Friday, April 20, 2018

Wesley Smith Notes Glaring Omission of Trump Administration

Note:  While Wesley Smith makes an excellent observation, the notion that Tru;mp does not care is a  bit harsh.  There are many appointments that Trump still needs to make and all are hampered by the foot dragging of democrats who wish to delay appointments as much as possible.  

Weslely Smith:  "President Donald J. Trump could care less about biotechnology. How else to explain his total failure to engage the most important and portentous biotechnological issues of our day?.. the president hasn’t even taken the rudimentary step of appointing a bioethics advisory council to advise him, Congress, and the public about the many ethical and safety concerns augured by recent research advances. Nor has he named a Science Advisor to give him informed in-house guidance."
According to Smith, "Ignoring ethical and safety challenges presented by powerful emerging technologies will not make the problems they pose disappear.Though the term “playing God” is a cliché, it aptly describes the naked power scientists are accumulating, which could lead to the substantial manipulation of biology on the planet, the creation of new and novel life forms, perhaps even the destruction (or elimination) of entire species if these technologies are mismanaged."
CRISPR: stands for: “Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeat.”  CRISPR is probably the most consequential technological invention since scientists learned to split the atom.  CRISPR allows scientists to alter the genetic makeup of any cell or lifeform—viruses, bacteria, plants, animals, and us. If these alterations are done on sperm, eggs, or early embryos, the genetic alterations inserted into the organism will flow down the generations.  Visit: 

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