Sunday, July 30, 2006

Catholic Charismatic Conference August 4,5,and 6 at the University of Scranton

Catholic Charismatic Renewal of the Diocese of Scranton will hold its annual Conference August 4,5, and 6 at the University of Scranton, Scranton, Pa. This year's speakers include Father Benedict Groeschel, Maria Vadia, Father Trevor Nathasingh, a convert to Catholocism from a Hindu/Muslim background, and Alex Jones.

Father Groeschel is the Director of the Office of Spiritual Development of the Archdiocese of New York. He formed the Community of the Franciscan Friars of the renewal, has published, books and tapes, and is a familiar face on Catholic television. Father Groeschel founded Good Counsel Homes for single mothers and their children in New York City. Father Groeschel speaks at the Saturday, afternoon Penance Service and is homilist for the SundayLiturgy. For futher information or to register call 570-344-2214.

Friday, July 28, 2006

National Academies of Science: Abortion Linked to Premature Birth Problems

"A new report from a committee of the National Academies of Science finds that a first-trimester abortion, the most common abortion procedure, is linked to an increasing risk of premature birth. " For more on this report click:
National Academies of Science: Abortion Linked to Premature Birth Problems
What do you want to bet the March of Dimes, which exists to discover the causes of premature birth, will criticize the report?

Thursday, July 27, 2006

President Vetoes H.R. 810, the "Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2005" - Text of President's Speech

"I am returning herewith without my approval H.R. 810, the 'Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2005.'
Like all Americans, I believe our Nation must vigorously pursue the tremendous possibilities that science offers to cure disease and improve the lives of millions. Yet, as science brings us ever closer to unlocking the secrets of human biology, it also offers temptations to manipulate human life and violate human dignity. Our conscience and history as a Nation demand that we resist this temptation" For the Text of President Bush'e Speech regarding H.R. 810 click:
President Vetoes H.R. 810, the "Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2005":

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Bob Casey's Twisted Interpretations of Being Pro-Life :: :: ProLifeBlogs

"this interview excerpt (printed in full on the liberal blog My DD) clearly reveals that Casey's pro-life convictions are weak, inconsistent and ranking far lower in his priorities"
Bob Casey's Twisted Interpretations of Being Pro-Life :: :: ProLifeBlogs:

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Stem Cell Research, Liberal Bias, and The Other Iraq

The liberal media infuriates me. Right after President Bush's veto of the life-destroying, embryonic stem cell research bill, local media in northeast Pa spoke only of the President's veto of "stem cell research". I believe this is a deliberate effort to confuse the issue in the mind of the public. Of course national networks ABC, NBC, and CBS did the same and worse even showing footage of the March for Life saying "right to lifers" did not agree with Bush's veto!.

One thing pro-lifers have to realize is liberals slant the news on every issue. Here is a different issue illustrating the same fact. Liberals want us to believe the effort to liberate the Iraqui people is a complete waste of our time and American lives: that the Iraqui people are savages who will never live in peace. They paint all Iraqui people with the same brush. I came accross this web site about Iraqui Kurdistan and was surprised by it. At the same time I was not surprised because I know how the liberal media distorts the truth to advance their agenda. So for those who want to learn something about Iraq that is not found on the nightly news visit: Kurdistan - The Other Iraq

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Studies Support Research Showing Adult Stem Cells Can Mimic Embryonic

Studies Support Research Showing Adult Stem Cells Can Mimic Embryonic: "the University of Louisville reports that studies have confirmed its research showing adult stem cells can mimic the properties of embryonic ones."

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Pro-Life Groups Ask President Bush to Veto Embryonic Stem Cell Research Bill

"With the Senate approving a measure to use federal taxpayer dollars to pay for embryonic stem cell research, pro-life groups are urging President Bush to veto it.

“Taxpayers deserve to have their money fund a proven medical practice that has boasted real results, rather than subsidizing immoral embryonic stem-cell research that, to this day, has not yielded results,' Lanier Swann, of Concerned Women for America, said." To read more visit:
Pro-Life Groups Ask President Bush to Veto Embryonic Stem Cell Research Bill

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Visit the Pro-Life Booth At the Lycoming County Fair now through July 22, 2006

The Susquehanna Valley Chapter of Pennsylvanians for Human Life sponsor a pro-life booth at the Lycoming County Fair now through July 22nd. So if you plan to attend the fair, stop by. "We man the table every day now from 11 am - 9 pm. We have free balloons with prolife messages for the kids, free pens and sale items such as precious feet pins, prolife bracelets, magnetic car ribbons, all kinds of literature, fetal models and we also have a drawing on a doll from Adelyns and a drill. ..... We have a changing table for those who need to change their little ones, etc. and more."
For Information on directions to the Lycoming County Fair Visit: PSACF - Fair Details

Monday, July 17, 2006

Misguided, Anti-Catholic and Just Plain Evil

Our Catholic readers won't want to miss the column "Misguided, Anti-Catholic and Just Plain Evil" by the President of Human Life International: Spirit & Life

Saturday, July 15, 2006

TeenSTAR Sex Eudcation Curriculum

New, affordable teen sex education
We know what doesn't work -- "preaching" abstinence, "promoting" condoms.

Superintendents, School Board Members, Teachers, Administrators, Principals:
Has your curriculum shown that it can postpone sexual involvement? TeenSTAR has... Over 90% of female and male virgins remained uninvolved while 30-65% of previously involved students stopped during the year-long Teen Star program.

TeenSTAR (Sexuality Teaching in the context of Adult Responsibility) is a developmental curriculum which uses learning one's fertility pattern to teach responsible decision-making and communication skills in the area of sexual behavior and enhances teens' self-understanding and self-esteem. Can be offered once a week in health, physical education, family life, biology or sociology class for two semesters. Best results for primary prevention if offered in grades 7-9. A one-week training workshop required.

Why not try a program that has demonstrated its ability to postpone sexual involvement?

For a description of the program click here. The page also contains traninig workshop dates.


Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Former Abortion Clinic Donated to Expand Crisis Pregnancy Centre

SPRINGFIELD, Missouri, July 12, 2006 ( – A building that recently housed an abortion clinic has been donated to a local crisis pregnancy center, which offers women help in finding alternatives to abortion.

The former abortion clinic, known as the Springfield Health Care Center, shut down unexpectedly last October after launching a lawsuit against a new state law that required clinic abortionists to obtain hospital privileges within 30 miles of their clinic. Violations of the law could result in prison terms of up to 15 years."
To read more click here:
Former Abortion Clinic Donated to Expand Crisis Pregnancy Centre:

Sunday, July 09, 2006

AP Wire | 04/04/2006 | Lab grows bladders from cells of patients

Another reason why embryonic stem cell research is unnecessary:
AP Wire | 04/04/2006 | Lab grows bladders from cells of patients: "At age 16, Kaitlyne McNamara is different beyond her defective spine, crutch, leg braces and 54 surgeries. She has one of the world's first re-engineered bladders.

It is the first time a complex human organ like the bladder has been mostly replaced with tissue grown from a patient's own cells. "