Thursday, August 13, 2009

Obama Grossly Exaggerates Surgeons's Fees - Secondhand Smoke's Wesley Smith Sets the record Straight

Wesley Smith lists the true fee schedules for surgery form Med NY Physician Manual Smith writes: "The more President Obama speaks off the cuff in the Great Health Care Debate, the less he seems to know. Recently, President Obama contended that surgeons are paid “$30,000, $40,000, $50,000″ to amputate a foot. (He even posts a You-Tube clip of Obama's error.) But, that doesn’t seem to be true. I looked up New York State’s Medicaid reimbursement fee for a foot amputation. Guess what? Surgeons fees for most amputation procedures are in the hundreds, not tens of thousands of dollars. Here’s an example from Med NY Physician Manual, Wesley Smith lists the true fee schedules for surgery form Med NY Physician Manual Visit:Secondhand Smoke — A First Things Blog#comments#comments:

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