Saturday, May 15, 2010

Pro-Life Victory in West Virginia

Just moments ago, Rep. Allan Mollohan of West Virginia, a Democrat who abandoned the pro-life principles of his constituents and supported the biggest expansion of abortion since Roe, learned that Votes Have Consequences and was defeated in the Democratic primary by pro-life challenger Mike Oliviero!
Mollohan’s loss comes as a direct result of his vote for healthcare reform that included federal funding of abortion.
Who deserves all the credit for this major pro-life victory? You!
Thanks to the continued financial support of pro-life activists like you, the Susan B. Anthony List spent over $78,000 in television ads, radio ads, and robo-calls informing pro-life West Virginians that Rep. Mollohan betrayed their values by supporting ObamaCare.
Our work is not done. I need you to help us keep the momentum by making the biggest donation you can afford tonight to our Votes Have Consequences program. We need to raise $25,000 in the next 72 hours to fully fund the next stages of the program and I am counting on you to help us raise our goal.

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