Thursday, July 14, 2005

Rashida Jolley Releases CD with Abstinence Message

In 2003, I had the pleasure of meeting Miss Rashida Jolley, who was a speaker at the Pa. Pro-Life Convention held in Scranton. In addition, Rashida electrified teen audiences at the three local schools where she appeared: North Pocono Middle School, Carbondale Area and Lackawanna Trail. She encouraged the students to plan for their future, "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Happiness, healthiness, and success all hinge on our self-esteem, self-control and self-motivation."

"She asked, Why is it on soap operas nobody gets a sexually transmitted disease? Pamela Anderson, and Janet Jackson both have sexually transmitted diseases."
"Would you give anyone your ATM card?" she asks. "NO!" the students answered. "Why would you give anyone your body? Your bodies are more valuable than money." Rashida at age 15 decided to save sex for marriage. She talks to students all over the U.S. about the physical, emotional and social consequences of sex before marriage. At each school Rashida sang for the students and was greeted with the enthusiasm teens have for rock stars.

Now Rashida has released a hit EP Promoting Abstinence. LOVE IS NOT A GAME is a fresh approach to inspire, inform and motivate teens through good music with a positive message.
A former Miss District of Columbia 2000, Rashida competed in the Miss America pageant where she was a finalist for the quality of life award. For more information on Rashida Jolley write to

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