Saturday, May 15, 2010

Pennsylvania Primary Election May 18, 2010 - Eleventh Congressional District- Pro-Life Issue

Congressman Kanjorski and his challengers: Where do they stand on pro-life issues? By Sue CirbaMany candidates have thrown their hat in the ring to challenge incumbent Congressman Paul Kanjorski, but where do they stand on pro-life issues? National Right to Life has evaluated Congressman Kanjorski's record on the life issues. NRLC has identified 89 key votes from 1997 to 2010. Congressman Kanjorski has been in Congress for a long time. According to the National Right to Life Committee Kanjorski cast 70 key pro-life votes and 19 pro-abortion votes in the past fourteen years. It would be a shame to cast that record aside to vote for a health care bill that will eliminate all conscience protections for pro-life people who do not want to pay for abortion, and health care workers who do not want to participation in abortion. Unfortunately when the vote on health care came up, Paul Kanjorski was on the wrong side of the issue. He abandoned his pro-life record and voted for a bill with seven pro-abortion provisions including forcing taxpayers to pay for abortions. Pennsylvanians for Human Life's Scranton Chapter and National Right to Life as well as other pro-life organizations and constituents urged Congressman Kanjorski to vote against Obama's Health Plan, but their pleas fell on deaf ears. Legislative Director for National Right to Life Committee,Doug Johnson warned congressmen that a vote for Obama's health care bill would be considered a "career defining pro-abortion vote". Now Congressman Kanjorski has a pro-abortion record.

Congressman Kanjorski faces two challengers in the Democrat primary election. Lackawanna County Commissioner Corey O'Brien of Moosic and Marywood Uniiversity professor Brian Kelly of Wilkes-Barre. Sue Cirba was unable to reach either one by phone, but both refer to life issues on their web sites. Mr. O'Brien's position as listed on his web site: "I oppose abortion. After decades of divisiveness, I believe that if everyone can agree that abortion is a tragic choice for many women, both sides can find common ground and work together to implement policies that will one day eliminate the need to have abortions. To achieve that goal, I favor adoption, responsible education and access to comprehensive reproductive health care, including contraception. I do not support policies that would restrict the ability of women to receive abortions in cases of rape, incest or where the life of the mother is in danger." Unfortunately for Mr. O'Brien "comprehensive reproductive health care" as defined by Planned Parenthood includes abortion. Planned Parenthood receives millions of tax dollars and promote abortion through counseling, education and legislation and through the courts.

Brian Kelly takes a different stand. Kelly boldy outlines his views on abortion as listed on his web site which follow: A. Abortion:
1. A child has a God-given right to life from fertilization to natural death.
2. All unborn children are persons, not masses of flesh.
3. Abortion is "prohibited" in Declaration of Independence- prohibit abortion.
4. Embryonic stem cell research experiments with human life.
5. Need a Constitutional amendment defining life from conception.
6. Abortion is unjust and immoral.
7. Mothers have no right to take a fetus’ life.
8. Only exception is to preserve life of mother.
The Republican candidate running for the 11th Congressional district seat is Hazleton Mayor Lou Barletta. In Mayor Barletta 2008 run for Congressman Kanjorski's seat, he gave an extensive interview to the Pro-Life Reporter. Barletta is solidly pro-life. Barletta's web site lists his position on the right to life: "Simply stated, I am Pro-Life. I believe that innocent life should be protected at every stage of development. I support the restoration of legal protection for innocent human life. I will oppose the efforts of some to increase or expand the protection or establishment of legal euthanasia, abortion, and human cloning. As Congress begins to tackle the issues of Medicare and health care reform, I will never support a program that results in rationing of life-saving procedures to those covered under those programs."

Mayor Barletta sent a statement on the health care bill which follows:.
“Regardless of how they try to justify it, the members of Congress who vote for this version of health care reform are voting in support of federal funding of abortions. That's the simple fact. The National Right to Life Committee and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops say the same thing – this health care bill will subsidize abortions.
This version of reform overturns 30 years of federal law that has prevented the use of taxpayer money to pay for abortions except in certain circumstances.
As a father of four – and as a man who became a grandfather for the first time in 2009 – I cannot believe that Congressman Kanjorski, or any politician who cherishes the sanctity of life, would vote in favor of this bill.
I am extremely disappointed Congressman Kanjorski and other politicians in Washington would trade the lives of innocent unborn children for political favors.
If this bill passes, it will truly be a sad day for the right-to-life movement. And the fact that the House would even consider passing such a reprehensible assault on the unborn on a Sunday is truly appalling.I could never support this bill.”
Mayor Lou Barletta
Candidate for Congress in Pennsylvania’s 11th District March 2010

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