Friday, December 18, 2009

Doctor and U.S. Senator Tom Coburn on Health Care

Who knowa more about health care? Physicians or politicians who don't even read the bills they vote for? Here are few facts from physician-Senator Tom Coburn. Did the senate listen to the facts bofore they voted in government controlled health care? Nope. Elitists know best. Doctor Coburn: “Many of the problems we face today in health care, such as cost and lack of choice and access to quality care, are the consequence of government interference. These problems will only get worse if Congress spends $2.5 trillion on legislation to put the government in charge of more of our health care decisions,” Dr. Coburn said.

Patients in government run health plans have fewer options and lower quality of care:

• Medicare denies medical claims at twice the rate of some of the largest private insurers.
• Nearly one in three (29 percent) Medicare beneficiaries who were looking for a primary care doctor had a problem finding one to treat them, according to a June 2008 Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) survey.
• Forty percent of physicians refuse to accept Medicaid patients. Visit:.: United States Senator Tom Coburn :: Press Room :.

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