Saturday, July 15, 2006

TeenSTAR Sex Eudcation Curriculum

New, affordable teen sex education
We know what doesn't work -- "preaching" abstinence, "promoting" condoms.

Superintendents, School Board Members, Teachers, Administrators, Principals:
Has your curriculum shown that it can postpone sexual involvement? TeenSTAR has... Over 90% of female and male virgins remained uninvolved while 30-65% of previously involved students stopped during the year-long Teen Star program.

TeenSTAR (Sexuality Teaching in the context of Adult Responsibility) is a developmental curriculum which uses learning one's fertility pattern to teach responsible decision-making and communication skills in the area of sexual behavior and enhances teens' self-understanding and self-esteem. Can be offered once a week in health, physical education, family life, biology or sociology class for two semesters. Best results for primary prevention if offered in grades 7-9. A one-week training workshop required.

Why not try a program that has demonstrated its ability to postpone sexual involvement?

For a description of the program click here. The page also contains traninig workshop dates.


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