Friday, August 29, 2008

Text: Biden's speech at Democratic National Convention | |

Delaware Senator Joe Biden's speech at the DNC was rather lackluster.
He said of Obama:
"I watched how he touched people, how he inspired them, and I realized he has tapped into the oldest American belief of all: We don't have to accept a situation we cannot bear. We have the power to change it. That's Barack Obama, and that's what he will do for this country. He'll change it."

Cirba: EEK! Here we go again change, change, change! What is so unbearable about living in the United States of American? Why do the Democrat leaders hate this country as they do?
Canadians, the British and probably others with systems of socialized medicine come here for the best health care in the world. Mexicans and others south of our border come here, some legally and some illegally, for jobs and a better education for their children.
We have a system of highways connecting every state...opportunities for higher education for our children... what is it Obama wants to change and why won't he tell us?

The only thing that needs to be changed is America's policy of abortion-on-demand and high taxation. Obama and Biden with their 100% approval ratings from the National Abortion Rights Action League and their socialist leanings will not change either.

For those who wish to read the Biden DNC transcript Visit:
Text: Biden's speech at Democratic National Convention | |

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