Saturday, July 22, 2006

Stem Cell Research, Liberal Bias, and The Other Iraq

The liberal media infuriates me. Right after President Bush's veto of the life-destroying, embryonic stem cell research bill, local media in northeast Pa spoke only of the President's veto of "stem cell research". I believe this is a deliberate effort to confuse the issue in the mind of the public. Of course national networks ABC, NBC, and CBS did the same and worse even showing footage of the March for Life saying "right to lifers" did not agree with Bush's veto!.

One thing pro-lifers have to realize is liberals slant the news on every issue. Here is a different issue illustrating the same fact. Liberals want us to believe the effort to liberate the Iraqui people is a complete waste of our time and American lives: that the Iraqui people are savages who will never live in peace. They paint all Iraqui people with the same brush. I came accross this web site about Iraqui Kurdistan and was surprised by it. At the same time I was not surprised because I know how the liberal media distorts the truth to advance their agenda. So for those who want to learn something about Iraq that is not found on the nightly news visit: Kurdistan - The Other Iraq

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