Sunday, July 30, 2006

Catholic Charismatic Conference August 4,5,and 6 at the University of Scranton

Catholic Charismatic Renewal of the Diocese of Scranton will hold its annual Conference August 4,5, and 6 at the University of Scranton, Scranton, Pa. This year's speakers include Father Benedict Groeschel, Maria Vadia, Father Trevor Nathasingh, a convert to Catholocism from a Hindu/Muslim background, and Alex Jones.

Father Groeschel is the Director of the Office of Spiritual Development of the Archdiocese of New York. He formed the Community of the Franciscan Friars of the renewal, has published, books and tapes, and is a familiar face on Catholic television. Father Groeschel founded Good Counsel Homes for single mothers and their children in New York City. Father Groeschel speaks at the Saturday, afternoon Penance Service and is homilist for the SundayLiturgy. For futher information or to register call 570-344-2214.

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