Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Paul Kengor & Jarrett Skorup on Barack Obama & Born Alive Infant Protection Act on National Review Online

"In both 2000 and 2004, it was the so-called moral-religious “values voters” who were crucial to the election of George W. Bush. It is no secret that the Democrats want those voters in 2008. Barack Obama wants them badly. What stands in his way? For Obama, the problem is not so much the Reverend Jeremiah Wright as it is the issue of abortion — consistently the dominant political-social issue in the eyes of conservative Christians, from evangelical Protestants to devout Catholics. Obama’s abortion problem is a reality that has become especially evident in recent weeks, most notably in his public battle with Focus on the Family’s James Dobson."
When Obama voted on the question of what to do with babies who survived an abortion attempt he voted for infanticide and against the Illinois version of the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act. Visit:
Paul Kengor & Jarrett Skorup on Barack Obama & Born Alive Infant Protection Act on National Review Online:

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