Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Joe Sestak Endorsed by National Abortion Rights Action League by Sue Cirba

How radical is Rep. Joe Sestak's record on abortion? Sestak is radical enough to have earned the endorsement of the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) in all of his political campaigns, as well as contributions from them. According to their mission statement, NARAL "uses the political process to guarantee….the full range of reproductive choices, including … choosing legal abortion."
Sestak received NARAL's endorsement and a $5,000 campaign contribution in the PA primary against Arlen Specter according to a May 12 th press release by Nancy Keenan, NARAL's president. Sestak said he was "greatful" for NARAL's support.
Joe Sestak has been supported by the pro-abortion group NARAL consistently. In Sestak's "first successful campaign…NARAL...spent $232,000 on independent expenditures, including voter identification, polling, persuasion mail pieces…, and phone calls, reaching 86,000 households." according to Ms. Keenan's press release. NARAL's political action committee "contributed $10,000 to Sestak's 2006 campaign and $2,500 to his re-election bid in 2008" wrote Keenan. She added, Sestak's endorsement "continued the organization's strong ties with Sestak"
Pro-life voter's need to know about Sestak's pro-abortion stand and remember Sestak cast NO votes for pro-life legislation during his career in Congress according to the National Right to Life Committee scorecard.
Susan Cirba

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