Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Carry to Term with a Negative Prenatal Diagnosis - Home

Resource: With amniocentesis, many women will learn of their child's possible disability before the child's birth. Most doctors counsel abortion for women who may be carrying a disabled child. The web site, Carry to Term with a Negative Prenatal Diagnosis gives mothers of children with potential disabilities encouragement to give life to their children. Visit: Carry to Term with a Negative Prenatal Diagnosis - Home: "An adverse prenatal diagnosis is shattering. Your dreams and expectations are broken and, with them, your heart. We understand how deeply it hurts. We've been there too. But we also know that, if you can endure those first days of heartache, something good begins to come back. Mothers who did not know how they could possibly survive such a difficult thing, find strength they did not know they had and joys they never suspected."

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