community in Iraq is estimated to be 3 percent of Iraq's 26 million people, or about 800,000. Since 2003, Christian leaders, churches and businesses in Iraq have been targeted by Islamic extremists
Judge Cheryl Allen Endorsements
"PITTSBURGH, PA - In advance of the next Tuesday May 19 Pennsylvania Republican Statewide Primary Election, Judge Cheryl Allen's has picked up key endorsements as she makes her way toward a primary win.
In addition to receiving the Highest Recommendation from the Pennsylvania State Bar Association for elevation to the Supreme Court, and approval in the Firearm Owners Against Crime (FOAC) and LifePAC voter guides, Judge Allen also received the endorsements of the state's two largest newspapers." Visit: JudgeCherylAllenEndorsements:
In addition to receiving the Highest Recommendation from the Pennsylvania State Bar Association for elevation to the Supreme Court, and approval in the Firearm Owners Against Crime (FOAC) and LifePAC voter guides, Judge Allen also received the endorsements of the state's two largest newspapers." Visit: JudgeCherylAllenEndorsements:
South Bend Tribune: Activist Keyes has May 28 court date following ND arrest
"SOUTH BEND — After his arrest Friday for trespassing at the University of Notre Dame, conservative political activist Alan Keyes posted a $250 bond and was released from the St. Joseph County Jail.
He is scheduled to appear in court on the charge at 8 a.m. May 28.
Keyes and 21 other people were arrested Friday for trespassing as they began a protest against Notre Dame’s invitation to President Barack Obama, who on Sunday will be the commencement speaker and receive an honorary degree. The protesters pushed strollers containing dolls covered in fake blood to protest Obama’s support for abortion rights and fetal stem-cell research." Visit:South Bend Tribune: Activist Keyes has May 28 court date following ND arrest:
He is scheduled to appear in court on the charge at 8 a.m. May 28.
Keyes and 21 other people were arrested Friday for trespassing as they began a protest against Notre Dame’s invitation to President Barack Obama, who on Sunday will be the commencement speaker and receive an honorary degree. The protesters pushed strollers containing dolls covered in fake blood to protest Obama’s support for abortion rights and fetal stem-cell research." Visit:South Bend Tribune: Activist Keyes has May 28 court date following ND arrest:
Sunday, May 10, 2009
7 Pa. ACORN workers charged in voter probe : News : KXRM FOX 21
"PITTSBURGH (AP) — Seven Pittsburgh-area ACORN workers were charged with falsifying voter registration forms, with six accused of doing so to meet the group's alleged quota system before last year's general election.",,,investigators targeted 100 local ACORN canvassers after county elections officials started noticing dozens of possibly forged registration forms in August. ACORN registered 38,000 new voters in southwestern Pennsylvania,
7 Pa. ACORN workers charged in voter probe : News : KXRM FOX 21:
7 Pa. ACORN workers charged in voter probe : News : KXRM FOX 21:
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Archbishop slams Obama for anti-life, anti-family agenda, also slams Sebelius and Notre Dame | Prime Buzz
"WASHINGTON — The American bishop who heads the Vatican’s supreme court slammed President Obama today for pursuing an “anti-life and anti-family agenda” and called the University of Notre Dame’s plans to honor him this month “the greatest scandal.”
Archbishop Raymond Burke, who led the archdiocese of St. Louis until he was named prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura by Pope Benedict XVI last June, is known as a forceful critic of public figures who support abortion rights and gay marriage." Visit:
Archbishop slams Obama for anti-life, anti-family agenda, also slams Sebelius and Notre Dame | Prime Buzz:
Archbishop Raymond Burke, who led the archdiocese of St. Louis until he was named prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura by Pope Benedict XVI last June, is known as a forceful critic of public figures who support abortion rights and gay marriage." Visit:
Archbishop slams Obama for anti-life, anti-family agenda, also slams Sebelius and Notre Dame | Prime Buzz:
Friday, May 08, 2009
American Radio Journal
Readers: This issue is extremely important! Please tune in. "(May 9, 2009 - May 15, 2009) This week on American Radio Journal: Lowman Henry talks with Michael Farris, Chancellor of Patrick Henry College about implications of a treaty adopting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child; (May 9, 2009 - May 15, 2009) This week on American Radio Journal: Lowman Henry talks with Michael Farris, Chancellor of Patrick Henry College about implications of a treaty adopting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child;" and More Visit: American Radio Journal:
Tom Ridge says he won't run for U.S. Senate in 2010 - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
"Former Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge will not run for the U.S. Senate in 2010, he announced today.
'After careful consideration and many conversations with friends and family and the leadership of my party, I have decided not to seek the Republican nomination for Senate,' Ridge said in a statement." Visit:
Tom Ridge says he won't run for U.S. Senate in 2010 - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review:
'After careful consideration and many conversations with friends and family and the leadership of my party, I have decided not to seek the Republican nomination for Senate,' Ridge said in a statement." Visit:
Tom Ridge says he won't run for U.S. Senate in 2010 - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review:
Ted Meehan Comments on the GOP's attempt to recruit Ridge for Senate
Since Arlen Specter returned to the party of his origin,the Democrat Party, party members have tossed around the idea that Tom Ridge would run for the U.S. Senate. It prompted Ted Meehan to comment:
"The recruitment of Tom Ridge into the upcoming Senate primary will serve little purpose other than to promote a vitriolic internal battle in the GOP.
The departure of Arlen Specter was prompted by his certainty that he could not win a Republican primary, and that the Republican Party is a collection of extremist lunatics.
My expectation is that he will find more extremist lunatics in the party he just joined, and he will not even survive the primary in that party."
"In 1991, after John Heinz’s death, Governor Casey appointed Harris Wofford to fill that Senate seat. A special election was held, and the GOP “leadership” discouraged all comers to clear the field for a “sure thing” – Dick Thornburgh, who – they told us – would easily win the seat back. The popular former Governor lost in a landslide. Wofford, it was thought, was invincible after that election."
"But in the wake of that campaign, Rick Santorum sought the Republican nomination for a chance at Wofford. Santorum had won his seat in a predominantly Democrat area,even after his district was gerrymandered. As he gained strength, the party elders became concerned. One leader said, “He is way too conservative to get elected in Pennsylvania.” So the party reached out to Barbara Hafer, and Teresa Heinz. But, Santorum took the endorsement at State Committee. Santorum beat the 'invincible' Wofford. He also won in 2000 bucking George Bush’s loss of the state to Al Gore.'
"With the defection of Arlen Specter, Pat Toomey, "A former Congressman who had handily won three terms in a predominantly Democrat district has become the front runner." The party leadership "seeking a popular former Governor to be the “sure thing”, because “Toomey is (supposedly) way too conservative to be elected in Pennsylvania.” Sound familiar? Toomey evokes passion, and is building a movement which will take back the seat. The voters and Grassroots are the proper arbiters of which candidates will represent them best. The “leaders” in Washington and Harrisburg would do well to listen to the base, and stop trying to reinvent the GOP in the image of the Democrats."
"Only a little over two years ago, the Democrats decided they couldn’t win in Pennsylvania unless they ran a pro-life, blue collar Catholic from Scranton. Now, suddenly, the GOP is deciding that it cannot win in Pennsylvania unless it runs a pro-choice moderate. Had the Democrats taken this course, Santorum would still be our Republican Senator. So, please stop this obscene effort to undermine Pat Toomey. He is going to be the GOP candidate – whether or not Ridge gets into the race. If you’re not willing to help, then get out of the way." Ted Meehan
"The recruitment of Tom Ridge into the upcoming Senate primary will serve little purpose other than to promote a vitriolic internal battle in the GOP.
The departure of Arlen Specter was prompted by his certainty that he could not win a Republican primary, and that the Republican Party is a collection of extremist lunatics.
My expectation is that he will find more extremist lunatics in the party he just joined, and he will not even survive the primary in that party."
"In 1991, after John Heinz’s death, Governor Casey appointed Harris Wofford to fill that Senate seat. A special election was held, and the GOP “leadership” discouraged all comers to clear the field for a “sure thing” – Dick Thornburgh, who – they told us – would easily win the seat back. The popular former Governor lost in a landslide. Wofford, it was thought, was invincible after that election."
"But in the wake of that campaign, Rick Santorum sought the Republican nomination for a chance at Wofford. Santorum had won his seat in a predominantly Democrat area,even after his district was gerrymandered. As he gained strength, the party elders became concerned. One leader said, “He is way too conservative to get elected in Pennsylvania.” So the party reached out to Barbara Hafer, and Teresa Heinz. But, Santorum took the endorsement at State Committee. Santorum beat the 'invincible' Wofford. He also won in 2000 bucking George Bush’s loss of the state to Al Gore.'
"With the defection of Arlen Specter, Pat Toomey, "A former Congressman who had handily won three terms in a predominantly Democrat district has become the front runner." The party leadership "seeking a popular former Governor to be the “sure thing”, because “Toomey is (supposedly) way too conservative to be elected in Pennsylvania.” Sound familiar? Toomey evokes passion, and is building a movement which will take back the seat. The voters and Grassroots are the proper arbiters of which candidates will represent them best. The “leaders” in Washington and Harrisburg would do well to listen to the base, and stop trying to reinvent the GOP in the image of the Democrats."
"Only a little over two years ago, the Democrats decided they couldn’t win in Pennsylvania unless they ran a pro-life, blue collar Catholic from Scranton. Now, suddenly, the GOP is deciding that it cannot win in Pennsylvania unless it runs a pro-choice moderate. Had the Democrats taken this course, Santorum would still be our Republican Senator. So, please stop this obscene effort to undermine Pat Toomey. He is going to be the GOP candidate – whether or not Ridge gets into the race. If you’re not willing to help, then get out of the way." Ted Meehan
Obama tones down National Day of Prayer observance -
"Under the Bush administration, the White House hosted an interfaith service each year, inviting protestant, Catholic and Jewish leaders for an event at the East Room." President Ronald Reagan and President George H.W. Bush also marked the day with a White House observance." Obama chose to ignore the tradition. Visit
Obama tones down National Day of Prayer observance -
Obama tones down National Day of Prayer observance -
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Parental Rights in Danger Now More Than Ever
The Obama Administration is the Clinton Administration coming back with a vengance. Parental Rights are in danger from efforts to impose International Law on the United States by the signing of the United Nations Rights of the Child Treaty. (The Clinton Administration failed to accomplish this nefarious goal in the 1990's. Now the Obama Administration appears poised to do so and with a Democrat Majority in the Senate, they may have the ability to impose international law on the United States. Why is this a problem? To learn more watch this video:
Pro-Life News: Jack Kemp
"Jack Kemp, a longtime pro-life advocate and Vice-Presidential hopeful passed away over the weekend. Kemp was originally known as a NFL football player and parlayed his success there into a career as a New York congressman. In Washington, Kemp maintain a consistent pro-life record and served a term as housing secretary for President George Bush. Kemp became a hero for both pro-life and economic conservatives and a large segment of the pro-life movement hoped he would become the Republican presidential standard-bearer. Eventually, he made it onto the national ticket as Bob Dole's running-mate against pro-abortion President Bill Clinton in 1996." Visit:
Pro-Life News: Obama, Embryonic Stem Cell Research, Jack Kemp, Souter, Montana, Abortion:
Pro-Life News: Obama, Embryonic Stem Cell Research, Jack Kemp, Souter, Montana, Abortion:
Sunday, May 03, 2009 - Breaking News, Politics, Commentary
"Jeffrey Bell: Jack Kemp Brought America Back from 1970s
Two great ideas altered the course of American and world history during the 1980s. One was Ronald Reagan’s bold strategy for winning the Cold War. The other was Jack Kemp’s staunch support of supply-side economics. If Kemp – who passed away Saturday –hadn’t laid the groundwork for economic revival, the massive defense buildup that ultimately brought down the Soviet Union would not have happened." visit: - Breaking News, Politics, Commentary:
Two great ideas altered the course of American and world history during the 1980s. One was Ronald Reagan’s bold strategy for winning the Cold War. The other was Jack Kemp’s staunch support of supply-side economics. If Kemp – who passed away Saturday –hadn’t laid the groundwork for economic revival, the massive defense buildup that ultimately brought down the Soviet Union would not have happened." visit: - Breaking News, Politics, Commentary: - Jack Kemp, Tax Crusader and 1996 VP Candidate, Dies
"WASHINGTON -- Jack Kemp, the former pro quarterback who turned fame on the gridiron into a career in national politics and a crusade for lower taxes, has died of cancer at age 73.
Family spokeswoman Marci Robinson said Kemp died shortly after 6 p.m. Saturday, surrounded by his family and pastor. Kemp died at his home in Bethesda, Md., in the Washington suburbs, friends said." Visit: - Jack Kemp, Tax Crusader and 1996 VP Candidate, Dies:
Family spokeswoman Marci Robinson said Kemp died shortly after 6 p.m. Saturday, surrounded by his family and pastor. Kemp died at his home in Bethesda, Md., in the Washington suburbs, friends said." Visit: - Jack Kemp, Tax Crusader and 1996 VP Candidate, Dies:
Friday, May 01, 2009
Kathleen Sebelius, who has taken campaign contributions from abortionist George Tiller, is named head of HHS with the approval of Catholic Senators.
On April 28, the Senate chose to overlook Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius' ties to late term abortionist George Tiller and approve her as head of HHS. Tiller, his wife, his abortion mill, have made contributions to Sebelius' campaign (see prolifepa archive post from March 3, 2009. Tiller's pro-abortion PAC PROKANDO has contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to Sebelius' campaigns. Sadly, many Catholic Senators supported Sebelius' nomination. The following articles are all related to Sebelius' confirmation as Health and Human Services Secretary.
Pro-Lifers Lament Sebelius' Confirmation as Health Chief|
"The confirmation of Kathleen Sebelius as Secretary of Health and Human Services on Tuesday has many conservative and pro-life groups concerned about the health of Americans, especially the unborn.
'This is obviously a step in the wrong direction for our nation. With Sebelius, we can expect to see increased protections for predatory abortionists, taxpayer funded abortions, and rationed health care that could cost lives,' said Operation Rescue president Troy Newman.
The U.S. Senate voted 65-31 to confirm the former Kansas governor as the new top health official. She was sworn in Tuesday night, becoming the final member of President Obama's Cabinet." View:
Pro-Lifers Lament Sebelius' Confirmation as Health Chief|
'This is obviously a step in the wrong direction for our nation. With Sebelius, we can expect to see increased protections for predatory abortionists, taxpayer funded abortions, and rationed health care that could cost lives,' said Operation Rescue president Troy Newman.
The U.S. Senate voted 65-31 to confirm the former Kansas governor as the new top health official. She was sworn in Tuesday night, becoming the final member of President Obama's Cabinet." View:
Pro-Lifers Lament Sebelius' Confirmation as Health Chief|
Operation Rescue® » Blog Archive » Sebelius Confirmed By Divided Senate
"Most Senators who rose in opposition to Sebelius during the sometimes tedious debate voiced concern for her connections to late-term abortion George Tiller and her lack of candor over campaign contributions she received from him.
Dr. Tom Coburn, Senator from Oklahoma said today that late-term abortion is “barometer for the soul of our nation,” and that Sebelius “lacks part of the moral clarity” needed to lead our nation." Visit:
Operation Rescue® » Blog Archive » Sebelius Confirmed By Divided Senate:
Dr. Tom Coburn, Senator from Oklahoma said today that late-term abortion is “barometer for the soul of our nation,” and that Sebelius “lacks part of the moral clarity” needed to lead our nation." Visit:
Operation Rescue® » Blog Archive » Sebelius Confirmed By Divided Senate:
Operation Rescue® Sebelius Conceals Full Extent Of Abortionist Tiller's Contributions
"Washington, DC – Operation Rescue has released a copy of a letter signed by late-term abortionist George R. Tiller, stating that he personally contributed $200,000 to ProKanDo, a political action committee he controlled, to defeat Kathleen Sebelius’ challenger in the 2002 Kansas gubernatorial race and “make sure we have a pro-choice Governor.” Tiller also makes a plea to raise an additional $250,000 to influence the governor’s race." VISIT: Operation Rescue® » Blog Archive » HHS Nominee Sebelius Continues To Conceal Full Extent Of Tiller Contributions:
Dr. Paul Kengor writes of Ronald Reagan, Bill and Joan Clark, in "Joan Clark a 20th Century Life"

"Every American, obviously, has heard of Ronald Reagan, and Reagan historians have heard of Bill Clark. Clark was Reagan’s close aide, who, more than any other, laid the foundation for Cold War victory.
Few historians, however, knew a 20th century figure named Joan Clark, who survived communism—and the Nazis—and joined Bill Clark as wife and life partner. Joan, too, was close to Reagan. And she lived the totalitarianism that Bill Clark and Ronald Reagan sought to destroy." Visit:
Joan Clark, a 20th Century Life:
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