Friday, December 18, 2009

Unconscionable Math « Taunter Media (Rescission)

This is an interesting article but the author seems to be drawing all the wrong conclusions. It gives readers an indication of how insurance companies work, but to conclude the socialist agenda that is driving health care would be more benevolent is a huge error. Government run Medicare denies a greater percentage of claims than the leading health insurance companies. (More on this later). And let's not forget the state run Oregon Health Plan that denies care yet offers to pay for assisted suicide. More on Oregon later.
This deals with rescission.
"If the top 5% is the absolute largest population for whom rescission would make sense, the probability of having your policy cancelled given that you have filed a claim is fully 10% (0.5% rescission/5.0% of the population). If you take the LA Times estimate that $300mm was saved by abrogating 20,000 policies in California ($15,000/policy), you are somewhere in the 15% zone.. If... rescission is targeted toward ...bankrupting cases..with over $35,000 of annual claims... then the probability of having your policy torn up given a massively expensive condition is pushing 50%." I get it, the author thinks insurance companies are evil.But will the government health care save us? Don't hold your breath. Visit: Unconscionable Math « Taunter Media:

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