Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Not the Only House of Horrors: Troubled Baton Rouge Abortion Mill Has Disturbing Ties to Gosnell :Operation Rescue

"Baton Rouge, Louisiana – A troubled Louisiana abortion clinic has ties to accused murderer Kermit Gosnell, according to a Pennsylvania grand jury report.

The Delta Clinic of Baton Rouge is the former employer of Gosnell employee Eileen O’Neill, who was arrested last week along with Gosnell and charged with criminal violations that include Theft by Deception for pretending to be a licensed physician and charging fees as such, Racketeering, Corruption, Perjury, and False Swearing. O’Neill was present during the abortion death of Karnamaya Mongar and, according to the grand jury report, lied to authorities in order to cover up the truth about Mongar’s death.

The American Catholic Lawyers Association was in Baton Rouge last week and threatened a lawsuit if the Delta Clinic is not shut down. (See news video below from 01/20/11.) Those attorneys indicate that an internal report made by the Department of Health and Hospitals lists numerous violations at the Delta Clinic that more that warrant closure. The DHH continues to make excuses for conditions at Delta, much the same way regulators in Pennsylvania turned a blind eye to complaints about Gosnell in what the grand jury there described as a “complete regulatory collapse.”" Visit:Not the Only House of Horrors: Troubled Baton Rouge Abortion Mill Has Disturbing Ties to Gosnell :Operation Rescue:

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