Monday, January 31, 2011

“Pro-Life Supporter Equates Abortion with Genocide” aka "African-American Preacher Headlines Anti-abortion Prayer Breakfast - News - The Times-Tribune

Dr. Clenard Childress addressed nearly 450 enthusiastic pro-lifers assembled at St. Mary's Center in Scranton for the annual Respect for Life Prayer Breakfast. The Scranton Times reported Dr. Childress stated:
"The African-American community has been targeted by abortion," he said. "A pregnant woman who is in poverty and destitute and may appear not to have much chance at a fruitful life seems to be a candidate for abortion, but that is the mindset of an elitist group making the rules of who lives and who dies." Visit:
African-American preacher headlines anti-abortion prayer breakfast - News - The Times-Tribune:
Times editors also changed the original local headline “Pro-Life Supporter Equates Abortion with Genocide” to the politically correct in liberal circles "African-American Preacher Headlines Anti-abortion Prayer Breakfast".

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