Thursday, July 14, 2005

Rachael's Vineyard Retreats

If you are suffering from the after-effects of an abortion, come and experience the healing love of Jesus Christ at a "Rachael’s Vineyard" weekend retreat November 4-6, 2005, at St. Gabriel’s Retreat Center, 631 Griffin Pond Road, Clarks Summit, PA. Sponsored by the Diocese of Scranton, the weekend retreat combines discussions, spiritual exercises the Sacrament of Reconcil-iation, a Memorial Service and a Mass of Resurrection. Participation is strictly confidential and offers an opportunity to experience God’s love, forgiveness, and compassion. For information contact OPM/Pro-Life office 207-2228 or Barbara Slack at Catholic Social Services, 207-2283. The cost is $100 for meals, private room and all retreat materials. Financial assistance is available. In the Allentown Diocese, a retreat will be held July 15-17. Contact Mary Ann Dunn at 866-372-2435.

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