Friday, February 25, 2011

Planned Parenthood Deserves to Lose Their Federal Funding - Technorati Technorati Women

A 20 year old pro-life student named Mary Lane posted a great column called "Planned Parenthood Deserves to Lose their Federal Funding", but the real story is found in the comments that follow. Many of these people need to be educated about PP. From Miss Lane's article: "If you missed it, Lila Rose’s Youth-Led organization, called Live Action, has posted a handful of videos over the past few years exposing the corruptions of Planned Parenthood. In the most recent videos, Planned Parenthood workers at 3 separate clinics are shown helping an undercover actor posing as a pimp to keep his “sex work” with minors a secret, giving him advice on where to take the girls to get medical care before going back out on the street to make him more money." . Visit: Planned Parenthood Deserves to Lose Their Federal Funding - Technorati Technorati Women:

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