Wednesday, August 05, 2009

David Limbaugh on Bogus Health Care Statistics

We've all heard Obama and the Democrats lament the "fact" that 47 million people are without health care. They don't tell you these people could afford health care if they wanted it and hope Americans will assume these 47 million are too poor to afford health care. David Limbaugh's column cites some startling sttistics: "In the first place, the 47 million number is grossly inflated. The Congressional Budget Office survey generating it included those who were uninsured for any part of a year, despite the fact that almost half of these remain uninsured for an average of only four months.

Some 38 percent of this 47 million -- almost 18 million -- make more than $50,000 a year, and 10 million of them make more than $75,000. Of all the uninsured groups, this is the only one that is growing, because in a still-free country, they've made their own decision not to buy expensive insurance" Visit:
David Limbaugh:

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