Thursday, August 28, 2008

Bob Casey at the DNC and Transcript

Quotes from Bob Casey at Democrat National Convention: "In a time of danger around the world and economic trouble here at home, I know that Barack Obama will lead us, heal us and help us rebuild the country we love. I know this because I know Barack Obama."
Cirba: As a Catholic you should know better Senator Casey, Jesus Christ will heal our nation, not Senator Obama.

Try again Bob:
"So now let us work together, with a leader who, as Lincoln said, appeals to the better angels of our nature."
Cirba: Better angels? That would mean perhaps that he inspires us to be better than we are, to do noble things???
Reality check:

A tiny preborn baby has just survived an abortion attempt. She raises weak, pathetic cries and gasps for breath.....What would Barack Obama do? Traditional medicine at one time would do everything to save the life of that newborn child.
When we consider Obama helped block a bill (three times)that was designed solely to protect the life of infants already born in Illinois' version of the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act, he has in effect voted to let babies who survive abortion attempts die.
Don't believe me? Please read the previous posts referencing articles by Paul Kengor and Pat Buchannan. Obama is not likely to inspire anyone to sacrifice for the benefit of others.

A final quote from Senator Casey, "Barack Obama and I have an honest disagreement on the issue of abortion. But the fact that I’m speaking here tonight is testament to Barack’s ability to show respect for the views of people who may disagree with him."
Cirba: I'd rather have Senator Obama show some respect for the infants who survive abortion and afford them the rights they deserve.

Respect for the views of people who disagree? I suppose that's why the Denver police arrested a hundred protesters outside the DNC Tuesday evening. (Not pro-lifers by the way.)
To read the transcript of Casey's speech visit:Bob Casey at the DNC transcript - US Politics and Current Events - Zimbio:

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