Tuesday, April 24, 2018

The following letter is from the newsletter of Bobby Schindler, brother of Terri Schiavo.  There seems to be no end to the evil which masquerades as "choice":

I want to share two names and stories with you this morning.
Alfie Evans, a precious infant with an undiagnosed condition requiring a ventilator.
Vincent Lambert, a disabled non-terminal adult who simply needs assisted food and water.
European courts have ruled in two separate decisions today that both Alfie and Vincent are to die. Alfie, by court order to physicians to deny oxygen to the infant against the parents wishes. Vincent, by court order to deny him food and water, starving him to death at the request of his wife. Vincent faces almost precisely the same fate as Terri Schiavo.
To some, it might seem ironic that one of the only voices for sanity in either case has been the Catholic Church. First, in Alfie's case of offering to take the child and care for him in a Vatican hospital. And second, in Vincent's case, where Elio Sgreccia, a cardinal and bioethicist who defended Terri many years ago, and is again pointing out the potential for Vincent to recover from his PVS diagnosis. He has stated clearly that Vincent "is not terminally ill and may still live a long time when treated with care." Denying Vincent food and water would be a violation of the man’s basic human rights, Sgreccia contends.
I am thinking especially of both Alfie's and Vincent's parents right now. They, like my own parents in Terri's fight, are victims nearly as much as their children who are about to die by court order. It is unthinkable, and it my heart breaks for Alfie, for Vincent, and for those who love them unconditionally and demonstrate that love with a desire to care rather than to bring about death.
What we are witnessing is the increasing power of a global euthanasia mentality. Those who advocated for so-called "limited" or "reasonable" allowances for euthanasia in certain instances, or for assisted suicide, know that inevitable the "limits" fall away once the primary reason for euthanasia captures the minds of a culture. And that primary reason is, in essence, the attitude that we need a way to remove undesirable persons whom those in power decide have a "quality of life" insufficient to justify their existence.
In practice, the right to euthanasia will always and everywhere be primarily a right for the state to euthanatize its must vulnerable citizens.
God bless you,

Bobby Schindler

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