Wednesday, October 29, 2008

YouTube - Woah! Newt Gingrich Compares Biased US Media to Pravda

PHOTO: Sarah Palin in Scranton, PA
Newt, "Liberal media likened to Pravda?" I've been saying that for years! On Obama's behalf they overlook ACORN, Obama's Infanticide Votes, Obama's ties to Planned Parenthood, Bill Ayres, etc. The media is ignoring the birth certificate issue,Obama's campaign contributions from foreigners, his endless promisses to anyone and everyone. With a straight face Obama says he won't raise taxes? Who can get away with this without having the media in their back pocket. Meanwhile, Sarah Palin is vilified. (Remember Christians those on God's side will be persecuted.) Palin has been attacked from day one. The following video is of Newt Gingrich commenting on this subject. Pray! Sue Cirba
YouTube - Woah! Newt Gingrich Compares Biased US Media to Pravda: ""

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