Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Obama to face health care town hall today, says Canadian system not 'scary' - Posted

Once again Obama sidesteps serious debate and uses the occasion to demonize opponents of health care insinuating that they aren't telling the truth about Canada's health care system and are trying to "make a good bogeyman" out of Canadians. OBAMA in his own words:“I don’t find Canadians particularly scary, but I guess some of the opponents of reform think that they make a good bogeyman,” he said Monday, with Prime Minister Stephen Harper at his side. “I suspect that you Canadians will continue to get dragged in by those who oppose reform, even though I’ve said nothing about Canadian health care reform.”

To be sure, this was not the first time the Canadian system was portrayed as 'scary,' and it is also not the first time the president distanced himself from the Canadian formula."
Visit: Obama to face health care town hall today, says Canadian system not 'scary' - Posted:

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