Saturday, May 15, 2010

National Right to Life Convention, Pittsburgh PA -June 24-26, 2010

National Right to Life Convention June 24-26, 2010.
The 2010 National Right to Life Convention is slated for Pittsburgh,PA June 24to 26.
Mark your calendar now for the NRLC Convention.
Speakers include Steven Mosher, the President of the Population Research Institute. Mr. Mosher is the author of Broken Earth: The Rural Chinese. While living and doing sociological research in a Chinese village through a cultural exchange program, Mosher filled over 100 notebooks with notes. When he returned to Tiwan he realized the story that cried out to be written was about the life of the rural Chinese. "Though I have been able to carry out my research and interviews with villagers without hindrance or surveillance by the authorities, ..the People's Republic is nonetheless a police state" Mosher covers "Birth Control: A Grim Game of Numbers" in his book and he uncovers the human suffering borne by those women and unborn children who suffer China's one child policy. Mosher is now combating problems produced in Third World Countries by American and United Nation's Population Control policies.
Msgr. Jim Lisante is another convention speaker. He has served as a Pastor on Long Island, has been Diocesan Director of Family Life and a spokesperson for the Church on TV and radio hosting "Personally Speaking". Msgr Lisante also wrote a book by the same title which contains a group of articles on Life Issues including one about Ana Rosa, the eight-month preborn child whose mother went to a New York City abortionist for a late term abortion. The abortionist took the woman's money, started the abortion by removing Ana Rose's right arm. The abortionist then told the mother the abortion was complete. She went into labor that night and delivered a baby who was perfect, but missing her right arm.
Steven Mosher, Msgr. Lisante and Scranton's own Gary Cangemi are three of the speakers slated for the June 24-26 convention. You will also hear stories of one couple's post abortion trauma, by Mark and LaRee Pickup. Dr. Angela Franks will discuss Planned Parenthood and Margaret Sanger's Eugenic Legacy. If there is sufficient interest the Northeast region of PHL will sponsor a bus to Pittsburgh. Call 570-343-5099 if you are interested or for further details.

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