Tuesday, October 26, 2010

New Campaign Targets 42 House Districts Reaching 2.3 Million Pro-Life Voters

The SBA List direct mail campaign ... will reach more than 2.3 million identified pro-life voters in 42 competitive Congressional districts across the country.

“The common factor among this unusually large number of competitive races is a dissatisfaction with the broad overreach of the Obama Administration and its Congressional allies, especially on the issue of abortion,” the organization's president, Marjorie Dannenfeler, told LifeNews.com this morning.

“Poll after poll shows that Americans do not want their tax dollars funding abortions, yet the Obama administration and its allies in Congress have expanded taxpayer funding of abortion both here and abroad in unprecedented ways," she said.
The mailings also target Martin Heinrich and Dina Titus in Nevada; Daniel Maffei in New York; Steve Driehaus, Marcy Kaptur, Betty Sutton and John Bocciere in Ohio; Kathy Dahlkemper, Patrick Murphy, Chris Carney, and Paul Kanjorski in Pennsylvania; New Campaign Targets 42 House Districts Reaching 2.3 Million Pro-Life Voters

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