Saturday, July 09, 2005

Will Fuhrman Book Expose Euthanasia Movement Ties To Schiavo Case?

Former LA police detective Mark Fuhrman has recently released a book on the Terri Schiavo case. It probably has been out for less than two weeks. In a radio interview with Sean Hannity, Fuhrman called for a grand jury investigation of the Terri Schiavo case. On July 8th the Orlando Sentinel reported that a prosecutor asked by Gov. Jeb Bush to investigate Terri Schiavo’s collapse 15 years ago said there was no evidence of criminal wrongdoing. Bush spokesman Jacob Di Pietre reported, "This is the end of the state’s involvement in the case." Call me suspicious, but I can’t help wondering if the investigation was concluded before the Fuhrman book, Silent Witness: The Untold Story of Terri Schiavo’s Death had a chance to stir up the same people who were outraged about her starvation and dehydration in March. The 2008 Presidential election is not that far away, Presidential aspirations seem to run in the Bush family, and it just wouldn’t be prudent to re-open that can of worms!

Terri Schiavo, a disabled woman, was dehydrated to death, at the request of her husband over the objections of Terri’s parents. Terri left no written document concerning her wishes. Her death is the result of greed, pride, judicial activism and the "success" euthanasia activists have had in Florida for two decades. Euthanasia activists prefer to call themselves "right-to-die" activists. (It seems the word "euthanasia" still leaves a bad taste in the mouths of Americans old enough to remember World War II.) The goal of American euthanasia activists is to advocate the killing of the sick, and handicapped as is currently practiced by the Dutch, but to couch it in terms of "mercy" and "compassion". I’m hoping Fuhrman’s book will tie many of the principal players in the Schiavo case to the euthanasia movement.

We all know that abortionists in the 1960’s "shopped" for cases that would advance their agenda of the legalization of abortion on demand and the public acceptance of that practice. Euthanasia advocates have been doing the same since the 1980’s. The Schiavo Case was another attempt to further advance their agenda. Many of the principal players in the Schiavo case are connected to the euthanasia movement.

Michael Schiavo’s attorney George Felos has written a book and in addition to some very strange ideas, appears to have a morbid fascination with death. A National Review Online article by Eric Pfeiffer ( cites an instance where Felos believed his thoughts nearly caused a plane crash. And in his first "right-to-die" case, Felos believes he used "conscious evolution" to communicate with Estelle Browning, an unconscious woman. Felos claims they shared a "soul touch" as their spirits left their respective bodies and spoke to each other where Browning’s soul supposedly told Felos she wanted to die. The quote Pfeiffer cites from Felos’ book is priceless! Why wasn’t such nuttiness exposed by the mainstream press? All they had to do was buy his book and read it!

As Terri slowly suffered the effects of starvation and dehydration, the Florida Legislature and Governor Jeb Bush, both instrumental in getting Terri’s feeding tube reinstated in 2001 and 2003 were unsuccessful at adopting legislation to save Terri in 2005. Governor Jeb Bush believed he had run out of legal options. Others disagreed. Meanwhile the Florida Senate considered another bill to save Terri. This time, President of the Senate James King, blocked the legislation from proceeding to the Senate after the House had passed a bill that would have reinserted Terri’s feeding tube. Why? King was also a euthanasia activist. King sponsored a Death with Dignity Law in 1988. He admitted yielding to public and political pressure to support Terri’s Law in 2003 but wouldn’t do it again. King stated, "I don’t want anything on the floor in that Senate that is going to give platform to people who want to roll back the hands of time.....All of a sudden I’m facing a bill or bills that can dismantle what I consider to be my legacy"!
Dr. Ronald Cranford, a Minnesota neurologist and "expert witness in right-to-die cases" who testified in the Terri Schiavo case, determined Terri’s condition was hopeless. That’s not really surprising once you learn Cranford has represented the United States at The World Federation of Right to Die Societies held June 7-10, 1990 in Maastricht, Holland in addition to other euthanasia conferences.

But it is Judge Greer that I have questions about. Three times he ordered Terri Schiavo’s feeding tube removed. Greer never appointed a permanent guardian ad litem for Terri to represent her interests while her parents and husband Michael battled over Michael’s fitness as her guardian. Why was Judge Greer hellbent on starving Terri Schiavo? Why wouldn’t Greer release Terri to the care of her parents and siblings? I hope Fuhrman’s book sheds some light on Greer’s role.

Terri Schiavo was dehydrated to death, at the request of her husband over the objections of Terri’s parents and this is OK with the state of Florida? Incapacitated patients have a right to life and should not be starved or denied treatment, simply because they do not measure up to someone’s "quality of life" standard. Jeb Bush may think the Schiavo case is over, but for the sake of the sick and elderly who spend their last days at a hospice run by the likes of Attorney Felos I hope someone investigates further.

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