Thursday, August 06, 2009

Couple answers God's call. - Pro-Life Faith in the Marketplace - Catholic Online

This story is fascinating and an indication of the very ordinary way God coommunicates with people who have faith. The couple own a pro-life telecommunications company. The husband felt called to relocate, the couple prayed about it and relocated, answering God's call without fully knowing the purpose. Here is a portion of the story:
"Joe and Jane have a living faith which expresses itself in some unique ways in their strong marriage. For example, in early 2005 Joe, a life long resident of St. Louis, announced to Jane that he felt called to “move to the country”. They prayed and she agreed. With faith and confidence in God, they put their home on the market and began their search for a new home in rural Missouri. In May of 2005, they moved their family and business to Rolla, MO. Joe sent an e-mail to the organizations they donate their profits to, alerting them of Pro Life Communications corporate office’s new location. That same day he received correspondence from two pro-life leaders that they had been praying for God to provide a pro-life anchor to Rolla and that they believed Joe was that anchor." The couple went on to found a pro-life counseling center in a college town that had none and have saved hundreds of babies lives. the story continues here:Commerce for the Cause: Pro-Life Faith in the Marketplace - Catholic Online:

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