Dear Readers,
With the election just days away, the following posts are election-related articles that I did not get the chance to post b ut are still worth reading.
Pennsylvania Right to Life Issues, Pro-Life Education and Resources, Abortion, Health Care, End of Life Issues, 2020 Elections. Covid19 related issues, Catholic Faith
Friday, October 31, 2008
RU-486 Deaths - Abortion Kills Some Women
Barak Obama speaks of abortion in terms of a "right". He promised to sign the "Freedom of Choice Act(FOCA)" if elected. FOCA will remove all laws design to warn women of the dangers of abortion. Listed below is a list of women killed by using RU486 the Abortion Pill. How many more young women will die once state-enacted informed consent laws are eliminated by an Obama administration?
From Dr. Jack Willke:RU-486 Deaths
From Dr. Jack Willke:RU-486 Deaths
A Newsletter of the Center for Bioethics and Culture Network
"Four months ago, a little girl in Samoa was born with serious disabilities. Doctors did not believe the baby could survive, so they urged the parents not to feed their daughter. But the parents loved their daughter and snuck food to Miracle. Beyond all medical expectations, Miracle survived.
Ponder, if you will, what I just wrote: Miracle's parents had to sneak food into the hospital! This wasn't even a feeding tube case. Had the parents acquiesced and permitted Miracle to starve, her death would have been akin to being exposed on a hill—the method ancient Romans used to rid themselves of “defective” babies." To Continue visit:
A Newsletter of the Center for Bioethics and Culture Network:from 01/17/08
Ponder, if you will, what I just wrote: Miracle's parents had to sneak food into the hospital! This wasn't even a feeding tube case. Had the parents acquiesced and permitted Miracle to starve, her death would have been akin to being exposed on a hill—the method ancient Romans used to rid themselves of “defective” babies." To Continue visit:
A Newsletter of the Center for Bioethics and Culture Network:from 01/17/08
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Barack Obama's Health Care Plan Covers Abortion, Would Require Tax-Funding
Yesterday while going through signs I could use for a prayerful witness in front of Obama campaign headquarters,I noticed two "Abortion is not health care" signs from the Clinton years. Would an Obama health care plan include abortion? Absolutely. Today offers the proof.
"Washington, DC ( -- A leading pro-life group has uncovered a questionnaire the campaign of Barack Obama filed with a pro-abortion web site. The survey makes it clear that Obama's national health care plan would include abortions and that they would likely be funded at taxpayer expense."
Barack Obama's Health Care Plan Covers Abortion, Would Require Tax-Funding:
"Washington, DC ( -- A leading pro-life group has uncovered a questionnaire the campaign of Barack Obama filed with a pro-abortion web site. The survey makes it clear that Obama's national health care plan would include abortions and that they would likely be funded at taxpayer expense."
Barack Obama's Health Care Plan Covers Abortion, Would Require Tax-Funding:
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
YouTube - Woah! Newt Gingrich Compares Biased US Media to Pravda
Newt, "Liberal media likened to Pravda?" I've been saying that for years! On Obama's behalf they overlook ACORN, Obama's Infanticide Votes, Obama's ties to Planned Parenthood, Bill Ayres, etc. The media is ignoring the birth certificate issue,Obama's campaign contributions from foreigners, his endless promisses to anyone and everyone. With a straight face Obama says he won't raise taxes? Who can get away with this without having the media in their back pocket. Meanwhile, Sarah Palin is vilified. (Remember Christians those on God's side will be persecuted.) Palin has been attacked from day one. The following video is of Newt Gingrich commenting on this subject. Pray! Sue Cirba
YouTube - Woah! Newt Gingrich Compares Biased US Media to Pravda: ""
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Scranton Bishop Unexpectedly Visits Forum, Repudiates False Teachings on Catholic Voting
"Parishioners of St. John’s church in Scranton were discussing a statement that had been produced by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) that some argue lends itself to the interpretation that Catholics can vote for pro-abortion candidates under certain circumstances. They were taken aback, however, when Bishop Joseph Martino arrived at the forum unannounced and told his flock, “No USCCB document is relevant in this diocese. The USCCB doesn’t speak for me.”
An eyewitness said that the bishop told his audience that he had voted against the USCCB statement, titled “Faithful Citizenship,” and described it as a consensus document “written to mean all things to all people.”"
Scranton Bishop Unexpectedly Visits Forum, Repudiates False Teachings on Catholic Voting:
An eyewitness said that the bishop told his audience that he had voted against the USCCB statement, titled “Faithful Citizenship,” and described it as a consensus document “written to mean all things to all people.”"
Scranton Bishop Unexpectedly Visits Forum, Repudiates False Teachings on Catholic Voting:
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Obama's Ties to ACORN
Face it. The fate of the pro-life movement depends upon the ability of Americans to hear the truth about the economic crisis. Most Americans will vote economic issues first. Its a fact. For 35 years now the right to life has been a secondary issue to most Americans. Another factor in play is the way the liberal media allows the Democrats to wash their hands of responsibility for every problem.
Obama was a significant player in the mortgage crisis and in the interest of truth - he should not be allowed to pretend he had nothing to do with it.
Sadly, if Obama is elected, we will have Supreme Court Justices nominated whose judicial philosophy mirrors that of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She is the Supreme Court Justice Obama most admires. With the election of Obama, we will see another 40 years of abortion on demand. We must do everything we can to expose the truth about Obama.
Obama was a significant player in the mortgage crisis and in the interest of truth - he should not be allowed to pretend he had nothing to do with it.
Sadly, if Obama is elected, we will have Supreme Court Justices nominated whose judicial philosophy mirrors that of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She is the Supreme Court Justice Obama most admires. With the election of Obama, we will see another 40 years of abortion on demand. We must do everything we can to expose the truth about Obama.
The Increasingly Erratic, Super-Gaffetastic Joe Biden -- Michelle Malkin -- GOPUSA
"Out of Biden's mouth, this is called candor. Out of anyone else's mouth, it would be 'fear-mongering,' 'negative campaigning' and a 'distraction.'
Tooting his own horn while vandalizing his running mate's, Biden bragged: 'I've forgotten more about foreign policy than most of my colleagues know.' Yeah. Colleagues like that guy who had a mere 143 days of Senate experience before launching his presidential bid and choosing you to shore up his meager credibility, Joe."
The Increasingly Erratic, Super-Gaffetastic Joe Biden -- Michelle Malkin -- GOPUSA:
Tooting his own horn while vandalizing his running mate's, Biden bragged: 'I've forgotten more about foreign policy than most of my colleagues know.' Yeah. Colleagues like that guy who had a mere 143 days of Senate experience before launching his presidential bid and choosing you to shore up his meager credibility, Joe."
The Increasingly Erratic, Super-Gaffetastic Joe Biden -- Michelle Malkin -- GOPUSA:
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Biden Predicts Crisis « NetRight Nation
There's going to be a crisis? Or is Obama going to manufacture a crisis to take away our Constitutional rights?
"At a fundraiser over the weekend, Joe Biden predicts a crisis that will test a potential Obama presidency. This is a rather strange prediction. Here are the words from Biden:
“It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We’re about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America. Remember I said it standing here if you don’t remember anything else I said. Watch, we’re gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.”" For more visit:
Biden Predicts Crisis « NetRight Nation:
"At a fundraiser over the weekend, Joe Biden predicts a crisis that will test a potential Obama presidency. This is a rather strange prediction. Here are the words from Biden:
“It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We’re about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America. Remember I said it standing here if you don’t remember anything else I said. Watch, we’re gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.”" For more visit:
Biden Predicts Crisis « NetRight Nation:
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Bravo Senator McCain!
Senator John McCain came out swinging - calling Obama on his ties to ACORN, and Bill Ayres. But the best part of the debate was McCain's defense of human life.
Yes, he said he would have no litmus test for judges, but said he would appoint strict constructionists. This is the only legitimate way to interpret the Constitution. Once you allow judges to legislate from the bench as liberal judges have done, you don't have a Constitution any more. The right to life, to private property, and the second amendment have been under attack.
Obama said before an audience of Planned Parenthood workers in July 2007 that Ruth Baider Ginsburg is his model for appointments to the Supreme Court. She is the most radical of the Justices. Obama's choice of Joe Biden is a further indication that the Supreme Court Justices Obama will nominate will have to pass his pro-abortion litmus test or face the kind of disgraceful treatment of character-assassination-by-Senate-committee that Biden doled out to Clarence Thomas. Remember, Biden chaired the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings of Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas. Both hearings involved personal attacks on the judges in an attempt to assail their character. So much so that Justice Clarence Thomas said of the hearings: "This is a circus, a high-tech lynching for uppity blacks who in any way deign to think for themselves. And it is a message that unless you kowtow to an old order you will be lynched, destroyed, caricatured by a committee of the U. S. Senate rather than hung from a tree.”
Yes, he said he would have no litmus test for judges, but said he would appoint strict constructionists. This is the only legitimate way to interpret the Constitution. Once you allow judges to legislate from the bench as liberal judges have done, you don't have a Constitution any more. The right to life, to private property, and the second amendment have been under attack.
Obama said before an audience of Planned Parenthood workers in July 2007 that Ruth Baider Ginsburg is his model for appointments to the Supreme Court. She is the most radical of the Justices. Obama's choice of Joe Biden is a further indication that the Supreme Court Justices Obama will nominate will have to pass his pro-abortion litmus test or face the kind of disgraceful treatment of character-assassination-by-Senate-committee that Biden doled out to Clarence Thomas. Remember, Biden chaired the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings of Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas. Both hearings involved personal attacks on the judges in an attempt to assail their character. So much so that Justice Clarence Thomas said of the hearings: "This is a circus, a high-tech lynching for uppity blacks who in any way deign to think for themselves. And it is a message that unless you kowtow to an old order you will be lynched, destroyed, caricatured by a committee of the U. S. Senate rather than hung from a tree.”
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Sarah Palin in Scranton video and photos | News | - The Times-Tribune
What do you do when you're in a hole and you don't want to be there, you quit digging". Sarah Palin proposes a common sense approach to government - stop the out of control spending. She also discusses her mission to help our families who have children with special needs. Clips on these and other issues are found here:
Sarah Palin in Scranton video and photos | News | - The Times-Tribune
Sarah Palin in Scranton video and photos | News | - The Times-Tribune
The Associated Press: Palin: Mortgage plan not a handout, but a hand up and I'll tell you what the press left out.
The following is your typical mainstream media account of the Sarah Palin visit to Scranton, PA. As one wouuld expect any references to love of family and love of country are ignored.
The crowd was amazing and in singing the national anthem nearly everyone had his hand over his heart in stark contrast to a photo of Obama making the rounds on the internet. American flags: large ones were draped on the stadium walls and small ones were held by supporters of McCain/Palin. Contrast that with the recent images of Obama's campaign where he seems to have created his own flag which includes a round red circle - does that remind anyone of something?
Sarah and her husband and Lee Greenwood too, were all incredibly gracious spending a good 20 minutes signing campaign signs, t-shirts, etc. and shaking hands with the overwhelmingly supportive crowd. And of course Sarah Palin's pledge to be an advocate for special needs children is omitted in the following article - but hey, their photos are better than mine:
"SCRANTON, Pa. (AP) — Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin said Tuesday that her running mate John McCain's plan to reduce or eliminate taxes and help distressed homeowners with their mortgages will 'get this economy moving again.'
At a raucous rally in Scranton, Palin said McCain's mortgage proposal is 'not a handout, but a hand up' to help financially overwhelmed Americans hang on to their homes."
The Associated Press: Palin: Mortgage plan not a handout, but a hand up:
The crowd was amazing and in singing the national anthem nearly everyone had his hand over his heart in stark contrast to a photo of Obama making the rounds on the internet. American flags: large ones were draped on the stadium walls and small ones were held by supporters of McCain/Palin. Contrast that with the recent images of Obama's campaign where he seems to have created his own flag which includes a round red circle - does that remind anyone of something?
Sarah and her husband and Lee Greenwood too, were all incredibly gracious spending a good 20 minutes signing campaign signs, t-shirts, etc. and shaking hands with the overwhelmingly supportive crowd. And of course Sarah Palin's pledge to be an advocate for special needs children is omitted in the following article - but hey, their photos are better than mine:
"SCRANTON, Pa. (AP) — Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin said Tuesday that her running mate John McCain's plan to reduce or eliminate taxes and help distressed homeowners with their mortgages will 'get this economy moving again.'
At a raucous rally in Scranton, Palin said McCain's mortgage proposal is 'not a handout, but a hand up' to help financially overwhelmed Americans hang on to their homes."
The Associated Press: Palin: Mortgage plan not a handout, but a hand up:
The Loft
"I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody.' Barack Obama
From GOPUSA - Spread the wealth around? This is America, isn't it? Redistributing the 'wealth' is a classic tenet of Marxist philosophy. Communist China, the former Soviet Union, Cuba, and so on.... they all believe in government ownership of basically everything. Hard work, initiative, expertise... none of that is rewarded. Instead, the efforts of the talented and the hard-working are taken from them and given to those who don't work as hard. The result is a decrease in productivity, not to mention the self-fulfillment that comes from being rewarded for a job well done. And this is exactly what Barack Obama wants to do!"The Loft:
From GOPUSA - Spread the wealth around? This is America, isn't it? Redistributing the 'wealth' is a classic tenet of Marxist philosophy. Communist China, the former Soviet Union, Cuba, and so on.... they all believe in government ownership of basically everything. Hard work, initiative, expertise... none of that is rewarded. Instead, the efforts of the talented and the hard-working are taken from them and given to those who don't work as hard. The result is a decrease in productivity, not to mention the self-fulfillment that comes from being rewarded for a job well done. And this is exactly what Barack Obama wants to do!"The Loft:
Sunday, October 12, 2008
The Tribune Democrat, Johnstown, PA - Palin thrills arena crowd
The Tribune Democrat, Johnstown, PA - Palin thrills arena crowd: "Dispensing political slogans and pointed barbs in her trademark folksy tone, Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin thrilled a raucous crowd of supporters Saturday in Johnstown.
And while last week’s headlines focused on the nation’s faltering economy, Palin shaped her half-hour speech around a different theme: Abortion." Visit:
The Tribune Democrat, Johnstown, PA - Palin thrills arena crowd:
And while last week’s headlines focused on the nation’s faltering economy, Palin shaped her half-hour speech around a different theme: Abortion." Visit:
The Tribune Democrat, Johnstown, PA - Palin thrills arena crowd:
Friday, October 10, 2008
Nevada authorities raid Las Vegas group's office over phony voter registration forms
"Nevada authorities seized records Tuesday from a group they accused of submitting fraudulent voter-registration forms — including for the starting lineup of the Dallas Cowboys.Nevada authorities raid Las Vegas group's office over phony voter registration forms:
"Nevada authorities seized records Tuesday from a group they accused of submitting fraudulent voter-registration forms — including for the starting lineup of the Dallas Cowboys.Nevada authorities raid Las Vegas group's office over phony voter registration forms:
Election Officials: 2,100 Phony ACORN Voter Registrations : Lone Star Times
"The forms included registrations submitted in the names of the dead — and in one case, the name of a fast-food restaurant, Jimmy Johns. Sally LaSota, a Democrat on the board, called the forms fraudulent and said whoever filed them broke the law."Election Officials: 2,100 Phony ACORN Voter Registrations : Lone Star Times:
Unholy Messaging by Douglas Johnson on National Review Online
Unholy Messaging by Douglas Johnson on National Review Online: "The Barack Obama “messaging machine” is now in full overdrive mode, seeking to mislead religiously committed Americans into thinking that Obama has a middle-of-the-road position on abortion policy and will promote “abortion reduction.”"
California Approves Nurse-Assisted Suicide
Somehow I missed this one - California Governor approves assisted suicide. Add California to the list of states I won't be visiting.
"SACRAMENTO – California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has officially approved an assisted suicide measure allowing nurses to sedate, dehydrate and starve depressed or confused individuals they consider to be 'terminally ill.'" For more visit:
California approves nurse-assisted suicide:
"SACRAMENTO – California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has officially approved an assisted suicide measure allowing nurses to sedate, dehydrate and starve depressed or confused individuals they consider to be 'terminally ill.'" For more visit:
California approves nurse-assisted suicide:
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Crowd cheers McCain-Palin --
Mccain-Palin in Lehigh Valley Visit:Crowd cheers McCain-Palin -- "John McCain and Sarah Palin arrive at Lehigh Valley International Airport for a Republican campaign rally at Stabler Arena. October 8, 2008)"
McCain's Remarks as Prepared for Delivery --
McCain's remarks as prepared for delivery -- "McCain's remarks as prepared for delivery, John Mccain, Stabler Arena, Lehigh Valley, PA 3:48 PM EDT, October 8, 2008"
Grove City College - The Center for Vision and Values -Critical Mass: Economic Leadership or Dictatorship
"Economic and political destabilization ranked high on al-Qaeda�s list of strategic objectives in the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center and Washington, DC. In addition to killing nearly 3,000 innocent people, the attacks immediately inflicted over $80 billion dollars in damage, sent the airline industry into a tailspin, and forced the United States to undertake the economic burden of a long war. Nevertheless, al-Qaeda failed to seriously destabilize the American economic and political systems. The current economic crisis, however, could foster critical mass not only in the American and world economies but also put the world democracies in jeopardy." Visit:
Grove City College - The Center for Vision and Values:
Grove City College - The Center for Vision and Values:
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Carry to Term with a Negative Prenatal Diagnosis - Home
Resource: With amniocentesis, many women will learn of their child's possible disability before the child's birth. Most doctors counsel abortion for women who may be carrying a disabled child. The web site, Carry to Term with a Negative Prenatal Diagnosis gives mothers of children with potential disabilities encouragement to give life to their children. Visit: Carry to Term with a Negative Prenatal Diagnosis - Home: "An adverse prenatal diagnosis is shattering. Your dreams and expectations are broken and, with them, your heart. We understand how deeply it hurts. We've been there too. But we also know that, if you can endure those first days of heartache, something good begins to come back. Mothers who did not know how they could possibly survive such a difficult thing, find strength they did not know they had and joys they never suspected."
Monday, October 06, 2008
Biden's Unreported Hypocrisy - HUMAN EVENTS
This brilliant analysis of Biden's debate performance is a must-read as well as a reminder to pro-lifers. From Human Events:
"Not a single analyst in a major press organ will call your attention to Joe Biden’s monstrous act of moral depravity, revealing in two distinct ways separate pathways of Democrat hypocrisy and cynicism.
Here is what happened. The penultimate question to the candidates was: is there any position you changed while in office upon achieving new insights into the legislative process? Biden said yes. When he arrived in the Judiciary Committee, he brought with him a belief from law school. It held that if a President nominates a qualified jurist for the Supreme Court, the Senate was bound to confirm the nominee. He soon came to conclude that ideology should also be considered as a factor, so he proudly fought the elevation of Judge Robert Bork to the court."
Biden went from a bi-partisan method of judges and decided that would no longer do - "every confirmation hearing would now become a partisan wrangle." For the complete article visit: Biden's Unreported Hypocrisy - HUMAN EVENTS:
And if you can't remember where Biden's lesson leads, remember Joe Biden was the Chairman of the Senate's Confirmation Hearings of Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas.
"Not a single analyst in a major press organ will call your attention to Joe Biden’s monstrous act of moral depravity, revealing in two distinct ways separate pathways of Democrat hypocrisy and cynicism.
Here is what happened. The penultimate question to the candidates was: is there any position you changed while in office upon achieving new insights into the legislative process? Biden said yes. When he arrived in the Judiciary Committee, he brought with him a belief from law school. It held that if a President nominates a qualified jurist for the Supreme Court, the Senate was bound to confirm the nominee. He soon came to conclude that ideology should also be considered as a factor, so he proudly fought the elevation of Judge Robert Bork to the court."
Biden went from a bi-partisan method of judges and decided that would no longer do - "every confirmation hearing would now become a partisan wrangle." For the complete article visit: Biden's Unreported Hypocrisy - HUMAN EVENTS:
And if you can't remember where Biden's lesson leads, remember Joe Biden was the Chairman of the Senate's Confirmation Hearings of Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas.
Bishop Martino of Scranton on Respect Life Sunday - Catholic Online
The Bishop of Scranton, Joseph F. Martino directed priests of the Diocese of Scranton to read a letter on Respect Life Sunday at the Masses of Obligation celebrated Oct. 4 and 5. In it the Bishop stated, "laws that protect abortion constitute injustice of the worst kind. They rest on several false claims including that there is no certainty when life begins, that there is no certainty about when a fetus becomes a person and that some human beings may be killed to advance the interests or convenience of others...The life of a human being begins at conception. the church has long taught this simple truth and science confirms it. Biologists can now show you the delicate and beautiful development of the human embryo in its first days of existence. this is simply a fact that reasonable people accept. Regarding the second, the embryo and the fetus have the potential to do all that an adult person does. Finally the claim that the human fetus may be sacrficed to the interests or convenience of his mother or someone else is greviously wrong. All three claims have the same result: the weakest and most vulnerable are denied because of their age, the most basic protection that we demand for ourselves. this is discrimination at its worst and no person of conscience should support it.
To read the Bishop's letter in its entirity visit:
Bishop Martino of Scranton on Respect Life Sunday - Catholic Online:
To read the Bishop's letter in its entirity visit:
Bishop Martino of Scranton on Respect Life Sunday - Catholic Online:
Friday, October 03, 2008
Michelle Malkin » SARAH ROCKS!
Probably the most exhaustive number of comments on the Biden-Palin debate can be found on Michelle Malkin's Blog:
"Sarah Palin is the real deal. Five weeks on the campaign trail, thrust onto the national stage, she rocked tonight’s debate.
She was warm, fresh, funny, confident, energetic, personable, relentless, and on message. She roasted Obama’s flip-flops on the surge and tea-with-dictators declarations, dinged Biden’s bash-Bush rhetoric, challenged the blame-America defeatism of the Left, and exuded the sunny optimism that energized the base in the first place." Michelle Malkin Visit:
Michelle Malkin » SARAH ROCKS!:
"Sarah Palin is the real deal. Five weeks on the campaign trail, thrust onto the national stage, she rocked tonight’s debate.
She was warm, fresh, funny, confident, energetic, personable, relentless, and on message. She roasted Obama’s flip-flops on the surge and tea-with-dictators declarations, dinged Biden’s bash-Bush rhetoric, challenged the blame-America defeatism of the Left, and exuded the sunny optimism that energized the base in the first place." Michelle Malkin Visit:
Michelle Malkin » SARAH ROCKS!:
Comments from Gary Bauer and Mike Gallagher on Sarah Palin's Debate Performance
Gary Bauer:
"Foreign policy was supposed to be the area in which Palin was most vulnerable.
But Palin was more than confident in criticizing Obama’s pledge to meet as
president with rogue foreign leaders without preconditions. And while foreign affairs is supposed to be Senator Joe Biden’s strong suit, it was Palin who had
most of the memorable lines. She deftly pointed out what a critic Biden had
been of Obama’s foreign policy before the Delaware senator had been chosen as Obama’s number two. And she added this memorable line about the Obama-Biden timeline for withdrawal in Iraq: “Your plan is a white flag of surrender in Iraq.... " Visit:
Homerun! - HUMAN EVENTS:
Radio talk show host and columnist, Mike Gallagher: "But no one who watched tonight's debate could suggest that Sarah Palin is incapable of smart,
intelligent, articulate dialogue. Even in the tough environment of a televised debate with such high stakes, Gov. Palin was charming, charismatic, witty,
folksy and captivating." Visit:
Mike Gallagher :: :: Don't
Underestimate Palin:
"Foreign policy was supposed to be the area in which Palin was most vulnerable.
But Palin was more than confident in criticizing Obama’s pledge to meet as
president with rogue foreign leaders without preconditions. And while foreign affairs is supposed to be Senator Joe Biden’s strong suit, it was Palin who had
most of the memorable lines. She deftly pointed out what a critic Biden had
been of Obama’s foreign policy before the Delaware senator had been chosen as Obama’s number two. And she added this memorable line about the Obama-Biden timeline for withdrawal in Iraq: “Your plan is a white flag of surrender in Iraq.... " Visit:
Homerun! - HUMAN EVENTS:
Radio talk show host and columnist, Mike Gallagher: "But no one who watched tonight's debate could suggest that Sarah Palin is incapable of smart,
intelligent, articulate dialogue. Even in the tough environment of a televised debate with such high stakes, Gov. Palin was charming, charismatic, witty,
folksy and captivating." Visit:
Mike Gallagher :: :: Don't
Underestimate Palin:
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Life Issues Town Hall With Chris Hackett Candidate for Congress Oct. 11 in Mayfield, Pa
Dear Friend of Life,
Chris Hackett is inviting you to meet with him in a special Life Issues Town Hall meeting at one of the three locations listed below.
This will be an opportunity to accomplish two very important goals: 1) to highlight the differences between Chris Hackett's pro-life positions and Chris Carney's anti-life voting record in Congress and 2) to raise life issues in the public's consciousness (at a time when they begin to tune into political races) promoting respect for life. The press will be invited and will be reporting the event.
The format for the evening will be for those in attendance to have a dialogue with Chris concerning the full range of life issues such as abortion, cloning, stem cell research, adoption, etc. He will be taking questions and answering them in an informal setting. Casual dress is recommended.
Chris would not only like you to attend one of these meetings, but would ask you to bring along others who would be interested in hearing his views on life issues. Each meeting will begin at 7 p.m. and last approximately 90 minutes. Coffee and cake will be served at the conclusion of the meeting and Chris will be available at that point to talk with you individually.
Please indicate your attendance by return email ( or by calling me at 570-937-3330. Thank you for considering being a part of these important meetings.
Jerry Birmelin – Coalitions Director, Hackett Campaign
Oct 11th location: St Rose Academy (former Lack Valley Heritage Center) Rt. 6 Mayfield, next to Lukoil gas station
Oct 13th location: Best Western Country Cupboard Inn, Rt. 15, Lewisburg, 5 miles south of I-80, next to Country Cupboard Restaurant
Oct 16th location: Triton Fire Hall, Rt. 6, Tunkhannock
Chris Hackett is inviting you to meet with him in a special Life Issues Town Hall meeting at one of the three locations listed below.
This will be an opportunity to accomplish two very important goals: 1) to highlight the differences between Chris Hackett's pro-life positions and Chris Carney's anti-life voting record in Congress and 2) to raise life issues in the public's consciousness (at a time when they begin to tune into political races) promoting respect for life. The press will be invited and will be reporting the event.
The format for the evening will be for those in attendance to have a dialogue with Chris concerning the full range of life issues such as abortion, cloning, stem cell research, adoption, etc. He will be taking questions and answering them in an informal setting. Casual dress is recommended.
Chris would not only like you to attend one of these meetings, but would ask you to bring along others who would be interested in hearing his views on life issues. Each meeting will begin at 7 p.m. and last approximately 90 minutes. Coffee and cake will be served at the conclusion of the meeting and Chris will be available at that point to talk with you individually.
Please indicate your attendance by return email ( or by calling me at 570-937-3330. Thank you for considering being a part of these important meetings.
Jerry Birmelin – Coalitions Director, Hackett Campaign
Oct 11th location: St Rose Academy (former Lack Valley Heritage Center) Rt. 6 Mayfield, next to Lukoil gas station
Oct 13th location: Best Western Country Cupboard Inn, Rt. 15, Lewisburg, 5 miles south of I-80, next to Country Cupboard Restaurant
Oct 16th location: Triton Fire Hall, Rt. 6, Tunkhannock
Rachel's Vineyard Retreats for Post-Abortion Healing
The following is a list of Rachel's Vineyard
Retreats for Post-Abortion Healing which will be
held in the cities listed below:
Rachel's Vineyard Retreats for Pennsylvania
Allentown Contact: Maryann Dunn M.S. 866-372-2435
Retreat Dates: TBA
Clarks Summit/Scranton
Contact: Denise Rowinski Mengak 570-822-7118 x307
Retreat Dates: Nov. 7-9, 2008
Contact: Joy Crimmins 717-993-5450
Note: Monthly Support Group
Contact: Ann 717-854-8542
Retreat Dates: Dec. 5-7, 2008
Contact: Susan Fetta 267-880-3631
Retreat Dates: Feb. 20-22, 2009
Philadelphia Area
Contact: Priscilla 215-906-6337
Contact: Geri Simboli 610-399-0890
Retreat Dates: Oct. 10-12, 2008
Contact: Ann Depner 412-456-6955
Retreat Dates: Feb. 6-8, 2009
Pittsburgh (Western PA)
Contact: Abigayle Koller 412-977-9521
Note: Interdenominational Retreat
Retreat Dates: April 24-26, 2009
York County
Contact Joy Crimmins 717-993-5450
Contact Denise Douglas 210-354-6900
Retreat Dates: Oct. 24-26, 2008
Rachael's Vineyard Retreats for New York
Long Island/Uniondale
Contact: Frank and Lorraine Gariboldi 516-523-0586
Retreat Dates: Oct. 31-Nov.2, 2008, June 16-18, 2009
Long Island/Uniondale (Español)
Contact: Donna Crean 631-258-5062
Note: Español Retreat Dates: Feb. 20-22,2009
Contact: Colleen Miner 518-891-2309
Retreat Dates: TBA
Contact: Betsy 585-328-0648
Contact: Betsy 585-313-7100
Retreat Dates: Nov.21-23,2008
Rachel's Vineyard Retreats for New Jersey
Cherry Hill
Contact: Stephanie Claudy 866-4-RACHEL
Retreat Dates: December 5-7, 2008
Local Host: Archdiocese of Newark
Contact: Michelle Krystofik 732-388-8211
Retreat Dates: Nov. 21-23, 2008
Jan.16-18, 2009, March 13-15, 2009
Paterson/Morris County
Local Host: Paterson Diocese
Contact: Marie Ryan 973-777-8818 x264
Retreat Location: Morris County
Retreat Dates: TBA
Contact: Judy Warenkiewicz 732-536-6871
Retreat Dates:
October 10-12, 2008
Retreats for Post-Abortion Healing which will be
held in the cities listed below:
Rachel's Vineyard Retreats for Pennsylvania
Allentown Contact: Maryann Dunn M.S. 866-372-2435
Retreat Dates: TBA
Clarks Summit/Scranton
Contact: Denise Rowinski Mengak 570-822-7118 x307
Retreat Dates: Nov. 7-9, 2008
Contact: Joy Crimmins 717-993-5450
Note: Monthly Support Group
Contact: Ann 717-854-8542
Retreat Dates: Dec. 5-7, 2008
Contact: Susan Fetta 267-880-3631
Retreat Dates: Feb. 20-22, 2009
Philadelphia Area
Contact: Priscilla 215-906-6337
Contact: Geri Simboli 610-399-0890
Retreat Dates: Oct. 10-12, 2008
Contact: Ann Depner 412-456-6955
Retreat Dates: Feb. 6-8, 2009
Pittsburgh (Western PA)
Contact: Abigayle Koller 412-977-9521
Note: Interdenominational Retreat
Retreat Dates: April 24-26, 2009
York County
Contact Joy Crimmins 717-993-5450
Contact Denise Douglas 210-354-6900
Retreat Dates: Oct. 24-26, 2008
Rachael's Vineyard Retreats for New York
Long Island/Uniondale
Contact: Frank and Lorraine Gariboldi 516-523-0586
Retreat Dates: Oct. 31-Nov.2, 2008, June 16-18, 2009
Long Island/Uniondale (Español)
Contact: Donna Crean 631-258-5062
Note: Español Retreat Dates: Feb. 20-22,2009
Contact: Colleen Miner 518-891-2309
Retreat Dates: TBA
Contact: Betsy 585-328-0648
Contact: Betsy 585-313-7100
Retreat Dates: Nov.21-23,2008
Rachel's Vineyard Retreats for New Jersey
Cherry Hill
Contact: Stephanie Claudy 866-4-RACHEL
Retreat Dates: December 5-7, 2008
Local Host: Archdiocese of Newark
Contact: Michelle Krystofik 732-388-8211
Retreat Dates: Nov. 21-23, 2008
Jan.16-18, 2009, March 13-15, 2009
Paterson/Morris County
Local Host: Paterson Diocese
Contact: Marie Ryan 973-777-8818 x264
Retreat Location: Morris County
Retreat Dates: TBA
Contact: Judy Warenkiewicz 732-536-6871
Retreat Dates:
October 10-12, 2008