Friday, February 25, 2011

U.S. Taxpayer Funds to Planned Parenthood

Sue Cirba Reports:
The following table shows the amount of federal funds given
to Planned Parenthood for each fiscal year. The figures were
reported in the Congressional Research Service Report for
Congress, Title X (Public Health Service Act) Family Planning
Program. August 4, 2008, A. Napili
Table 1. Title X Family Planning Program Appropriations
(in millions)
Fiscal Year Appropriation
1971 - $6.0
1972 - $61.8
1973 - $100.6
1974 - $100.6
1975 - $100.6
1976 - $100.6
1977 - $113.0
1978 - $135.0
1979 - $135.0
1980 - $162.0
1981 - $161.7
1982 - $124.2
1983 - $124.1
1984 - $140.0
1985 - $142.5
1986 - $136.4
1987 - $142.5
1988 - $139.7
1989 - $138.3
1990 - $139.1
1991 - $144.3
1992 - $149.6
1993 - $173.4
1994 - $180.9
1995 - $193.3
1996 - $192.6
1997 - $198.5
1998 - $203.5
1999 - $215.0
2000 - $238.9
2001 - $253.9
2002 - $265.0
2003 - $273.4
2004 - $278.3
2005 - $286.0
2006 - $282.9
2007 - $283.1
2008 - $300.0
Fiscal ResponsibilityRecent efforts to defund Planned Parenthood focus mainly on financial concerns. Bill O'Reilly put it succinctly in a recent television show, "WE DON'T HAVE THE MONEY! Although Planned Parenthood makes a billion dollars a year it received $300 million in tax dollars in the fiscal year ending in June 2008 according to an August 4, 2008 Congressional Research Service Report for Congress. Other sources report the 2008 figure as high as 349 million. In 1971 Planned Parenthood received $6 million in federal funds, by 1972 they received $61.8 million, a 930% increase! Planned Parenthood's tax funds increased by leaps and bounds with only a 23% decrease under Ronald Reagan in 1982. Congress restored that funding as abortion rates continued to climb.
Taxpayer funding to Planned Parenthood increased significantly from the last year of George Bush 41's term to the end of Bill Clinton's term; federal funds to Planned Parenthood increased by nearly 44% . The most shocking increase was from 1971 to 2008, growing from $6 million to $300 million, an increase of 4900%! How many government programs have seen that kind of increase? When do we say enough?
When do we say Planned Parenthood you've taken enough of taxpayer's money?

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