First Baby, Trig Palin: "Sarah Palin, a mother of four in her 40s, a governor, a very busy working woman who already “had it all,” was told only 10 months ago that the child she was carrying in her womb had Down syndrome. True to her principles and integrity, she chose life when other mothers choose abortion. That baby, born in April, is now a member of her family. It was a choice that has thrilled pro-lifers and has excited them more than any other aspect of the Palin pick.
Second Baby, the nameless baby left to die at Christ Medical Center, Oaklawn, Il: Nurse Jill Stanek witnessed the death of this child born by abortion and testified before Obama’s committee in the Illinois Senate: Stanek said of the baby, “He was too weak to move very much,expending any energy he had trying to breathe."
Sen. Barak Obama was unfazed by her sad testimony of cradling a newborn baby who had just survived an abortion but was refused medical care." To read Dr. Paul Kengore's article visit: - A Tale of 2 Down Syndrome Babies:
Pennsylvania Right to Life Issues, Pro-Life Education and Resources, Abortion, Health Care, End of Life Issues, 2020 Elections. Covid19 related issues, Catholic Faith
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Scranton Diocese priests read abortion position letter to parishioners | News | - The Times-Tribune
The Scranton Times reports that a letter from the Bishop of Scranton,Joseph Martino, concerning the church's position on abortion, will be read at all the Masses this weekend in the Diocese of Scranton.
"Jesus Christ ... does not ask us to take up his Cross only to have us leave it at the voting booth door,” Bishop Martino says in the two-page pastoral letter, which will also be circulated with all parish bulletins on Saturday and Sunday. In it, he criticizes the laws that protect abortion rights and takes particular aim at political candidates who express support for those rights" The article continues: Scranton Diocese priests read abortion position letter to parishioners | News | - The Times-Tribune:
"Jesus Christ ... does not ask us to take up his Cross only to have us leave it at the voting booth door,” Bishop Martino says in the two-page pastoral letter, which will also be circulated with all parish bulletins on Saturday and Sunday. In it, he criticizes the laws that protect abortion rights and takes particular aim at political candidates who express support for those rights" The article continues: Scranton Diocese priests read abortion position letter to parishioners | News | - The Times-Tribune:
Sunday, September 28, 2008
The Elephant in the Room: Hope does not disappoint | Philadelphia Inquirer | 09/25/2008
Senator Rick Santorum, (U.S. Senator from PA from 1995-2007) currently writes for the Philadelphia Inquirer. Senator Santorum's recent column is about his personal experiences of children with Down Syndrome. Sadly, America's abortion culture aborts 90% of children with Down Syndrome. Sarah Palin and the Santorums provide America with an alternate view.
"Four months ago, Karen and I were blessed with our eighth child, Bella, who three days later was diagnosed with Trisomy 18, a syndrome with a mortality rate of more than 90 percent in the first year. I subsequently discovered that a friend's 12-year-old son, Brendan, who also had Down syndrome, had a reoccurrence of leukemia. Then, two weeks ago, a friend's father performed a heroic act to save the life of his 20-year-old son with Down syndrome. And 12 years ago next week, our family will commemorate the date when we were told that Karen's fourth pregnancy had gone 'awry.'"To read this moving story visit: The Elephant in the Room: Hope does not disappoint | Philadelphia Inquirer | 09/25/2008:
"Four months ago, Karen and I were blessed with our eighth child, Bella, who three days later was diagnosed with Trisomy 18, a syndrome with a mortality rate of more than 90 percent in the first year. I subsequently discovered that a friend's 12-year-old son, Brendan, who also had Down syndrome, had a reoccurrence of leukemia. Then, two weeks ago, a friend's father performed a heroic act to save the life of his 20-year-old son with Down syndrome. And 12 years ago next week, our family will commemorate the date when we were told that Karen's fourth pregnancy had gone 'awry.'"To read this moving story visit: The Elephant in the Room: Hope does not disappoint | Philadelphia Inquirer | 09/25/2008:
Friday, September 26, 2008
Born Alive Truth
"In 1999 a gruesome discovery was made that an Illinois hospital was shelving babies to die in a soiled utility room who had survived their abortions.
The Illinois Born Alive Infants Protection Act was introduced in 2001 to provide legal protection to all born babies, wanted or not, including the right to medical care.
Then-state Senator Barack Obama voted against Born Alive 4 times in 3 years and was the sole senator to speak against it on the Senate floor in 2001 and 2002.
In 2002, the Federal version of Born Alive passed unanimously in the US Senate and by overwhelming voice vote in the House. The pro-abortion group NARAL even went neutral on the bill.
But In 2003, Barack Obama voted against the identical version of Born Alive in Illinois. Then, for the next 4 years he repeatedly misrepresented his vote until it was recently discovered in the IL General Assembly archives." To learn more visit Born Alive Truth:
The Illinois Born Alive Infants Protection Act was introduced in 2001 to provide legal protection to all born babies, wanted or not, including the right to medical care.
Then-state Senator Barack Obama voted against Born Alive 4 times in 3 years and was the sole senator to speak against it on the Senate floor in 2001 and 2002.
In 2002, the Federal version of Born Alive passed unanimously in the US Senate and by overwhelming voice vote in the House. The pro-abortion group NARAL even went neutral on the bill.
But In 2003, Barack Obama voted against the identical version of Born Alive in Illinois. Then, for the next 4 years he repeatedly misrepresented his vote until it was recently discovered in the IL General Assembly archives." To learn more visit Born Alive Truth:
Thursday, September 25, 2008
WILK-FM - McCain In Scranton, Does 1 on 1 With Corbett
For a transcript of Senator John McCain's remarks in a Scranton Townhall Sept. 22 and McCain's exclusive interview with Steve Corbett, WILK Radio talk show host visit: WILK-FM - McCain In Scranton, Does 1 on 1 With Corbett Listen to Senator McCain's remarks on healthcare and the criticism an audience member directed toward the media for "picking on little children" refering to the cricicism the media has doled out to Sarah Palin and her children begins at 26.28.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
WILK-FM - McCain's Wisdom Reflects Strength
"McCain found in that POW camp what some people call enlightenment. Clarity now guides him through the good times and the bad, through sickness and health, and into tomorrow – wherever that might be and whatever that might bring." CHEESEBURGERS BATMAN! I NEVER THOUGHT I'D BE POSTING SOMETHING FROM CORBETT!
WILK-FM - McCain's Wisdom Reflects Strength:
WILK-FM - McCain's Wisdom Reflects Strength:
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
40 Days for Life Camapign in Scranton Begins with Mass

If you have questions about Scranton's prayer campaign or would like to volunteer, please e-mail or to volunteer.
The 40 Days for Life Scranton blog can be found in a Google search. It is used to alert prayer team members to local 40 Days for Life events,to schedule volunteers. occasionally provide photos or news about the national campaign and spiritual reflections. Current difficulties with blogger prohibit a link to the 40 Days blog. Scranton’s prayer vigil site is the sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood, 316 Penn Ave., Scranton, Pa. Pro-life people living in or near Scranton are encouraged to sign up for prayer vigil hours using the e-mails previously mentioned.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Senator John McCain appeared at a Townhall meeting in Scranton Pennsylvania this morning. As one Scranton Times reporter noted "What stood out most in a packed crowd at the Scranton Cultural Center Monday morning were the veterans and military families -- many wearing hats touting the military branch they or loved ones serve in -- and the Catholic moms, with children in one hand and anti-abortion rights signs in the other." The reporter interviewed Mae Salitski of Carbondale, a 16-year-old who said her family supports John McCain because of the abortion issue. Miss Salitsky added, "I believe life starts from conception. And I would think it should be obvious to everyone." The article continues:
McCain message resonates with military families, pro-life supporters<font color = blue><i><font size = -2> with video</font></i></font> | News | - The Times-Tribune:
McCain message resonates with military families, pro-life supporters<font color = blue><i><font size = -2> with video</font></i></font> | News | - The Times-Tribune:
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
NYT: Abortion dividing Catholic votes - The New York Times-
Once a reliable Democratic voting bloc, Catholics have emerged as a pivotal swing vote in recent presidential races. Evenly divided in a New York Times-CBS News poll over the summer, Catholics make up about a quarter of the national electorate and about a third in the pivotal battleground states of Michigan, Missouri, Ohio and Pennsylvania . 'Whoever wins the Catholic vote will generally win our state and, most of the time, the nation,' said G. Terry Madonna, a political scientist at Franklin & Marshall College in Lancaster, Pa.
And Scranton, a city dominated by the kind of white working-class Catholics who have often defected from the Democrats in presidential elections, is a focus of special attention this year" Visit: NYT: Abortion dividing Catholic votes - The New York Times-
And Scranton, a city dominated by the kind of white working-class Catholics who have often defected from the Democrats in presidential elections, is a focus of special attention this year" Visit: NYT: Abortion dividing Catholic votes - The New York Times-
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Gibson Doctrine
I watched part of the Charles Gibson's interview of Sarah Palin and felt Gibson was true to his elitist, anti-Christian views. Like most in the media, Gibson scoffs at devout Christians. I was particularly annoyed by his reference to Palin's soldier son as "being on a mission from God". If I could have jumped through the TV, I would have interjected, "We all have a mission from God Mr. Gibson, some of us seek and follow it and others choose to follow their own path."
This article from Real Clear Politics is evidence others were also annoyed by Gibson's interview.
Dennis Prager wrote:
"Gibson intended to humiliate Palin.
It wasn't even subtle. Virtually everything Gibson did and virtually every question he posed was designed to trap, or trick, or demean Gov. Palin. There are views of his face that so reek of contempt that anyone shown photos of his look would immediately identify it as contemptuous." Visit: RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Gibson Doctrine:
This article from Real Clear Politics is evidence others were also annoyed by Gibson's interview.
Dennis Prager wrote:
"Gibson intended to humiliate Palin.
It wasn't even subtle. Virtually everything Gibson did and virtually every question he posed was designed to trap, or trick, or demean Gov. Palin. There are views of his face that so reek of contempt that anyone shown photos of his look would immediately identify it as contemptuous." Visit: RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Gibson Doctrine:
Monday, September 15, 2008
The Diocese of Scranton- TV Interview - 40 Days for Life
“Our Faith, Our Diocese” is a monthly one-hour program that follows a news magazine format. It includes interviews, coverage of Diocesan events and ministries, previews of upcoming activities, catechesis on the faith, and other segments.
Featured segments on this episode of Our Faith, Our Diocese include:
Bishop Joseph F. Martino; Faithful Citizenship
Diocesan Annual Appeal; Communications/Evangelization
St. Francis of Assisi Kitchen, 30th Anniversary
40 Days for Life - Fall Campaign
Fr. Charles Connor, St. John the Evangelist, Susquehanna
To learn more about 40 Days for Life in Scranton, watch Our Faith, Our Diocese.
It will air on:
Wednesday, September 17, 10 a.m.
Tuesday, September 23, 8 p.m.
Friday, September 26, 11 a.m.
Monday, September 29, 2 p.m.
Thursday, October 2, 9 p.m.
Or visit: The Diocese of Scranton: If you would like to volunteer for 40 Days for Life e-mail
Featured segments on this episode of Our Faith, Our Diocese include:
Bishop Joseph F. Martino; Faithful Citizenship
Diocesan Annual Appeal; Communications/Evangelization
St. Francis of Assisi Kitchen, 30th Anniversary
40 Days for Life - Fall Campaign
Fr. Charles Connor, St. John the Evangelist, Susquehanna
To learn more about 40 Days for Life in Scranton, watch Our Faith, Our Diocese.
It will air on:
Wednesday, September 17, 10 a.m.
Tuesday, September 23, 8 p.m.
Friday, September 26, 11 a.m.
Monday, September 29, 2 p.m.
Thursday, October 2, 9 p.m.
Or visit: The Diocese of Scranton: If you would like to volunteer for 40 Days for Life e-mail
John McCain's Record (On Abortion) According to Obama
In case you were wondering how rabidly pro-abortion Barak Obama really is,
look at the pitch he is making to young women in this ad found on hotmail:
John McCain's Record
If John Mccain voted 125 times against abortion, that deserves a standing
ovation in my book!
look at the pitch he is making to young women in this ad found on hotmail:
John McCain's Record
If John Mccain voted 125 times against abortion, that deserves a standing
ovation in my book!
ABC News: EXCERPTS: Charlie Gibson Interviews Sarah Palin
ABC News: EXCERPTS: Charlie Gibson Interviews Sarah Palin: "EXCERPTS: Charlie Gibson Interviews Sarah Palin
Republican VP Candidate Speaks with ABC News' Charlie Gibson in Exclusive Interview"
To listen to the entire interview of Gov. Palin click on WATCH: Governor Palin the Full Interview at the right hand column (near bottom of right column) on the same page as Excerpts.
Republican VP Candidate Speaks with ABC News' Charlie Gibson in Exclusive Interview"
To listen to the entire interview of Gov. Palin click on WATCH: Governor Palin the Full Interview at the right hand column (near bottom of right column) on the same page as Excerpts.
Friday, September 12, 2008
See the story of Billy Graham
What American hasn't been inspired by the words of Billy Graham? Finally, movies with Christian themes are appearing in our theaters again!
U.K. Mother Murders Daughter Because "Embarrassed" by Disability
"CHESTER, Wales, September 12, 2008 ( - This week, a UK court heard the case of a mother who allegedly deliberately drowned her disabled child in a bath because she was ashamed and embarrassed by her daughter's cerebral palsy.
According to the Telegraph, prosecutor Michael Chambers explained to the court how Joanne Hill's husband had refused to give four-year old Naomi up for adoption, despite Joanne's inability to accept the fact that her daughter had cerebral palsy" The mother took and drowned this precious 4 year old in her home bathtub. When you see the picture of this beautiful child you will be absolutely sickened at the thought that her own mother could kill her.
My college internship was working at United Cerebral Palsey on Lackawanna Ave in Scranton (It is no longer there.) I remember a young woman in her twenties by the name of Janice. Janice was in a wheelchair, her hands were twisted and her speech was dificult to understand at first. I used to help her with reading. The thing I most remember about Janice is that she was a happy person - despite all the physical problems she had, she enjoyed life. Little Naomi Hill will never get to grow up and develop her talents and enjoy life, its heart wrenching.
Naomi Hill's tragic story continues here: U.K. Mother Murders Daughter Because "Embarrassed" by Disability:
According to the Telegraph, prosecutor Michael Chambers explained to the court how Joanne Hill's husband had refused to give four-year old Naomi up for adoption, despite Joanne's inability to accept the fact that her daughter had cerebral palsy" The mother took and drowned this precious 4 year old in her home bathtub. When you see the picture of this beautiful child you will be absolutely sickened at the thought that her own mother could kill her.
My college internship was working at United Cerebral Palsey on Lackawanna Ave in Scranton (It is no longer there.) I remember a young woman in her twenties by the name of Janice. Janice was in a wheelchair, her hands were twisted and her speech was dificult to understand at first. I used to help her with reading. The thing I most remember about Janice is that she was a happy person - despite all the physical problems she had, she enjoyed life. Little Naomi Hill will never get to grow up and develop her talents and enjoy life, its heart wrenching.
Naomi Hill's tragic story continues here: U.K. Mother Murders Daughter Because "Embarrassed" by Disability:
Monday, September 08, 2008
Joe Biden Interview on MSNBC
Biden on religion, abortion
Sept. 7: Democratic vice presidential nominee Joe Biden discusses religion and abortion with NBC’s Tom Brokaw on “Meet the Press." Biden tries to explain away his votes for abortion by stating he is "personally opposed" to abortion.
Biden Interview on MSNBC
Sept. 7: Democratic vice presidential nominee Joe Biden discusses religion and abortion with NBC’s Tom Brokaw on “Meet the Press." Biden tries to explain away his votes for abortion by stating he is "personally opposed" to abortion.
Biden Interview on MSNBC
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Full Text: Remarks by John McCain - 2008 Republican National Convention
Remarks by Senator John McCain: "I fight to restore the pride and principles of our party. We were elected to change Washington, and we let Washington change us. We lost the trust of the American people when some Republicans gave in to the temptations of corruption. We lost their trust when rather than reform government, both parties made it bigger. We lost their trust when instead of freeing ourselves from a dangerous dependence on foreign oil, both parties and Senator Obama passed another corporate welfare bill for oil companies. We lost their trust, when we valued our power over our principles.
We’re going to change that. We’re going to recover the people’s trust by standing up again for the values Americans admire. The party of Lincoln, Roosevelt and Reagan is going to get back to basics.
We believe everyone has something to contribute and deserves the opportunity to reach their God-given potential from the boy whose descendents arrived on the Mayflower to the Latina daughter of migrant workers. We’re all God’s children and we’re all Americans.
We believe in low taxes; spending discipline, and open markets. We believe in rewarding hard work and risk takers and letting people keep the fruits of their labor.
We believe in a strong defense, work, faith, service, a culture of life, personal responsibility, the rule of law, and judges who dispense justice impartially and don’t legislate from the bench" For the full text of Senator Mccain's remarks visit: Full Text: Remarks by John McCain - 2008 Republican National Convention:
We’re going to change that. We’re going to recover the people’s trust by standing up again for the values Americans admire. The party of Lincoln, Roosevelt and Reagan is going to get back to basics.
We believe everyone has something to contribute and deserves the opportunity to reach their God-given potential from the boy whose descendents arrived on the Mayflower to the Latina daughter of migrant workers. We’re all God’s children and we’re all Americans.
We believe in low taxes; spending discipline, and open markets. We believe in rewarding hard work and risk takers and letting people keep the fruits of their labor.
We believe in a strong defense, work, faith, service, a culture of life, personal responsibility, the rule of law, and judges who dispense justice impartially and don’t legislate from the bench" For the full text of Senator Mccain's remarks visit: Full Text: Remarks by John McCain - 2008 Republican National Convention:
Remarks As Prepared for Delivery: Former U.S. Sen. Fred Thompson - 2008 Republican National Convention
The speeches I enjoyed most from the Republican National Convention were those by former senator Fred Thompson, Governor Palin and Senator McCain so I've posted links to all three.
Former Senator Fred Thompson:
"Some Washington pundits and media big shots are in a frenzy over the selection of a woman who has actually governed rather than just talked a good game on the Sunday talk shows and hit the Washington cocktail circuit. Well, give me a tough Alaskan Governor who has taken on the political establishment in the largest state in the Union -- and won -- over the beltway business-as-usual crowd any day of the week.
Let's be clear ... the selection of Governor Palin has the other side and their friends in the media in a state of panic. She is a courageous, successful, reformer, who is not afraid to take on the establishment.
Sound like anyone else we know?" For more of Fred Thompson's RNC speech visit: Remarks As Prepared for Delivery: Former U.S. Sen. Fred Thompson - 2008 Republican National Convention:
Former Senator Fred Thompson:
"Some Washington pundits and media big shots are in a frenzy over the selection of a woman who has actually governed rather than just talked a good game on the Sunday talk shows and hit the Washington cocktail circuit. Well, give me a tough Alaskan Governor who has taken on the political establishment in the largest state in the Union -- and won -- over the beltway business-as-usual crowd any day of the week.
Let's be clear ... the selection of Governor Palin has the other side and their friends in the media in a state of panic. She is a courageous, successful, reformer, who is not afraid to take on the establishment.
Sound like anyone else we know?" For more of Fred Thompson's RNC speech visit: Remarks As Prepared for Delivery: Former U.S. Sen. Fred Thompson - 2008 Republican National Convention:
Remarks as Prepared for Delivery by Alaska Governor Sarah Palin - 2008 Republican National Convention
Governor Sarah Palin from her speech at the Republican National Convention:
"Before I became governor of the great state of Alaska, I was mayor of my hometown. And since our opponents in this presidential election seem to look down on that experience, let me explain to them what the job involves.
I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a 'community organizer,' except that you have actual responsibilities. I might add that in small towns, we don't quite know what to make of a candidate who lavishes praise on working people when they are listening, and then talks about how bitterly they cling to their religion and guns when those people aren't listening.
We tend to prefer candidates who don't talk about us one way in Scranton and another way in San Francisco." Palin's speech continues here: Remarks as Prepared for Delivery by Alaska Governor Sarah Palin - 2008 Republican National Convention:
"Before I became governor of the great state of Alaska, I was mayor of my hometown. And since our opponents in this presidential election seem to look down on that experience, let me explain to them what the job involves.
I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a 'community organizer,' except that you have actual responsibilities. I might add that in small towns, we don't quite know what to make of a candidate who lavishes praise on working people when they are listening, and then talks about how bitterly they cling to their religion and guns when those people aren't listening.
We tend to prefer candidates who don't talk about us one way in Scranton and another way in San Francisco." Palin's speech continues here: Remarks as Prepared for Delivery by Alaska Governor Sarah Palin - 2008 Republican National Convention:
Friday, September 05, 2008
Last Abortion Clinic in South Dakota Closes after Law Requires Patients be Informed of Possible Side Effects
Here's one of those stories that I meant to post but forgot while on vacation.
I'll post it here as an encouragement to all the 40 Days for Life prayer warriors who are gearing up for the Fall campaign which begins Sept. 24th.
Last Abortion Clinic in South Dakota Closes after Law Requires Patients be Informed of Possible Side Effects "Planned Parenthood closed its doors after their abortionists, who are flown in from other states, refused to work under the new law that went into effect the end of July 2008. The law orders abortionists to inform patients of the humanity of their babies and that the procedure could affect their mental health two hours before the abortion is set to be performed. The law also provides that abortionists can be sued if they do not comply." For More information visit: Last Abortion Clinic in South Dakota Closes after Law Requires Patients be Informed of Possible Side Effects:
I'll post it here as an encouragement to all the 40 Days for Life prayer warriors who are gearing up for the Fall campaign which begins Sept. 24th.
Last Abortion Clinic in South Dakota Closes after Law Requires Patients be Informed of Possible Side Effects "Planned Parenthood closed its doors after their abortionists, who are flown in from other states, refused to work under the new law that went into effect the end of July 2008. The law orders abortionists to inform patients of the humanity of their babies and that the procedure could affect their mental health two hours before the abortion is set to be performed. The law also provides that abortionists can be sued if they do not comply." For More information visit: Last Abortion Clinic in South Dakota Closes after Law Requires Patients be Informed of Possible Side Effects:
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
‘I Am Home, Joe Biden, 9•1•08’ with photo gallery | News | - The Times-Tribune
The following is one of several articles on Senator Joe Biden's visit to Scranton. The visit was an attempt to gain votes locally. Some referenced his schooling at St. Paul's in an effort to convince Catholics that Biden is a man of faith.
However, Biden's pro-abortion voting record and his relationship with the National Abortion Rights Action League should prove that Biden's faith is clearly not Roman Catholic in practice. Nancy Keenan, president of NARAL Pro-Choice America, issued the following statement in response to Obama's selection of Joe Biden as his running mate. "Sen. Biden has consistently expressed support for a woman's right to choose (abortion)...."we have a longstanding relationship with Sen. Biden that is open, positive, and constructive, and we are confident this will continue in a new administration under Sen. Obama's pro-choice leadership."
"Most notably, Sen. Biden has a strong record of opposing judicial nominees with hostile anti-choice records. He voted against George W. Bush's two anti-choice nominees to the U.S. Supreme Court, John Roberts and Samuel Alito, and he opposed anti-choice Justice Clarence Thomas' nomination to the Court as well as multiple anti-choice nominees to lower federal courts." Remember folks, the choice Keenan is talking about here is the choice of a women to abort her child at any statge of development.
Bishop Martino of Scranton is certainly aware that Senator Biden is a proponent of the abortion culture.(See following article)
If you can stomach the mushey stuff from the Times: "Mr. Biden, who was born at Mercy Hospital, remembers standing against the edge of a kitchen doorway so his mother could measure his height. He remembers his Aunt Gertie Finnegan lived in the attic, her rice pudding and the way she could scratch away an itchy back.
He told the story of how his Irish Catholic mother, the former Catherine Eugenia Finnegan, urged him to go back into the alley behind the home, Dimmick Avenue, and punch in the nose a boy who knocked him down, as his father taught him. When he did that, the boy’s friends scattered, he said." Times story continues:‘I Am Home, Joe Biden, 9•1•08’<font color = blue><i><font size = -2> with photo gallery</font></i></font> | News | - The Times-Tribune:
Someone ought to tell the Times being born of an Irish Catholic mother may make someone half Irish, but it does not necessarily make them Catholic.
However, Biden's pro-abortion voting record and his relationship with the National Abortion Rights Action League should prove that Biden's faith is clearly not Roman Catholic in practice. Nancy Keenan, president of NARAL Pro-Choice America, issued the following statement in response to Obama's selection of Joe Biden as his running mate. "Sen. Biden has consistently expressed support for a woman's right to choose (abortion)...."we have a longstanding relationship with Sen. Biden that is open, positive, and constructive, and we are confident this will continue in a new administration under Sen. Obama's pro-choice leadership."
"Most notably, Sen. Biden has a strong record of opposing judicial nominees with hostile anti-choice records. He voted against George W. Bush's two anti-choice nominees to the U.S. Supreme Court, John Roberts and Samuel Alito, and he opposed anti-choice Justice Clarence Thomas' nomination to the Court as well as multiple anti-choice nominees to lower federal courts." Remember folks, the choice Keenan is talking about here is the choice of a women to abort her child at any statge of development.
Bishop Martino of Scranton is certainly aware that Senator Biden is a proponent of the abortion culture.(See following article)
If you can stomach the mushey stuff from the Times: "Mr. Biden, who was born at Mercy Hospital, remembers standing against the edge of a kitchen doorway so his mother could measure his height. He remembers his Aunt Gertie Finnegan lived in the attic, her rice pudding and the way she could scratch away an itchy back.
He told the story of how his Irish Catholic mother, the former Catherine Eugenia Finnegan, urged him to go back into the alley behind the home, Dimmick Avenue, and punch in the nose a boy who knocked him down, as his father taught him. When he did that, the boy’s friends scattered, he said." Times story continues:‘I Am Home, Joe Biden, 9•1•08’<font color = blue><i><font size = -2> with photo gallery</font></i></font> | News | - The Times-Tribune:
Someone ought to tell the Times being born of an Irish Catholic mother may make someone half Irish, but it does not necessarily make them Catholic.
Scranton Bishop Says He will Refuse Communion to Joseph Biden
From Life Site News: "The Times reports that 'when asked whether the Democratic vice presidential candidate would be refused Communion should he tour the region, the diocese held firm' to a statement made by Bishop Joseph F. Martino in 2005 declaring that he would not 'tolerate any politician who claims to be a faithful Catholic who is not genuinely pro-life' receiving Holy Communion.The LifeSite article continues:Scranton Bishop Says He will Refuse Communion to Joseph Biden:
'No Catholic politician who supports the culture of death should approach Holy Communion,' said Bishop Martino, who added, 'I will be truly vigilant on this point.'"
'No Catholic politician who supports the culture of death should approach Holy Communion,' said Bishop Martino, who added, 'I will be truly vigilant on this point.'"
California plans to drug depressed patients to death
In California, "'AB 2747 allows a physician assistant or a nurse to opine that a patient is 'terminal,' and then push for unnatural death by 'palliative sedation,'' said Randy Thomasson, chief of the Campaign for Children and Families shortly after the vote.
'Depressed patients who succumb to this pressure will be drugged unconscious and die from dehydration, usually within five to 10 days. Nothing in the bill prohibits this horror,' he said.
Forty-two Democrats in California voted in favor of the plan: 30 Republicans and two Democrats opposed the plan." Continued here: California plans to drug depressed patients to death:
'Depressed patients who succumb to this pressure will be drugged unconscious and die from dehydration, usually within five to 10 days. Nothing in the bill prohibits this horror,' he said.
Forty-two Democrats in California voted in favor of the plan: 30 Republicans and two Democrats opposed the plan." Continued here: California plans to drug depressed patients to death: