Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Visit the Pro-Life Booth At the Lycoming County Fair now through July 22, 2006

The Susquehanna Valley Chapter of Pennsylvanians for Human Life sponsor a pro-life booth at the Lycoming County Fair now through July 22nd. So if you plan to attend the fair, stop by. "We man the table every day now from 11 am - 9 pm. We have free balloons with prolife messages for the kids, free pens and sale items such as precious feet pins, prolife bracelets, magnetic car ribbons, all kinds of literature, fetal models and we also have a drawing on a doll from Adelyns and a drill. ..... We have a changing table for those who need to change their little ones, etc. and more."
For Information on directions to the Lycoming County Fair Visit: PSACF - Fair Details

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